This is the only barely real looking gun in Fallout 4 without DLC

>This is the only barely real looking gun in Fallout 4 without DLC
>still looks, and feels, and shoots like shit

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It's a B.A.R. you gun illiterate

Nigger do you even know what the B.A.R looks like.


At least it’s not this thing.


>drum a million miles away from the receiver
How does that even...?

>develop a game that takes place in an alternate reality where modern gun companies don't exist

I still want to know how the shells get from the drum to the chamber.

It just works.

Mod some better ones in or play an actually good game

the grip behind the magazine is also a mag tube, the magazine loads rounds into the mag tube.

>modern gun companies don't exist
Except F3 had a G3 and an AK lookalike, proper right handed bolt hunting rifle.
FNV had fucktons of real guns.
Fallout 1 had the Desert Eagle, C96 and other realistic guns
Fallout 2 had the FAL, G(erman space magic)11, Grease Gun, Tommygun, M60 and others

It's seriously not a fucking excuse

Where the fuck did OP call the gun by name?

The ppsh, one heck of a shotgun

Are you daft?

All of the older fallouts had company names like Colt / Heckler and Koch. The only reason why the modern fallouts don't have that is because they would need to pay for having a pointless name in their game

what if the gun companies require licensing and royalties?

yes it is stop samefagging

Nigger that's nothing like the BAR, fuck off with your stupidity.

so you wanted them to
1)include ripoffs of new guns until every real life weapon has been copied in fallout instead of them making funner gun designs or
2)just keep repeating the same gun ripoffs every single game
Why? Go play battlefield if you want to LARP around with your favorite air soft gun model

They aren't actually meant to. It's just some company took it to court and were given some money for use of their firearms. Thus all game comps are too scared to use real names just in case.

THIS is a BAR expy dumbfuck

if you tried to shoot a 30-06 on full auto through a reciever and barrel that tiny you would BTFO that gun in probably 3 mags

>t. bethesdrone

fuck you, you probably havent played any fallout game other than 3 or 4 then.

if you played 1 and 2 they have guns from real world companies, and they also have browning in new vegas. toddshit literally abandons the cannon with their shitty fucking futureshit guns.

you dumb cunt, stop being a todd apologist and just accept its lazy fucking weapon design

Bethesda's "original designs" wouldn't be a point of contention if they were any good. I'd rather they made expys of real weapons rather than the goofy shit we have now.

The fucking water jacket on the assault rifle kills me, it looks dumb as hell.

Previous games were able too, the only reason now is because bethesda is too fucking cheap to get licensing. and even then, it still doesnt mean you have to make a fucking gun not look like a fucking gun. see games like counter-strike, they didnt include real weapon names in 1.6 and source because it was a mod and they didnt have the money for licensing, but atleast the guns still LOOK like their real world counterparts.


>wanting real-looking guns in a retro futuristic game set in an alternative timeline
why don't you play CoD instead?

There's that unique pistol which is basically a Walther.

>a game based on gritty realism in a post-apocalyptic world
>lmao lets just abandon this core aspect of the theme of the games.

>retro futuristic
Fallout was never retro futuristic until 3, which basically shat on the cannon. you can thank bethesda for that.

>>a game based on gritty realism
as much as I dislike Bethesda Fallouts, I dislike retards like you even more

the junk jet is the only gun worth using in fo4 once you get it

What about the Submachine gun or hunting rifle?

Gunplay in fo4 is alright. It's no fps game for sure, but some guns don't feel half bad, not to mention that there are great modded ones.

>Fallout 4 without DLC
You do it wrong. Please, buy a dlc and another copy for your friends.

lol no
What is base building?