Load up fighting game

>load up fighting game
>go online
>start ranked match
>opponent starts lagging and teleporting
>keeps spamming the same 2-3 moves while teleporting
>get message


>load up fighting game
>go online
>no matches found

>playing online
Fucking hispanics, I'm an hispanic and yet I despise and scorn my "race"
There can't be worse punishment than this.

Isn't jajaja the nazi word for yes?


Soul Calibur 2 HD ;-;

I always thought that mexican mariachi music was just a meme but then I pass a mexican at school/work and they're literally blasting those beaner beats on their phone at full volume
like wtf

t. self loathing spic

yeah if ur 12 years old

get out you you shit, school's tommorow

>spics challenge me in fightcade
>ping is over 300

Why do you want us to suffer?

>"tecnical" player
>load up fighting game
>go online
>start ranked match
>lose first round
>in the second I already got it how to beat the fucker, and make reeeeaaally long perfect round
>opponent ragequits in the half of the third round
>rejects your other fight requests

Fighting games in the millenial world is like playing on fightcade. You have to let the other guy have a fun fight, or he will run away and never play with you again.

He said it himself, shitmuncher

The stutter sound on fightacade is terrible. It makes me think that my HD fucked up and the PC crashed.

this literally killed excellent adventures

>be spic
>still get laggy spics that teleport because I have superior optical fiber network and they have 56k modems



Lower ping should be an advantage. I'm not saying that the guy with 40 ping should cream the guy with 80 ping every single time, but there should be a linear upward trend of higher ping meaning higher disadvantage.

In most games it seems like devs try too hard to make it so that anybody can play, but the game overcompensates and a bad connection to the server ends up being a good thing.

this is how it used to work in old games. if you had a shit connection you had no chance.

Back to your containment board, huefag.

will there ever come a time where someone at the tip of South America is able to play someone from London with a maximum of 4 frames of delay

>ITT: spics that should go back.

I am in mexico and I got 10 mbps optical fiber with 10 ms ping, so yes

Your own fault for living in a 3rd world country.

Nothing was ever going to beat the SF4 days anywhere

back to raping your wives while you are out working, whitey

t. fat manlet pedro who doesnt lift and think he has a chance with my gf.


And what are you? Black? You are the son of decades of race mixing, you don't even know your race, pardo is not a race.

>Tip of south america
You're off by a few thousand miles my beaner amigo


Everyone already fucked that bitch, user. You are just a deluded cuck.

Burgers are already struggling to maintain acceptable speed so no.


Mexicans are the burgers of Latin America along with Argentina.

Mestiço is not a race either, just like mulato ou cafuzo. You can't mix a drop of everything in different quantities depending on the persons family, and say they are this or that just because of their skin color. The skin collor is just genetical fuckfest, on Brazil, for example, is very common for a kid to be one collor, and his bilateral brother from the other.

You can't bash people because of their race, if have none.

Well then burgers don't have a race if they are all mixed too?

yeah it's true when i went to brazil i expected it to be full of negros, but i was surprised to see that 50% of the people i saw where/looked white

I'm pretty much mostly northwestern European countries with a drop of American Indian just like most americans