What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

I liked the part where you play as Ellie.


Non-Sonybros jealous of this masterpiece

Too long. Too repetitive. Too restrictive.


Not enough ladders



It was amazing. One of the best games I've ever played.

Generic piece of shit

It got a lot of critical acclaim and the insecure sperglords of this board who know nothing about film and character development decided the best course of action was to throw temper-tantrums about people liking something they dont instead of putting the work in to understand and articulate what they do and don't want from games.

This place burned it's own voice to the ground. At least we got some sick memes and a toilet to shitpost in out of it.

dear user, I know more about film and character development than you do. This is why I can say for sure that The Last of Us is a shitty video game and would make an even worse movie

Nothing. Even if you don't like the game, there's SFM. Everybody wins

Also the more they make Ellie a bull lesbian tomboy, in 2, the more the SFM porn will be glorious. Again, everybody wins

>walk walk walk
>dramatic cutscene

at least the snowstorm level was cool

>who know nothing about film

It's not a film though, it's a videogame.

If you truly did know as much about film as you claim you wouldn't have to say so. You would cite examples of how TLoU failed and contrasted that with examples of other works that pulled it off.

Since you didn't its safe to assume you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Thanks for making my point.

Someone somewhere decided to make a game that was a walking simulator with a horrible plot, and.....you know fuck it, no one cares about anyone opinion here.

I've been wondering this for so long. What does tpbp mean?

not much

>dear user, if you aren't retarded you would have written me an essay
only a retard would waste his time on fucking Sup Forums trying to convince people dumb enough to already like TLoU that it's contrived boring garbage when it should already be self evident

>in every TLOU thread there's that one user samefagging and getting BTFO because he hates how good the game is and keeps calling it a film
Without fail.

the only user calling it a film ITT is praising it, lmao

Testicular Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein, dunno why user brought it up though...

>Im to lazy/stupid to defend my own thoughts.

This attitude will serve you well. Please keep it up.

third post best post

How stinky would Ellie's vagine be in the apocalypse?

I'm not going to write you a fucking essay you dense mother fucker. If anything you were the first person to claim to have understanding of film and character development. Where is your essay proving that TLoU is good at this?

I feel so fucking retarded now.

>still being this ass hurt 4 years later

Didnt call it a film, praise it, or even say you had to had to like it.

Do you know why we have loot boxes, on disc DLC, and season passes? Because so many gamers are unable to refine their own thoughts and communicate effectively. You guys could be influincing the market by talking about something you are passionate about and focusing on games that do something right.

Instead many choose to menstruate and shitpost leaving EA and Activision the power to shape the market through the gaming media.

So please keep Todd posting and bitching about fanboys. Its doing wonders for your hobby.


Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there aren't others that did.

NO my opinion is objective and everyone else must be wrong

it wasnt on pc!!!!! reeeeeee!!!!!!! reeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

You wont because you cant. Thats fine, learn how and you will make smug fuckers like me look like morons.

Right now you are just fucking your own shit up.

What is it specifically about PS4 exclusives that causes PeeCuck asshurt like nothing else?

OK lol then why won't you write me an essay? Neither claim has the burden of proof. Why do I have to write an essay before you do?
I have less motivation to do so. I believe you are dumber than me because you have claimed that a popular video game somehow reflects legitimately good film structure techniques or character development. I think you are dumb for thinking so, and thus I don't feel motivated to write an essay to convince a dumb person of the truth since I doubt I'd change your mind
You on the other hand seem to actually care and have a positive contribution to the thread, yet you claim that anybody who disagrees with you needs to prove themselves or else they are a dullard when you've done nothing but make retarded claims left and right

I don't have to prove shit to you and I will not. I've demonstrated enough logic in this post for you to understand that I'm not retarded, only I have a certain disdain for you. At this point even if I wanted to write an essay criticizing both the game structure and story of TLoU I wouldn't just to spite you

You're the worst kind of poster on this board. You have a retarded opinion, you're extremely self assured of it, and anybody who disagrees without putting in more effort than you is a retard. Bravo

Skyrim got loads of awards from braindead Journalists because the game was watered down to pander to idiots.

Still second place most overhyped game behind this pile of cutscenes.

It was fine until they needed to get political and have Ellie be lesbian just cuz


I found nothing wrong with it. It was overall a very enjoyable experience. I never played the original release. Only much later when it was released as the "remastered" version on PS4.

Would play again.

See you can do it. I don't care if people agree with me. I just want people to express themselves with their own words it makes for much better discussions and keeps them from being easy marks for others who would exploit them.

It's been a while since I played so I'll go with what I remember. Joel kept his broken watch as a reminder if when his life essentially ended and any time he was about to get emotionally invested or risk his life for someone else he would rub it subconsciously. Also when he first started escorting Ellie he saw a bridge in the distance that looked similar to the one where he lost his daughter and you knew it was a situation where he had to confront what has been holding him back. There were more, just cant remember.

I understand it's not what everyone wants but they realized their vision and they did a great job imo.

Saying that something went wrong misses the point. Say its not for you and focus on something you enjoy so when the shills do show up, they have a better idea of what different people are looking for.

"Gaming journalism"

Gaymening Joyinsuckingcockism

If you dont like it write your own articles. I'm not being sarcastic, there needs to be better shit out there.