South Park: The Fractured Butt Whole

Why is she so perfect, Sup Forums?

Can't tell you, user. Game crashes for me every 5 minutes.


Anyone help me out with a setup for beating Morgan freeman?

This seems dangerous.

I'm sorry to inform you but because of the difficulty setting thing this game has been categorized as a cuck game so it's not allowed here.
Go fuck yourself, cuckold.

Didn't you break up with her, Stan?


4-5 hours in
the game is very boring
they just took the old one, put on a new UI, and new costumes
the threw in everything from the last one, but without any kind of cohesion
it is like they used a checklist

desu, it seems like the devs have not played the original in its entirety

Go back to Sup Forums. Good videogames are rare, even in 2017.

I just beat sober Towelie. I'm enjoying the game so far, I just wish the locations were more varied like in the first game.

Do you ever get to leave South Park in this one? The first game had a level in space, a level at the crab people kingdom, a level in Canada, etc.

> categorized as a cuck game

By who?

>Go fuck yourself, cuckold.

considering that even possibility of being a nigger triggers you, he is not the one.

Hot or not?

There is literally a mission where you beat up and arrest a black guy for being black.
Sup Forums loves this game, falseflagger

>tfw you'll never be Scott Malkinson
He's so much cooler in this game than he was in the last one. He's one of the better party members too. Half his moves buff+attack in the same turn while still doing great damage.

Did I fucked up when I choose Brutalist with Elementalist sublass? Can I change is later?

Who Brutalist/Cyborg here?

This game was such a fucking let down. The final boss was one of the easiest bosses in the game, and I thought they were building to another fucking final battle. What a shit game. There's like 5 side quests too, maybe 8 or 9 if you count the fucking scavenger hunt collectible missions. SoT was so, so much better.

Fuck this game pissed me off. What a shitty followup to SoT. All they had to do was SoT with more content. Fuck ubisoft.

Also at OP, you're a shitter. Wendy is OP and makes the game even easier than it already is even on mastermind difficulty.

Brutalist is meh, imho.

You can sit back to the chair and remake the class.

I have the same build and I love it t b h. Elementalist super attack is OP, brutalist moves have high damage output and give you mobility, elementalist attacks have good range and utility.

I run the brutalist punch and charge with the elementalist super and ice attack. It's good.

by whom

you unlock them all at once later

Ok ill bite, the skin color is a just a joke and you can change the real combat difficulty in the pause menu without affecting your skin color

hmm is this true? i noticed the game to be easy.

Yes. If you idle on the race slider for a second or two Cartman even says something like "Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat difficulty"

You get prompted to change combat difficulty during one of your first real combat encounters. There's easy, normal, and hard. Normal is default no matter what your race/gender.

The only thing is there's an achievement for completing the game as a black guy on Mastermind.

Is this game good? Relative to the first one?


Combat is better than the first one, but everything else is a bit weaker imo. Definitely not worth buying it for 60+ dollars because it is shorter than the first game as well. Wait for a sale or buy it on a key resller.

I’d consider Mutant Cousin Kyle and the Christmas Critters to be the real final bosses, with the last fight just being a silly story wrap-up. Overall, I thought the game was more polished than Stick of Teuth, but less charming. And since Ubisoft was involved the whole way, it makes me wonder how much they held back on for DLC. I’m also not as interested in replaying it as the first game, considering the more in-depth but much slower combat and the longer campaign.

nah, black people do have it more difficult due to their genetic lineage being retarded by hundreds of years of slave breeding by their white superior masters

blacks and browns due have it tough, simply because all of their smart ancestors were thoroughly owned by whites and conquistadors

Christmas critters weren't really that much harder than the actual final boss

Poor people have it tough, Youre right.

Public education was invented for a reason. It's to help all Americans that do not have enough money for a private education.

Seriously, just had santa keep hitting the three on the left while I charmed beary the bear to attack his comrades

Is the combat really better? I don't remember the first game vividly but this one's combat is extremely dull. Doing strategical stuff is usually a waste of time over just nuking/outlasting and it's offensively easy even on the maximum difficulty.

For fucking real though whats with the lack of sidequests jesus fuck

Future sure is bright.

Kenny in SoT was insanely easy compared to other bosses. If youre playing these games for difficult boss fights you should probably kys

The skin color option doesn't actually change difficulty at all, it's just there to make people mad. Just like south park has been doing since episode 1.

The game also asks you to set your difficulty when you fight sixth graders for the first time.

Do you really want more of walking back and forth to do menial shit? Both this and SoT get really tiring at times from all the walking.

So fast travel instead

Is it just me or are both trey/parker fart fetish fags and this game is literally nothing but that?

Codepunks or nosTEAM

>walk to fast travel
>timmy stutters lol so funny
>walk from fast travel point to where you actually wanted to go
>time saved: 20% tops


Anyone get a glitch with the costume? I never got an option to change into my costume after school on the third day so I'm sleeping in my costume and then changing into normal clothes for the story missions. How to fix?

I really like South Park until the last five seasons or so and I think it's offsetting how much farting there is in these games. It's a bit disgusting but more importantly not at all funny.

so play something else if you don't like the game

They gave me some trouble, since I was kitted out for pure damage, and they had much more health and attack than I did. Plus, it took me a bit to realize that the Gingerbread Man was fucking worthless.

