[autistic screeching]
[autistic screeching]
Other urls found in this thread:
>he can't beat Grim on simple
>playing Simple
I already beat this boss in MegaMan 2.
Just use the lobber lol
The dragon is hard but if you figure out that the charge weapon is the best for the last phase it isn't that much of a
What's wrong, retard?
How the FUCK do I avoid cala mara's eye laser? Such fucking bullshit.
You don't. Put yourself into an ideal position first.
why does no one use the boomerang gun
I'm using both charge and auto-aim and can't get consistent damage on him. It's obvious that it's broken, auto-aim tracks projectiles! (exactly the opposite of what you want to do!)
I had to restart to get charge shot I'm not going to waste my time with that weapon
Mash out of it lmao
>tfw used the default weapon for the whole game
you can avoid the first one by going near her head. you gotta do on subsequent beams though
> People point out legitimate problems with the game's balance, and suggest improvements
This is why gaming is dying
Move to the top right of the screen, just above the eyes. If you mean at the end though, you must just deal with it.
you're pointing at the wrong direction
>making fun of a real speech impediment that a real person had.
you better not have supported this nazi game Sup Forums.
You being shit is not a problem with the game.
This boss is easy though.
>legitimate problems
Like what? The only real problem I found in the game was getting random damage when evading that one devil head attack. I know there's some other bugs, but the game itself is fine otherwise.
>random damage when evading that one devil head attack
Why not? It's easily one of the best weapons in the game.
Because they fell for the spread meme and don't realize that they're actually doing LESS damage than other weapons most of the time.
>equip roundabout and lobber/spread
>mashing "switch weapon" fast enough
>enemies die fucking fast
Roundabout is overall the best weapon
I knew a guy who had a stutter. it was kinda weird at first but it's just another idiosyncrasy . the part that was actually kind of weird is that in addition he would sometimes repeat the things he said under his breath. why don't any cartoon characters do THAT?
I've seen that portrayed in live-action television by one character, but never a cartoon.
Haven't heard of such a thing before that show either.
>beat the game 200%
>never read any of these little quotes
>dont know the actual names of any of the bosses
>there are people out there RIGHT NOW that know boss names
>be more Sup Forums than Sup Forums
>play the game because it's pretty
>upwards of fourteen hours and about 300 deaths and i only just unlocked calamaria
I'm having fun
let's see there's:
>boxing slime
>beanpole and fatty
>dancing flower
>plane lady
>candy lady
>bird and son
>stutter dragon
>mama bee
>pirate and ship
>tfw to inteligent to read text on the screen
>he would sometimes repeat the things he said under his breath
Probably trying to make himself say it without stuttering. Stuttering sucks.
>not playing all games on the easiest setting available
Why are you such a tryhard, user? lol like what are u like.
You lacking hand-eye coordination is not a legitimate problem with the game's balance.
If you spent all this time practicing instead of bitching about it online, you would have beaten him already.
He's so cute
>The only real problem I found in the game was getting random damage when evading that one devil head attack.
You're supposed to duck because when the snake head pulls back the jaw juts forward.
Wait, there are hidden coins in the overwold?
I haven't found a single one.
I meant, I beat the devil and haven't found a single one.
>never read any of these little quotes
it's just a sentence repeats again and again
this is how a man name bosses
Is that so? I only seem to get damage on the left side regardless of what I do, but will try to do that and see if there's any difference some other time.
grim is fucking easy what is wrong with you people
yes there are. behind buildings and in the shortcuts......you HAVE found the shortcuts havent you?
>the part that was actually kind of weird is that in addition he would sometimes repeat the things he said under his breath
oh damn I knew a kid who did that. he didn't have a stutter either
Yeah because he goes slightly farther on the left side than the right, ducking means you won't get damaged.
The shitty Bee bitch was way more of a pain in the ass
That platform RNG fucked me hard and the fight itself is boring as fuck
>not Lobber+Spreader
Both are actually fine, every boss in this game so far for me has been pretty simple. The Run n Gun stages are the real bitches
Rumor is horseshit for so many reasons
>OI OI OI has a massive hitbox
>projectiles don't move down the screen in relation to everything moving up
>triangle magic literally spawns on the player
>no tell on the airplane fist attack
>getting anywhere near the bottom of the screen costs a hit, but the top goes on for 2 platforms in height
boomerang destroyed everything there
I had difficulty on him too until I just realized to use Lobber.
