Which is better?

Which is better?

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friday the 13th
dead by daylight is good but the killers look so weak. people say the devs have to buff them every patch so they are actually threatning and don't get humiliated

both suck

Dead by daylight players get mad and report you if you hook a player and stand there making sure they die. I got banned for it for a week after only playing 2 matches. Luckily I only had an hour of playtime so I refunded it.

That's the most boring way to play, anyway, and completely unfun for everyone involved.

>Be killer
>Your ONE goal is to kill the players
>Make sure a player dies
>Get banned for it
>Get called camper for it
>Get told you're ruining the game for it

I prefer F13. F13 goal is simple, Jason is Over powered. You do not stand a chance against him. Your only hope is to run away or escape.
F13 is also at maximum 20 minutes by games.

DbD is a game where the killers seem underpowered. The run barely faster than survivors and have bigger hitboxes making them hard to counter the round and round moments. It also encourage killers to camp all the hooks they get because otherwise they just get liberated.

F13 has a lot of problems in my opinion, the most glaring one is the Teleport grab and the fact that once captured, it's pretty much useless to even try to escape.

But it's still better than DBD from what I played.

I'm hyped to look and try Last Year.

I would say DBD is better. I have decent time on both of the games and I know Jason is suppose to be OP but its a bit much. In DBD the killers arent OP as fuck and you have a fair chance to survive, also games go alot quicker as well.

If you camp the hook thats fucking boring. If you literally stand there and watch them its just annoying and kind of shitty. If you just walk away and let them off you will most likely find them again anyways and you can get them.

Catch and release, user. You'll get much less points if you don't play with your food first.

If it's in the game it's a valid tactic.

What do you mean you got banned?

How can you get banned for playing the game? That isn't cheating, did they report you a ton and just got autobanned because of a broken system?

>it's boring to play that way

Well it's a good thing IM the killer and not you. If I want to be boring I will.


I want to play F13, but i dont want to play $40.00 American USD plus tip for another buggy mess.

Why the fuck isthere a sale for this pice of shit in spooky month.

It's a valid one, but not a very good one, as unintuitive as that sounds. Whether you win or lose is based on your performance, not whether you survive or you slaughter everyone.

You must be a blast to be around

Friday the 13th would be better if they got rid of Jason's noclip and his see through walls power.

Wait for the Halloween sale in like a week. Probably will be 20% off.

>*teleports on top of you at the start of the match*
>*spends the next 10 minutes trying to kill you while the other players call the cops / tommy and repair the car(s) / boat

Good. You tryhards who camp the hooks kill all the fun in the game. It makes it insanely easy if you do this as the killer.

If you are next to a car or the big house or the phone, get the fuck away.

>You didn't let me win, you're boring! You're not fun! I wanted to win!!!

Both games are extremely different and I enjoy both but F13 is much more fun than DbD, no contest.

No I enjoy killers who actually get me, hook me and then I get unhooked and chanced again if I die thats fine but if you literally stand there it takes the fun out of it.


This is why you got reported, people like you kill the fun in the game then whine that the community is toxic. Even in the other game you're supposed to play around as the Killer not just tryhard it from the start.

>Wahhh I cant catch you again because Im so bad at being the killer

I also report killers who lay bear traps at the hook.

So you want to play Capture Tag.
I like F13 mostly because Jason can kill people.

No one can argue against this.

Faggots like you are the worst. If you're next to a car / phone there's a 1 / 3 chance Jason will spawn. Even if he does he cant catch up to you because he doesn't have shift yet. It's ideal to ignore the drawers (unless you're by the phone) and immediately search for gas or a battery and get it in the car ASAP before Jason can ever trap it. Low IQ retard.

I bet you're the kind of idiot who gives up and hides under a bed for the entire match when Jason traps the bonnets / phone box. PROTIP: You can set off the traps and survive you fucking retard. I'm the player that makes playing as Jason an absolute nightmare. I get two uses out of health sprays due to perks and escape bear traps faster perk. Every time I see the car or phone box trapped, even if I don't have the tools to repair them I set off the trap, spray and run away. Every fucking time Jason spawns there, by the time he does I'm miles gone and he's wondering where the fuck the player is. Always announce I'm setting off a trap on the mic so the other players know to do all the work they can while Jason wastes his teleport and has to wait for the cooldown.

Basically, kid, stop playing like a pussy faggot, you shouldn't be scared of the cars or phone at the start of the match. Get good, learn how to dodge Jason, retard.

You still can't ban someone for being bad at a game, unfor

The one that doesn't ban me for calling retarded faggots retarded faggots.

If you were a good killer, it'd actually be in your best interest to not camp hooks, because time spent camping is time spent not earning points chasing down other survivors, and time that the other survivors can spend escaping once they realize you're not going to leave the hook.

You'll end up most points overall at the end of the day.

If you didn't kill at least 2, then that means you're lost

with less points*

My job as the killer isn't to make you have fun, it's to kill you.

This is your only argument to being bad

But you can almost guarantee a 2k and a pip by soft camping around the hook.

