Unbelievable amounts of pandering

>unbelievable amounts of pandering
>much weaker writing than the first game
>competent characters turn into psychopaths who want to murder all blacks
>day one dlc
>season pass
>three layers of DRM including Denuvo and fucking Uplay
>trade mark ubisoft clutter and busywork masked as "content"
I've pretty much every episode of the show aside from the last season and I've 100%-ed the first game and nowhere have I seen THIS particular type of humour with a pretty obvious direction and target. I will give this one a chance and complete it but so far it's been really shitty.

What does Sup Forums think?


What triggered you, the skin color slider that affects nothing other than some dialogue or the part where you can choose to be agender and be bullyied by a bunch of people for it?

I think you think you have a unique opinion when you're just parroting all the tired Sup Forums shit we've been seeing since the skin slider came out.

I preordered it and I'm loving it and I'm going to buy the Season Pass simply to make you angry.

>game is shit


First post is already nigger baitin race wars, what a surprise.

>First post is already nigger baitin race wars, what a surprise.

No idea what you mean with that, but my post is completely the oposite, I'm saying it makes no difference what you choose in game, because in the end the creators are the biggest fence-sitters in the world, making fun of everybody. But Sup Forums is getting so triggered by this game that you simply cannot make thread after thread just to read all the Sup Forumsshitters replies.

>unbelievable amounts of pandering
Looked like satire to me
>much weaker writing than the first game
Looks the same but I just started it
>competent characters turn into psychopaths who want to murder all blacks
Not there yet I guess
>day one dlc
>season pass
>three layers of DRM including Denuvo and fucking Uplay
And you didn't pirate it?
Yet you're complaining now.

>its fucking Sup Forums I swear

Sure thing nigger.

>making fun of everybody
Yeah, that was the point. The game does not make fun of everybody, instead having a clear target. Just go to the police station, there's enough shit to make you puke
>Looks the same but I just started it
Why do you bother replying then?

Get a load of this triggered faggot
meanwhile I can afford 60 dollars and is enjoying myself


>Why do you bother replying then?
Because your arguments look retarded -even after 4 hours into it.

there are literally like, less than 10 side quests and that's even when you count the god damn retarded scavenger hunts (of which there are at least 3 or 4)

what the fuck were they thinking

>I'll call him a nigger until he sees im right

It's this your first month on Sup Forums?

Good job


I'm also enjoying it but I didn't pay for it.
I buy around 100 dollars worth of drugs and alcohol each week, not gonna stay sober to finance DRM

>one skin color joke and suddenly its impossible to have a thread about the game
Screw you guys

>you are new
>you are Sup Forums
>you are reddit

Alright, niggers.

as long as youre happy and your rent/mortgage is paid who am i to preech to you?

best character.

>he already started with the multiple-quote reply

It's getting better and better. This game is the best thing that could have happened on Sup Forums on a good while.

and it doesn't

The best part is the fucking cartman hero is literally fucking called THE COON, and people will still call it an sjw game.

>unbelievable amounts of pandering
I can't believe those inbred hicks from /r/the_donald are still rear-ended about them making fun of daddy, they're the thinnest skinned faggots since undertale fans.

>black screen at the the "press enter" screen
anyone knows how to fix this shit

wait for the dlcs

How does it pander? I know these niggers aren't crying about the skin color slider, that's funny as shit.

I had this after pirating the game, just restarting it fixed it.

that's not fractured but whole then
it's the fbw dlcs

press alt+enter

>anons defending this shit game just because it makes some people upset
Kinda pathetic to let others influence you like that, teebeeatch.

There is a difference between enjoying the game because it makes people mad and enjoying the fact that the game makes A LOT of people mad. Usually with this game its the latter, judging by the type of replies that the thread gets.

Skipping intro gets you ending credits

Mocking Sup Forums is more important than good games coming out or good discussion. By the way, don't you hate how Sup Forums ruined this board?

What’s with games having any semblance of political satire then Sup Forums liberals and right wingers freaking the fuck out?
>”fucking niggers reeee”
>”fucking Sup Forums reeeee”

it funny, isn't it?