Grim was the boss that made me switch my weapon to charge. Before then, I only used the default. Charge made it so easy, I felt dirty using it.
Default and Spreader are the only really balanced weapons. They're the only ones where you need to use the angled shot, and they deal feasible risk/reward damage.
Best boss comin through
the first section of the dragon is the easiest part of the game
Agreed. He's the only boss on my blind run that I've gone back and A+'d intentionally
Plus, Tom n Jerry is BASED
>ever playing on Simple
1st part: hold down fire with the normal shot, completely focus on dodging tail and fireballs. parry when you can and save up 2-3 ex move cards
2nd part: switch to auto tracking shot, DO NOT use ex move. stay on highest clouds when possible, and focus on dodging flame minions.
3rd part: you should have 2 lives left at minimum, use ult and deal nearly 1/2 needed damage to him immediately. switch back to normal shot and stay on the lower or upper clouds; the first flamethrower always attacks the middle cloud lane
Wat, this game has S-ranks? Can you only get them on expert mode?
Do you get anything from reuniting the barbershop quartet besides hearing them sing?
basically the same thing as a+ (no damage, fill up 6 ex cards, 3 parries, good time) only on expert
Can somebody please confirm or denie this!
>Is the charge attack really getting nerfed?
>you HAVE found the shortcuts havent you?
I haven't found shit, I though the overworld was empty and went from boss to boss
a little girl tells you about shortcuts in island 2, though, haven't you been at least talking to NPCs?
the fourth singer is hidden like a coin, too, you will never find him if you just look for npcs
did him on my 2nd try
it's all in the weapon choice
>the pier level
Cool, so you used an exploit to win.
Boxing slime? You mean blue balls?
The bee is one of the easiest bosses once you find out you can just stay on platforms above/offscreen and be invincible.
Agreed that it's the best weapon but you're a chump for using an exploit.
>1st part:Charge shot
>2nd part:EX and land on cloud, then 2 charge shots
>3rd part: Charge shot and avoid hitting flames
The boss names are RIGHT THERE on the difficulty select before you start the fight.
Why would I read that though?
use charge shot the whole time and use your max super at the beginning of the flame walker phase
I didn't even realize the bosses had names until someone pointed it out. I just selected the stage and started right away.
In the end, who was best girl? I'm a Sally Stageplay man.
Im on the the 3rd world and still haven't bought charge shot. How much undue frustration have I caused myself?
Stop making these threads. They attract the fatfag AboBarseem
Once you get used to it, it makes things about 2x as fast.
Hilda Berg is literally perfect.
Djimmi is my favorite boss so far. I just wonder what's up with his design in phase 3, did he become some sort of cursed, cosmic god entity from outer space? It looks so cool.
>playing on simple
The genie was literally the red version of the one from Aladdin
Not to say thats a detriment. He was great.
>tfw Ghost Train was the coolest and the most fun boss I fought in years
I agree! Fun as fuck gimmick to it.
>that feeling when you finally beat the two lightning guys in stage 3 and they melt away
>not knowing what stage is next
>mfw rolling past the engine car and it recoils and makes that stilted choo-ing
I love the OH SHIT moments in this game because going into it blind you dont know what to expect next because the nature of these cartoons is anything could happen and change form. That final stretch was short but so sweet.
I've never tried that. Why do you believe it is simple difficulty?
Stay near her head.
That attack has an visible AOE.
Only blind retard can not get where to be not to get hit.
>parry when you can and save up 2-3 ex move cards
The fight is really annoying to me since I do too much dps and if I miss a parry on the first eye lasers or he only does 2 instead of 3 then I have to restart because then I can't max-rank the fight.
I just finished my pacifist run of it and it honestly felt easier than the run n gun stages in the past two isles.
I had a friend in school with autism who did it
Hard mode:
>faced with situations where you are not guaranteed to come out victorious
>forced to use the skills, techniques, and knowledge you've acquired throughout your playthrough in order to win
>when you do succeed it's all the more rewarding because it was difficult
>you are actually tried and tested by the game
>how it was meant to be played
Easy mode
>button mashing
>"I just want to have fun"
>jump into every situation like a god and come out unscathed
>absolutely no tense moments
>only satisfaction is through your own feeling of superiority over the enemies you face
>only in the game so they can market it to children and people who have never held a controller before
Jesus christ the mountain area is the worst one to get a pacifist on
These goat niggers with the tracking pickaxes can go fuck themselves