Underrail thread


Fucking finally, Underrail gets a MAP!

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Wait, I was told it was "intended" to play without a map and it's a part of experience.

That's nice, but


>listening to elitist Sup Forumsirgins
wew lad guess they were wrong

>map for casuals

Thank god, I actually lost track of where I was in that game.

posting before it dies

>Not drawing your own map

Do you want any sense of adventure, fag?

>needing a map

Sometimes I think women DO play video games.

But getting lost is part of the game..


>tfw you googled a map because the tunnel connections dont make any sense

its just stupid because there's like maybe 200 areas total, if that, over the course of a game that takes weeks to beat

>200 areas
Not even close, try 500.

Worst parts is not playing for few days and then reload a save somewhere in caves.
Or trying to be a completionist and keeping track on already discovered locations.

Trying to find your old loot stashes is even worse. Thank god the dev had the common sense to include map notes.

Will it be an item ? or will it be added to the pip- wrist device ?

Dunno, the devlog doesn't say. Probably just a new menu. It's an automap that shows areas you've visited and what monsters/plants/etc you saw in those areas.

Well i guess i can drop my shitty self made paint map now

>Core City and Institute will not be included, at least not initially, because reasons.
What did he mean by this?

count em, nigger

Sure bruh, I counted 539 :^)


What's your preferred rifle frame and barrel combo? The huszar with 9mm barrel is my current toptier gun in my arsenal for bust/full auto, but I wanna know other suggestions.

So what's the best damage build in the game anyway? Sniper?

What about psi, is it good enough on its own or does it need a weapon skill alongside it?

Hornet is my favorite, any barrel goes but 7.62mm is probably the best. It has lower AP cost than other full auto rifles.

Are there shotguns in this game? I'm considering buying it but I haven't seen any proof there are shotguns in it, and shotguns are vital to me for tactical turn based games like this.

Maybe SMGs? They get many many bursts each turn unlike assault rifles. Snipers are pretty good too, once you get a rifle that can shoot twice per turn.

But psi? Psi is motherfucking strong on its own. If you focus everything on willpower it's probably stronger than any guns.

>Are there shotguns in this game?
Not yet, but coming in an expansion

not in base game but they gonna be added in expansion

might actually play it again then, wew.
i really liked a lot of the game but walking past all those high level areas while exploring gave me that lingering, nagging feeling of inadequacy

Thank fuck. The natural occuring labyrinth of caves, and a lot of the man-made ones as well didn't make any fucking sense. Not to mention there's a couple quests that need to be fixed up since their descriptions no longer point to where you need to actually go.

Burst fire assult rifles are pretty similar

Alright, I might check it out beforehand then.

I don't know man, I like burst fire as much as anyone else, but shotguns will always have the edge to me.

Probably best to wait and grab both base game + expansion on sale.

It's a midgame expansion and compatible with base game saves, but you get to play with the new weapons from the start if you have the expansion installed when starting a new game

exploring and investigating were what made this game stand out, you guys want to babyfy it

Good point. Any idea when this expansion is coming out?

Having a map isn't going to impact your exploration because it only tells you where you've been, not where you haven't or where you need to go.

It's just nice now that I can finally navigate back to the Lost Vault vendor if I wanted to without having to fumble around blindly for 30 minutes. Just an example, anyways.

"When It's Done." The devs are so awful with release dates they've stopped giving estimates. Probably early next year, but who the fuck really knows?

I was originally planning on going with rifles but smg ended up being better. 7.62 impala with rapid reloader and special ops feat let you burst twice in one turn.

When the hell freezes and stygg finish his bottle of vodka.

>tfw having a really good sense of direction and never had any troubles with the directions
Good to know though.

Dexterity is also reduces AP for shot.

>Underrail gets a MAP!
I liked to draw my own map while exploring.

What a loser

What's stopping you from doing it if you like it more than using in-game map?

I know Sup Forums will meme me to death for saying this, but I'm glad for a map. I don't get why there wasn't at least a fallout tier simple map from the start.