>Sand trap from Elementalist
>Diagonal Def down psychic attack
>Plantmancer charm or bleed
>Elementalist ultimate
>DNA that gives +40% mental damage and +1 movement.

Physical seems pretty shit in comparison.

I'm here talking about what the reasons why I'm not playing the game. Good enough for you?

Did I fuck up picking Speedster? I figured the two attacks a turn would be good but if you have to lose a turn after then..what the fuck is the point you're basically only taking one turn total?

or does it get stronger later

Poor whites still commit less crime and violent acts than poor browns, try again millennial retard.

How many rationalizations are you going to make for a race of people who clearly have substandard intellects?

>blacks commit more crime because the sky was orange, the average temperature is high and the humidity was 20%! T-thats why they're so violent!

long hair, autistically determined look, naked legs - you know, the usual fap fodder

Fuck off, When you assume you make an ass out of you and me. I never said they dont on average have lower IQs or commit more crime, I simply mentioned that its poor people who have it worse, Not just blacks.

The game can fool you into thinking it’s better than it is. I was overleveled for almost the entire game, and raw damage ended fights much faster than other effects, but the last few fights ended up being much more of a pain than they should have been as a result.

Mental classes are the way to go. None of the starting 3 class powers are worth using over later classes anyway so just get by with whatever

>When you assume you make an ass out of you and me.

not a single choice in this game matters
not the gender
not the race
not the religion
not the kryptonite
not the class

quite literally nothing matters
none of them affect gameplay but the classes and by the 3rd or 4th boss you unlock every class at once

So I can switch to mental classes later? cuz yeah fuck speedster

you can switch to mental class whenever you want just go back to the coon lair and sit in the chair

nice, thanks

>50 (FIFTY) britbong coins for the base game
>75 for the gold edition

Holy fuck Ubi. Has the game been cracked

>pretending like cuckolding isn't the hottest fetish out there
>literally watching porn of sig other
>watch sig other be used like object


Finally a game just for me.

Poor New Kid

Jesus Christ, stop being a lazy piece of shit Jew and actually pay for a game.

I pay for games I like.

>playing plantmancer

Anti-consumer DRM practices and their fucking uPlay shit, no way.

>i hate cancerous game launchers unless it's my preferred cancerous game launcher
Also not a fanboy or anything but I think all companies should share profits with based gaben! The cake is a lie lol.

You can play as a girl?
There is no gender option

Everyone calls you "new kid" insthead of "new kid(her)"

I pirate all non DRM-free games faggot, I haven't given (((valve))) a penny in two years

What's the strongest class? the last game was so hideously broken with the bleeding/gross out debuff stacking

>but I'll play the shit out of a game I don't like

>Implying the best party isn't Mosquito, Diabetes and Kite

If I dont like the game I stop playing it.

This is what I want to know. Like actual pointers on how to be overpowered from start to finish.

So if you keep playing it you'll purchase it?

Yeah although it doesn't change that much dialogue because your character is hiding that they're a girl from the boys.

Yes. I did that with fallout 4 and MGSV
I also pirated shadow of mordor and I hated it so I stopped playing and uninstalled it.
Is it that hard of a concept to understand?

Is there even girl costumes in this game? I might just play as a female on my first run.

>he bought fallout 4
THAT is a hard concept to understand

Oh, so it's a "piece of story"?
I tought you could select to be a girl from the start.
So far, there is only girl hairs, as far as i know. Just started.

Calm your tits, faggot. I'm not the guy who called you a jew. I'm just clarifying your methodology. I don't disagree. I'm also pirating and waiting to see if it's worth a damn and for a much lower price.

>you should never pirate, instead buy your gaymes
>except for these because Sup Forums told me

Yeah they're quite a few, there's a Wonder Woman costume, two Catwoman costumes, a Scarlet Witch one and a raisin girl outfit

You just pick girl hair/makeup to be a girl. There's plenty of girly costume options. It affects no dialogue.

There's a bit where you go see Mr. Mackey and you can tell him you're a girl, which updates your stat sheet, but that's it. There's a short scene where he calls your parents to let them know you're actually a girl, but that scene plays out no matter what you choose (he called to tell my parents that I was a cisgendered male, too).


And I'm not the guy you were originally replying to as well. Why are you so worked up?

When you're filling out your character sheet one of the first things you can do is go to Mr. Mackey to clarify your gender. From then on the only people that refer to you as a girl is your parents, Mackey, some random citizens, and Wendy.

How far in am I?

Just finished the civil war fight.

I'm not the same guy, I just find it baffling that someone pirated Fallout 4 and thought "yeah this is worth money"

20% maybe or less

Jew can't trick me that easy.



Kyle fucking sucks, his blast doesn't do nearly enough damage for that to be his only move. He has a great shield, but only being able to fire and heal in a straight line doesn't cut it when Jimmy's heal is so beastly.

So far I've found that blaster/gadgeter/elementalist, while stacking status effect damage and critical strike is pretty powerful.

Also I think a brutalist team with Craig, stacking knockback damage would also be great.