Will you play her game?
Assassins Creed: Origins
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whats her name? i want to eat her
do you think she likes to play yugioh?
Cleopatra was black not buying this whitewashed game.
Ass Creed is shit, so no.
You know, just parroting tired memes at any slight opportunity is never going to be funny.
Which one?
Yea of course, most women do.
Neither is parroting lines from your fellow viral marketers.
Supposedly, the real Cleopatra was a butterface.
Wasn't cleopatra descibed as having "milk white" skin, there are those stories about her bathing in milk because of that too
The seventh
Not yet.
Greeks with milk white skin are rare.
And she was probably a mix of Ptolemaic Greek dynasty and from Egypts Mediterranean race nobility.
Probably a shade whiter than in op and nothing like this cancer
This. She wasn't white and she wasn't a sub Saharan negroid.
Yeah but i'm just asking based on what was written about her
Those milk baths are a pretty well known thing too
>some mexican instead of black Cleopatra
Fucking history revisionists
I'd say greeks with milk white skin are rare because they became Turks.
>Egyptians were white
I posted so you don't have to tell me that, unless you're saying there's a shill war on Sup Forums where shills for different companies smear each other's efforts.
Good luck living in Egypt without getting tanned
Cleopatra was greek
Pale people don't tan.
They get red sunburn.
The more you know.
>Literally becoming a WE WUZ
Thank you Sup Forums for making it impossible to post a generic Cleopatra without it turning into a race discussion.
So you're saying she was a red skin?
I'm not saying that ancient egyptian were black, because they weren't.
I'm saying that Cleopatra was probably the least egyptian ruler of ancient Egypt.
At the time of Cleopatra, Egypt was basically a greek colony.
No, the people that lived next to her wrote that she had pale skin.
A noble female never has to spend time in the sun my dear sheltered brainlet.
So what was her secret, hot body?
That navel tho
Why wouldn't she? Her people invented the fucking game.
her culture and dialectic
or at least thats what's being reported on several sources
You are thinking about nobles in Europe, fucking retard.
There's no way in hell she would have avoided the sun in Egypt.
She was apparantly so utterly beautiful that she kept having artists ugly her up a bit in pretty much every rendition of herself, so that people didn't just see her as a prettt face.
Do you think we'll get to see Cleopatra's tits? Ubisoft is not afraid of showing the titties in games.
Being the highest nobility of an exotic region with rich history?
Being a pale queen in a sand region, probably wearing lots of pretty jewlery and clothes must look nice.
But it's always the character, enough of it to get the most powerful man on the planet.
dude fuck assassins
i want to play as caesar
She was a woman with actual overt power. This turned Romans on because they were used to women operating in shadows and not really holding any real power officially. And, you know, Egypt had the grain so some sucking up was in order.
She was a Queen and DTF.
Dunno but I heard there's brothels with tits out
What the fuck? I thought this was going to be ancient egypt? But it's late Ptolemean Egypt just before it became part of the Roman Empire. I expected middle kingdom Egypt or something like that.
Actually turks, real genetic turks are rare even in modern turkey. Their government system, janissary and religion during ottoman times fucked over their lower classes and their higher class got mixed due to harems.
Roman sources are not really believable and other sources are also to some level influenced by the point of view and interests of the writers.
sure hope so
i need to see some noble tits my man
You know how people see celebrities as beautiful, flawless, happy people, then you see a picture of them that TMZ took where they look just as ugly as normal people? That's probably more likely with Cleopatra.
I assume your actually just joking right?
You would be surprised how many Egyptians are pale
The North isn't that hot
No, that would be too boring.
Stupid wh*TES, Cleopatra was a black turkish wymn
>neither white nor black
seems accurate to me what's with we wuz kangs shitposting?
Some dude at Gamescom said he ran through a brothel with titties while playing a demo
Ayo, hol up
Not progressive or politically correct to give her white skin.
Literally tits to die for.
Just shitposting in it's most boring form
Cleopatra was actually Greek. She was an inbred from the Ptolemaic dynasty that settled in the region following the death of Alexander.
>Rated M for Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
Sounds good, hope your not fiddling me
I actually think playing as Cleopatra and having to balance who you fuck and your foreign and national politics would be pretty fun. Be hot as fuck, sleep with Ceasars and generals, govern your country and commit romantic suicide.
Watch as /vpol/ thinks this is African American stuff and kangz when it's actually real Arabic people.
Everyone forgets the Vita AssCreed
She better be a fucking skin. You can already play as a fem assassin in Syndicate, why not here?
Not to mention the political power play with Cleopatra would actually be interesting.
>tfw into powerfull female leaders
It's a + if they are batshit insane and their plots backfire.
"Her game" shitposting originated with Jade Raymond, a producer on asscreed 1
She was not even a character in game
There's confirmed to be other playable characters during quests, but it isn't known who.
You can also toggle your hood on and off as you please and your beard grows over time.
>inb4 shill
Just interested in what changes they have made since the last couple of samey games
No, but I'll enjoy the porn of her.
Origins is literally "We want the Witcher 3 audience"
Just like Persians, the true Arabs are actually whiter than commonly depicted.
Blame the negros from places north africa flooding into the middle east.
Race mixing ruins everything.
You kill Caesar at the end of the game.
If Menat can't get me to play SF then what chance could she possibly have.
My Saudi Arabian female friend who's doing her Master at my local uni is pretty white. Don't worry, it's true.
Is that a nipple bump I see on her bottom right picture?
Your beard grows, dude, I like that
>man jaw
Will the west ever learn how to design females?
>The game includes a mission involving prostitutes and a brothel in which a couple can be partially observed having sex (i.e., moaning sounds). Female characters are sometimes depicted topless in the brothel; some rooms contain drawings of figures engaged in various sex acts.
Sounds good
>everyone sounds almost british
>except the protagonist who has the most broken nigerian english voice
This is what irks me
>implying it is not intentional
Tits too small.
Ubisoft cant ever get dialects correctly since Unity.
I didn't really follow AC:Origins but I was under impression it would happen much earlier than Cleopatra's time?
fuck that face, it reminds me too much of my mother's slavic face
I will play Origins. Sometime, when it's cheap.
Unless i'm dead by then.
but seriously though that's pretty good. I just my main to be interesting. Love what they let you do with Gralt and Link recently. Glad Ubisoft had been more open to personalization
Post pics of your mom
Well yeah, Egyptian society didn't look like that during Roman times. It wasn't 2000bc
>slightly fat
hype af here lol
I am actually pretty lost on Egyptian civ.
How did it look like in its prime compared to when it became a vassal state of Rome? Every piece of media that depicts it doesnt seem to show much change at all.
>literally wearing a fucking bathtub
Those brown feet