Thoughts on this?
Thoughts on this?
2.5/5 dunno who the fuck would pay full price for it
both portal games are really overrated meme titles
disapointement , one is better
Perfect co-op game to play with friends
Great, but no one on Sup Forums will admit that.
Y'know what was fucking weird? That Super 8 playable trailer in the Portal 2 options menu.
I actually played that before the game on launch day, saw it when I was tweaking settings.
Yeah that was pretty weird, did a good job of getting younger me hyped for that movie though. Too bad it ended up being trash
I quite liked Portal 2 although I understand the main reason people dislike it is because it differs from the original
I liked it. The writing is retardedly amusing.
this is the part where he kills you.
It's a great game.
The coop is great. You can download maps and there are a lot of user made campaigns.
But the main story is really enjoyable.
A really fun game.
It wasn't the twist itself that got me (it's fairly obvious as far as twists go), but the best moment is probably "Yes sir Mr Johnson".
1st one was an extremely pleasant surprise in the orange box. I just wanted TF2 and decided to try out this puzzle game that came with it. It was very fun and I'm quite fond of it, I think it was the perfect length and difficulty for a game that could be played casually on the side while I dedicate the bulk of my time to other games.
The 2nd one was a quality game and all, but it didn't have the surprise factor where you're not expecting quality and you get quality. Instead you're expecting quality and you get quality- not mind blowing quality but a standard well made game. The 1st one stands out in my memory 10 years later, the 2nd one I can remember maybe 2 experiences I had in it. Probably would have been more fun if I had friends to play the co-op with, but all of my gaming friends hate puzzle games so that was not really an option.
>singleplayer writing insists upon itself in a way that the first game didn't. like "haha combustible lemons llol aristotle vs. mashy spike plates, there's a pony if you jump in to that deadly pit you know you fat bitch, aren't we as funny as teh first game yet???".
>singleplayer still good though and as far as the self-indulgent writing goes, j.k. simmons is the highlight of the game
>multiplayer is excellent, focus on puzzle solving and communication between the two of you solving the puzzles. however it's only good if neither of you have played the game before.
coop is alright, rest is overrated to fuck
Pretty good
The main reason people dislike it is that it tries to hard to bank off of the popularity of the original and it ends up pretty subpar. It would have been a lot better if they ignored the fact that the first game was so popular and just tried to make another good game with similar portal mechanics and setting.
it was great but I wish they hadn't shilled it for Disney and kept the dark nature and tones that Portal 1 carried. I feel like they could have made it more interesting instead of the generic direction they went with. Cave Johnson and Caroline dynamic was great.
I feel like Portal 2 could have been more interesting overall if they just kept Galdos the villain and delved into the Rattman character more, and just exploited the F-Stop mechanics they were saving (which Croteam beat them to the punch on with Talos Principle).
>Completely lost the tone, atmosphere, and writing that made the first one great
>Most of the "puzzles" in singleplayer are basically tutorials
>The old Aperture segment is the best and arguably only good part of the singleplayer
>The co-op is ______fun______
These are my very spicy controversial thoughts
That thing exists because J.J. Abrams is buttbuddies with Gabe, that's also why that asshole is slated to make Half-Life and Portal movies
>which Croteam beat them to the punch on with Talos Principle
Citation needed, literally nobody outside of Valve knows what F-Stop played like
Or are you telling me that the DLC for Talos Principle added a camera gun that allows you to solve puzzles by manipulating perspective and lighting?
Great game, one of the best Single Player FPSs of all time. Shame turned full jew and doesn't make vidya anymore.
I always find it surprising when people say they found the first note memorable because I barely remember shit from the first outside of the final boss battle, while on the other hand the second game has virtually no dull moments between all the dialogue, plot, twists, lore, and exploration. Emphasis on the exploration, seeing the neurotoxin generators, the turret production, all the cells with the other sleeping people, riding the tubes through the factory, oh man they really nailed the scale of the factory in that part, and then of course going all the way down to the first lab from the 50's and working your way up. And then that ending of course, I don't know how you could forget that. Music was better too.
Honestly just typing about it and thinking back on it, I can hardly find any faults or parts I didn't enjoy, Portal 2 may be as close to perfect as a game gets.