>three layers of DRM including Denuvo and fucking Uplay
I beat the game while not having signed in to the u-play account that was forced on me and that locked me out of achievements
>much weaker writing than the first game
I think that it got worse closer to the end
>competent characters turn into psychopaths who want to murder all blacks
content with the South Park cops might have actually been the best part, I really liked the eldritch horror that only ate dark meat
I enjoyed that the game let me put myself in the game, speaking as a Genderqueer Demisexual Black Albanian with a white skin tone Chaotic Quacker WageSlave

Codepunks or nosTEAM version

Great game! Going to be the first singleplayer game I beat in a long time. Did you guys pick gender neutral? Lmao the redbecks

>make south park to be adult humor with parodies and satire directed to relevant issues
>extremely gross content aimed to make people uncomfortable and mad
>people get mad because it has gross adult humor and satire

Matt and Trey are Gods lol, stay mad you bunch of nigger faggots.

you wouldnt be mad if your mommys bought the game for you

>hours of straight up pandering with cops assaulting comically well-off almost aristocratic black family's house just because they're black, black male arrest quotas with the "no reason" reasoning, the stupid ass slider (which is my favorite thing considering my country doesn't even have blacks at all and all the white population lives up to their necks in shite and poverty), the rednecks xD almost fucking having a trump 2016 sign in their hands, and that's just the beginning
>all he can come up with is "uuhh the_donald"
The first one had the "make fun of everyone" south park one, this one doesn't. Is it this hard to understand?

>"make fun of everyone" south park *vibe*

stay triggered rofl

>competent characters turn into psychopaths who want to murder all blacks

the south park police have literally never been portrayed as competent. way to get obviously triggered

codepunks, the only good version.

South Park has been having episodes about the police being racist since the micheal jackson episode 13 years ago.

you are going out of your way to get triggered by something that's always been there

Damn, it's dark in here.

Proud that not a single steam friend of mine bought this garbage. I'll play one day when it's around $10 for goty edition.

I don't understand how anybody could be liberal.

Poorfags don't know it but it's infinitely more stressful to have money than to not have it. You're constantly looking for ways to make it grow and a couple shit decisions can ruin everything, other people come to you asking for help and you need to decide what is or isn't bullshit. When you're poor, it's just a matter of spending a couple extra minutes looking for bargains and being smart enough to not force yourself into a shitty job.

I agree, I'm about 4 hours into this one, I also 100%'d the first one.

This one is not as good as the Stick of Truth,

Fractured Butthole is like a 5/10 while
Stick of Truth is like a 7.5/10

Tries way too hard to make every single moment have the same shock factor as the Underpants Gnomes boss fight from Stick of Truth, and it gets really tiresome.

Letting you be a trans or non-binary gender in the game, and handles it / talks about it in a serious manner.

They could have easily made that into a joke, It doesn't come off as satire, it comes off as SJW pandering.

>$150,000+ in the bank from 3 years of minimum tech work
>literally dont have to stress about anything
>can help friends at a drop of a hat
>when people bug me for money i just say no
>invest in gold silver and bonds
>30 years old single with everything i ever wanted
>mfw you are poor as fuck and are spewing shit you have no clue about

The gameplay is just slow and boring, which is really the most important thing you should care about in a game.
The game is shit.

You're such a fucking baby.

so far, the games pretty good

>game is a good thing because it makes Sup Forums mad
Infinite a masterpiece

Great job.

The joke

My reddit spacing
Your head

The pooping minigame where you have to go up/right with the left stick, and right/left with the left stick at the same time is fucking me up.
>tfw too dumb to do a pooping minigame

I'm actually sad about this game turning out so mediocre.

The hero vs villain episodes are one of the best episodes of the whole show.

Hello newfag.

>Letting you be a trans or non-binary gender in the game, and handles it / talks about it in a serious manner
I was playing this with my roommates and we couldn't stop laughing at that part. Like, laughing out loud.
Are you sure it was serious?
Because it sounded so fucking ridiculous

I mean we're Italians and such gendercrap is alien speech to us, but mr Mackey sounded like he was pretending as well, he understood how ridiculous it all was and yet that's what modern America wants, so he was basically forced to come along with it

Don't forget the seasons aired while the game was in development were the most anti-SJWs of the whole series

>It doesn't matter what you choose it's just there for....
You guessed it: Pandering, good job lad, now fuck off.

I like how nice Mr. Mackey is in those scenes

Any actually sexual or just cute?

>paying money to ubisoft
>supporting DRM and your freedom to play video games

You are part of the problem, please kill yourself