Other urls found in this thread:
I'm gonna get Mario instead since wolfstein rehash #3 will be on sale in 2 months.
I am hyped.
i just marathoned through old blood and new order the other day after ignoring them after all these years.
gotta say, the games were pretty damn fun even though it was more about story than run and gun gameplay.
definitely looking forward to new colossus now.
Getting real sick of antifa shills, and im not even white
At least paint over the orange cap my man come on.
ITT american Sup Forumstard mongrels
Reminder to join the Nazi regime today!
That garbage can really bothers me.
jesus fucking christ . America was a mistake from whites to blacks
>being this mad about comics from another person that you have to edit them to suit your twisted views
Pol really is for pathetic losers.
nazis are the good guys
I really like the bleeding baseball bat.
I don't know what you're talking about. I Googled "antifa" and it was on the first page and I thought it was funny.
whats wrong with killing nazis? also the main bad guy looks like hillary. is that propaganda too?
>that disgusting bin
Purge the lefty scum
Will I need to play The New Order beforehand?
can't wait to bash some more fash
Nothing, really. Except that nazis existed 80 years ago and when media all of the sudden pretends it's important thing, you know they try to push conservative = nazi false equation
Hey guys I heard this was the designated shitposting thread.
except it was literally posted on twitter because of the nazi rally. you can blame richard "the puppet" spencer
Same but i couldn't tell what it was bacuse it wasn't labelled
When LARPing goes wrong.
Quality thread guys. No wonder they always get deleted asap.
Solid bait start and devolved even more from there.
Probably, yeah
if you're 5'5" you probably shouldn't be wearing nazi shit.
>tfw you can't talk about a game that has been about killing nazis for 20 years because alt right pussies with a victim complex cry about literally everything
that nazi rally was fake as fuck false flag psyop
it was led by professional comedian
that crowd never did anything before, and never did anything after
>this gamergate shit is basically Twitter Drama Central
he's not wrong
RapeApe was the hero we needed
Cashing in on the current political climate of "anti-white" might have more to do with it than that.
developers openly declared they consider conservatives to be nazis
>anti-nazi means you're anti-white
That's true if you consider white people nazis which is a commonly held belief these days.
actually it was a group hallucination brought upon by HAARP in order to make the sheep public think nazis were coming back so they could put hormones in the bottled water to put Jared (((Kushner))) in office to brainwash and dismantle Trump's golden rule.
Literally look at the evidence.
[citation needed]
no it was just a regular false-flag
or else explain why "nazis" had vice operator with them all the time, knowing that vice is hardcore left outlet and will try to portray them in most negative light
>commonly held belief
Find me one reputable statistic that says this, otherwise you're just mad because of hamplanets on tumblr being retarded offended you
I literally just told you the actual truth and you're too blind to look into it. Do some research.
>fake gun
>Halloween tier army uniform
>too lazy to take out the trash
Sure thing buddy. You'll be dropping all the fascists from 500 yards away.
There are people who legitimately believe that everyone who voted for Trump is a full blown Nazi
Umm hello sweetie have you NOT seen the twitter posts we've been putting all over Sup Forums to wake you fucking sheeple?
There are people who legitimately believe not doing so means you're a communist.
So what? Retards are retards.
As someone who used to be a black democrat, this sudden surge of leftist propaganda is making me feel that the nazis were right all along...
>twitter posts are anywhere close the majority of people
This is what happens when people spend all day on Sup Forums and don't go outside
There are also people who legitimately believe the earth is flat and that smoking meth is a good idea
Yeah the picture is a bit confusing. Like, what is he spraying them with? Is it deodorant? Does it imply they smell bad or something? Are his red shoes a reference to communism? Why does he wear a Trump hat? Does that imply Trump supporters are bad?