The devs actively encourage camping with the victory cube.

I hope that Last year can be more polish at release than any of the other 2 games.
It would be cool to get a game of this that isnt super glitchy.

No one say that camping is not a good strategy, just that people find it cheap.

1. calm your edge sasuke.
2. If you are next to the phone, Jason will likely go there first to trap the phone, if you do not enter a house and NOT lock the door, then he will likely hear you or sense you. You need to hide away from the phone, and act as if the house is empty since, he do not have sense yet.

And no I do not hide under a bed. I help with the most I can do, but if Jason camp the only remaining car and phone is full of traps, yeah I will just go hide in a bush as AJ until times run out.

He want to camp, I can camp too.

Yes but you understand now why people get pissy when you camp and tryhard it? These games are supposed to be played with a mentality of hide and seek. Cat and mouse. By all means do what you want, but realize that camping the hooks will piss people off because you're coming off as playing too serious.

>play goth chick
>tend to spend most of my round walking or crouched when outside
>try to minimize my presence in cabins (don't barricade doors, don't open windows, etc)
>unless Jason is near, actively avoid other players while looking to repair the phone specifically
>select perks that minimize my presence and chance of being detected

I usually only ever see Jason if someone else is around and full on sprinting.
Biggest problem I have with the game is Jason's kills. When he grabs someone, unless they have a knife or are 100% in both stamina and health, they are pretty much dead. I hate that no one can interrupt or stun him during a kill animation. At least that would encourage more players to stick together and help on another.

I dislike DbD, but at least you can attempt to rescue a friend who has been grabbed or hooked

>Winning the game as the killer means you're bad at being the killer.

And I want my game to be fun, so i report people who ruin the game. Obviously devs agree youre being a little bitch if they ban you for it.

>Thinking camping 1 person as killer is winning as the killer

Learn to chase and juke people

If Jason grabs you someone else can stun him. Its only during the kill animation that he cant be hit.

>2. If you are next to the phone, Jason will likely go there first to trap the phone, if you do not enter a house and NOT lock the door, then he will likely hear you or sense you. You need to hide away from the phone, and act as if the house is empty since, he do not have sense yet.
I've played 100s of matches where I spawned in the phone house, gotten the fuse in that same house and been able to repair the box and call the police before Jason even came. Most Jason players ARE incompetent, you're an absolute pussy, a complete waste to the team. Even if he does spawn, you should wait for him to leave and do your team a service of setting off the trap as soon as Jason leaves. Then run away, Jason will in a panic to get back to the phone, waste his teleport, giving your team even MORE time to get the car up and running.

If every player was like you, no one would ever survive.

Yeah, but the window between the grab and kill is so short, and usually when he is around everyone scatters away from him, that by the time someone doubles back to try and rescue an ally from the grab, it has already gone into the kill animation.

Survivors can die and still have done well enough to "win" and earn a pip. Killers can sacrifice everyone and not earn a pip. Killing/surviving is a means to an end, it's not the end in and of itself.

dead by daylight has by far one of the worst communities on the history of video games.

My priority is not to have you not get banned, its to have fun

>Jason can just execute people as soon as he grabs them so you basically can't escape once he teleports into you
Wow so fun and interactive
>try to hook camp so survivor can't escape
>other survivors finish all the generators and you lose for being a faggot

I did too. But if you play with any good Jason, you will get caught.
I literally played since the midnight launch. I know how to play. There will always be someone who spawn at the phone or on a house next to it. For Jason it's a 2 bird with one stone deal. Trap the phone and then while your teleport recharge look for the guys.

What's happening in this webm

Bill forgot his pills

>not dodjing instakill
It's like you want to fail

>Be killer
>Your ONE goal is to kill the players
Already completely wrong.

The ONE goal is to please the entity, multiple hooks, lots of chasing and stalking, and some destruction for fun.

>He can't dodge a shift grab.

Run in a circle, dumb DbD poster.


>trihard in a party game
>wonder why you get banned
The problem is that there isnt a competitive and a casual que.
Obviously the competitive que will be barren because both of these games are fucking boring if you arent playing with friends.

perks make DBD a trashy CoD-style grindfest imo


Nigga what? I'm trying to progress my web I need at lead 10-15k per match

Only for survivors.

I can hop on any of the killers and usually get at least 2 sacrifices with level 1. Seriously the default move speed of some of the killers is fucking stupid and makes their ability useless unless you get offerings and addons that make it crazy OP

>I did too. But if you play with any good Jason, you will get caught.
A good Jason wont try to catch you because they have other priorities. A good Jason will always eventually catch you, but a good counselor will always waste 5 - 10 minutes of Jason's time before they get caught, especially that early in the match. If you aren't a retard, it's impossible for Jason to catch you so early in the match for 5 - 10 minutes. Only a dumb low IQ Jason would bother chasing you for that long unless you were the only player left.

You do not know how to play.

