When did you wake up to the realization that 8GB RAM is not enough anymore nowadays?
When did you wake up to the realization that 8GB RAM is not enough anymore nowadays?
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isnt the difference between having 16 and 8 miniscule in most cases
Last year.
playin planetside 2
What exactly goes to ram when you're playing?
When I modded cities:skylines
Your butt
HDD access is much too slow for video games
RAM usage is based on what you run on your PC. If all you do is shitpost on Sup Forums, watch twitch, and act like a faggot in Runescape then you don't need more than 4GB because phones can do all that with less RAM.
But if all you do is play Skyrim with 1000 mods and have 100 tabs of porn open then yes you need more RAM
I never had 8GB. Went from 4 to 16.
>Only 8 gihs of ram
>He doesn't just download more.
M8 I'm at like 100 ram, prolly gonma go get more soon.
outside some rare edge-cases, 8gigs is still plenty enough.
t. has 12gigs and rarely goes past half unless I'm running cemu
couple months ago, i wish i realized sooner because now RAM prices are through the roof. Oh well, at least i got 3200mhz ram.
>is the difference of something that has twice as much memory than the other minuscule
Gee, user I dunno
About 2 years now, 16 is enough, 32 is the new gaming meme tier.
Good thing ram is dirt cheap though.
>tfw 4gb
Like 7 years ago when I built a Nehalem PC with 24gb of RAM. I was really into virtualization back then
Still using it today
>tfw when my main computer is a thinkpad T60
>1 gig of ram running debian with fluxbox
Why would I need anything more? It plays all the games I like and lets me shitpost
I'm still using 4GB DDR3
>Be me
>only 4gb ram
>Upgrade to 16
>No noticeable difference whatsoever when I game
8 GB of ram is more than enough. Also who does still use a HDD in this era?
except if you use windows 10. because it'S hardlocked aat 4 gb.
For gaming 8 gigs is still alright.
I'm glad that I do have 16 if I do go above that but I usually don't.
However, for a workstation 16 gigs is the absolute bare minimum these days.
I can easily hit that just by having one or two programs open.
What games you fucks play that require more than 8? I've never been even close to 50% while only running one game at once.
>tfw ramlet
Google chrome
I got over 100 chrome tabs open plus Stormblood running in the background
It's on the cusp. There's only a handful of games that support dx12 right now anyway.
I have 2 Gb Ram.
It is enough
>Also who does still use a HDD in this era?
Grammar nigger, learn it
And plenty of people do. They still give you the best price to storage ratio and games really don't benefit from faster storage
Obviously most people here probably have their OS installed on an SSD with an HDD for a storage drive
TFW still playing on 2GB piece of shit console.
Because I usually have a client, a game, a browser and not rarely a music player open at the same time.
But even then, going above 8 gigs pretty much never happens.
When i bought Escape From Tarkov and tried to play on any map other than Factory.
when i was forced to upgrade my i5 2500k
When I built my recent PC and only put 8Gb in like a jew.
Frames drops, frame drops every where.
Ripped the trash 8Gb Corsair LPX kit I had out, and got 16Gb from Team Group and it's been silky smooth ever since.
>4 slots used
>8gb ram
I will never understand why people have so many fucking tabs open at the same time.
Have you never heard of bookmarks?
No, it's not.
t.2gb ram toaster owner
it just werks what can I tell (you)
Two years ago
shaders, textures etc
He probably was doing it to prove a point.
PUBG. The first 30-90 seconds of every match were virtually unplayable. It'd look like a PS1 game, and I wouldn't be able to enter or land on any buildings because the lod popin was fucking absurd. I thought maybe it was a hard drive issue, because I'm using salvaged 10 year old HDDs, so I ordered a SSD and picked up some ram while I was at it. The RAM finished downloading first and the problem completely disappeared after I installed it.
About a month ago it started needling at me but RAM prices for my 3 year old comp were just as expensive as new prices.
Last week I finally broke down and built a new one with DDR4 and 16GB. Upgraded my fiancee's rig to 16GB same time.
FUCK this nand shortage bullsshit driving up prices. Holy goddamn fuck.
the game
I didn't
Then you're loading shit every time you want to switch between them
And on my desktop I preload all of the images in a thread on Sup Forums as well. Pretty useful, especially on high res displays
>using chrome
I lost
What about the RAM of your GPU then?
That's VRAM nerd. Skyrim can use as much RAM as you want if you're using ENB or ENBoost.
It is stupid that certain games can't access more than 4gb of VRAM on Windows 10 though.
I should mention it was Minecraft that finally broke me. Fucker took 4GB to run a server and another 4 to play the game. That doesn't count Ubuntu or Windows, so 8 wasn't enough.
i got 16gb of ram so I can keep all those tabs open without issue. I don't have to reload the page its already open
>Then you're loading shit every time you want to switch between them
Do you really have such a slow internet connection where loading a site is actually bothersome?
4GB is enough for me
Pic related. The build with OC RAM and CPU.
No, but Sup Forums does
Have you tried playing Morrowind?
im still using 4gb ddr2
With mankind divided.
That takes valor
Is that an OC of Luffy fused with Trafalger?
>playing unoptimized garbage
I'm here still rocking my 4gb
There's been a flash memory shortage for a while now. It isn't cheap anymore.
Why do you ask?
>he doesn't have 3200mhz+ plus
>he's a frequencylet
still haven't realized that, because it's bullshit.
because 2gb or RAM is enough for it
Oh shit I better catch up. I left off at the start of Sanji's family summoning him.
>he fell for the Intel jew tactic
>implying i don't have a ryzen 1600x
After gtav would crash while running in borderless window and having shit up in Chrome on my other monitor.
I know that feel
I prefer gothic series rather than Todd's games.
>mfw 16GB 3300mhz
My only regret is not getting 32GB
>Also who does still use a HDD in this era?
me, because fuck paying 1$ for 1 Gigabyte on a system that has rewrite-limits on each byte.
I got 7TB worth of shit archieved around my house, and my PC's main 1TB is quickly getting full now with Steam games being 30+ GB each, with equally huge updates coming out all the time.
that fucker looks plenty good enough at medium textures. the high res meme needs to stop
That CPU has to bottleneck your GPU sometimes
Gothic 2 > Morrowind > Gothic 1
I have both
Good taste my black brother
Running out of memory running 2 browser windows + game + japanese animes.
>Radeon 7800 series
Pretty much all the time. Had a 4850 before but it broke so I bought a 7850
PUBG is a shit game with awful optimization, not worth upgrading for it
8G for gaming (as long as your GPU is 4GB+)
I've had 4gbs of ram for about 5 years haha
8GB will always be enough as long as PS4 still exists. Developers have to make their games with that console in mind.
yes, because there's less than 1% of games on PC that fully utilize 16GB of RAM and would genuinely get stutter with 8GB (especially if you have a GPU with large amount of RAM)
Ssd's are still too expensive
Redpill right here. I almost bought 16GB until I realized it was pointless. As soon as PS4 dies I'll upgrade my 8GB.
Doesn't really make a huge difference, at least not for the price
32 minimum
many, since good models provide a good read/write speed data (avg. model - also, the most reliable one - up to 150MB/s) to play stutter-free for a price per GB less than for DVD
You know, I thought that with the new stuff coming out the old stuff would drop in price, but it seems I was completely wrong.