>For Jason it's a 2 bird with one stone deal. Trap the phone and then while your teleport recharge look for the guys.
For a dumb Jason. If he is up against a good player he will spend about 5 to 10 minutes trying to kill them, in the mean time the other players will be repairing the cars / boat. Oh wait, if every player played like you the cars wouldn't be getting repaired in this time, according to you you should run the fuck away from the vehicles.

I like F13 better for two reasons which are both related.
First in that it's a proper horror movie. The villain is supposed to be OP and only one or two people are really supposed to survive the night. I know most people don't like the idea of "losing" the majority of their matches but it's how it should be. For me as long as I accomplish something important it's a win even if I die
The second part is the fanbase. Most of the players are genuine horror fans and are ok with what I typed above. Most of your DbD players are Twitch streaming MLG try hard faggots who make the game no fun.
And I guess their is a third reason, Chad.

These faggots will ban you for camping survivors you hooked because it means they don't get to just get away and escape.

>Why the fuck isthere a sale for this pice of shit in spooky month.
Because the developer/publisher are both full of functional retards who don't understand how economics work.

I'm literally the first to run to a car with Gaz if I find it.
Dont assume how I play, and stop trying to be edgy.

>hook a survivor, go searching for others
>another survivor rescues them
>hook the last survivor, leave to find the hatch
>they get off the hook themselves and find the hatch before I do
>try to hook everybody at once
>everybody ends up escaping
>"Screw this. If I use one of them as bait, I can make sure that he dies. At least either one of them will die, or the others will expose themselves."
>kill all 4
>"faggot camper"

Well then, if taking the safest option is the most effective, why the FUCK shouldn't I?

Stop contradicting yourself. Nothing but lies.

Because youll get banned for being a faggot. Thats why. I have no shame in reporting you. If youre bad at it, dont be a killer.

Is F13 worth getting at this point? I know the community has shrunk, but if it goes on sale for Halloween is it still fun?

did you check g2a or any other site

Salty much?

DbD is easier to play solo, F13 feels more rewarding to play if you have a full group

PC has the smallest community but it's still more than active enough to make it worthwhile. PS4 has the largest community so definitely worth it there.

>b-but killers job is just to facilitate fun for survivors
You're supposed to try hard enough that they think you're a threat, but not be enough of a threat to actually kill anyone. If they die, they can't have fun in they're casual game. You'll get banned if you don't make sure everyone else has fun.

Nope lol. Takes 30 seconds to report you :DD

You could try harder to hide it.

If it goes on sale, it'll probably be rejuvenated.

On PC, most of the people playing it are really good, but it's still fun if you suck.

I'd say wait for a sale. It's bound to happen eventually, right?

Enjoy your ban, lad.

You realise we're not currently in a game and I haven't played DBD in months?

Yeah thats what I meant.

But pips are a personal challenge, not a victory condition. Even a sloppy victory that loses a pip is still a victory.


It's a shitpost. Devs justify camping, pallet looping, and other obnoxious shit in their streams. You will get reported for it but those reports are ignored. Only facecamping the same person across matches can get you banned because it's "harassment" (durrr). And supposedly they are patching it so you can't block the unhook animation in the future (so no more facecamp).

Friday the 13th is the game where the devs ban you when you complain about their friends breaking the rules, right?

Playing F13 as Max Chad is the most fun you can have.
>Stamina Perk, Window Speed Perk, Medic Perk
>Find an extra med spray and a decent size cabin
>Taunt Jason to the cabin
>Constantly dive through windows and run out the other door, faster than his cooldowns reset
>Max luck means you almost never take window damage, if you do you can heal 4 times
>If you get caught in the open can runaway at the speed of light
>Just piss Jason off the entire match while everyone else gets shit done

God help Jason if he gets two Chads at once.

You made this thread yesterday.

>I got banned for it

No you didn't

Yes. And dbd is the one where the devs ban you for making sure survivors don't escape as killer.

faggots leaving the game with 0 punishment

>post game chat
most of the people that play this game are csgo skin faggots, russkies/hues, pre made teams, why would you even want to have a conversation with them?

>nobody would repair the car or escape if people played like me
>Go through 2 traps just to put fuel in and escape with another guy in the blue car

Enjoy your ban

For what ? :)

Playing the game. They don't need a reason apparently.

cool cool thanks. Hope it goes on sale for halloween

Salty kickstarter backers mad DbD is getting more content today. lol

DbD always gets boring to me eventually. It's just really not my thing, but it's a good game.

F13 on the other hand is a damn miracle, it's a broken early access game lacking basic components like host migrations, filled with bugs, but it's the funnest shit to play.
Personally, it's the social aspect and the fact that F13 allows for much more fucking around than DbD, whose matches are more competitive. In F13 there's a lot more memorable moments and matches every few games or so.
Of course, only when the shitter host allows for a full match to happen

Lastly, I'll be forever salty that DbD gets the good stuff like O.G Michael and he's kinda boring to play. And now with Freddy my butthurt grows larger everyday.
But I guess I can't complain, it's not like the F13 dev team would naturally pull off a high-selling game that would make it easier for them to negotiate character rights.
Yes, I am mad.