>playing this
>having a blast, some hard parts early on, that's fine
>get to that Depot
>ass kicked non-stop
>stop playing
Feels bad

Thank almighty God for this.

Its called the noob filter on purpose.

Its much easier these days. It was retarded on release. I had more trouble with that one cyborg fuck near the foundry. The room with him had like 15 guys and him all trying to rape my anus. I had to abuse multiple entrances to even have a chance at that fight.

The commando feat grants you another burst fire attack in the same turn if you scored a kill with it before, useful for rifles and can be used for smgs too, but I don't know if it could be useful for your build.

Well, that't pretty much the tutorial, its supposed to kick you if you are bad at this kind of games, it literally filters casuals from wasting more time and complaining non-stop

Can't never seem to play no stealth its almost mandory just wanna be some big nigga with heavy armor

Even in my stealth plays i am never able to stealth, post build.

you have three options

either you have stealth
or good initiative
or get used to taking damage on first turn like a big nigga

Or you could always start fights on your own terms, there are few fights that you can't start yourself outside enemies vision without stealth

but that only works if you have enough movement and use ranged weapons

>missing basic feature
>made game stand out
What sort of mental gymnastics must one perform to see that as a good thing?

I can't bring myself to play with guns, having limited combat resources deeply scares me so I roll with psi and unramed/melee every time.

you can hit people beyond their aggro range usually (except for melee) without even starting combat, and that hit will auto start combat giving you the first turn

its mostly about knowing where enemies are, stealth makes it much easier obviously, and the fights where you are forced to roll initiative (Arena for example) having stealth counts really for nothing, the final arena fight you either tank the first turn or go first with high initiative, if you cant do either you auto lose

So? Play through the game once with psi or melee or whatever, then you know what to expect and how easy it is to make money.

I'm also bad a judging how much ammo and meds I need, but the packrat feat helps with that.


Refunding this shit

>you can hit people beyond their aggro range usually (except for melee) without even starting combat
Yeah, nah. That only works with rifles or crossbows. Pistols, SMGs, throwing, most psi? Not enough range.

You will never be short of bullets in this game with the only exception of very early in the game, and even then its not really that hard to deal with

the only limited resources you will ever really get are special bullets, but they are not that good, they either cost to much to make and they are simply not needed

for example the fire bullets are absolutely excellent, but they need fucking napalm c to craft and you almost never get that shit, and in the end if you build properly you don't really need them, ap bullets and hollow point are more than enough

i'm terribly disappointed at contaminated bullets, you only want that caliber of bullets on a sniper, and they don't add anything for a sniper since you will be killing everything in 1 shot anyway, and the AoE is misserable since it doesn't scale

Even though there is food in this game, the lack of a hunger stat that eventually kills me if I don't fullfill it triggers me to no end. Am I the only one autistic about this?

Psi has more than enough range, close to snipers

throwing also has enough range

pistols and smgs don't, but you can always bait people to get closer, enemies go and check loud noises usually

and if you are playing smgs or pistols you have high initiative if you didn't make a shit build

Wasnt this some russian hl1 mod?

if you are really getting your ass kicked here's a tip
kill one of the dogs, it shouldn't be to hard to single out one, loot it for it's hide and craft some armor with it

it has insane acid resistance

That's with shitty icicles only, best psi abilities have like 5 range. Throwing only does if you count glancing hits with grenades.

>bait people with noise
wow much brilliant idea, that rly increases the range of your weapons xDD

all of them have their uses if you can make enough of them, save for the contaminated ones

getting .44 explosives to go with your tommy gun is hilarious

The thing is that with how little of them you can make you are simply better just using AP or HP

The .44 with the tommy gun is a prime example of it, fun as hell to use but you will chew up the ammo so fast that you don't even get to enjoy them

Can someone post those beginner guides?

I know, wish there was enough to actually make an explosive tommy gun build feasible

I still kept making them just in case I ever went up against a group of enemies that needed to die right fucking now

What components do you need for explosive bullets?
If it's just TNT or hexogen you can get lots of those easily.

1 hexogen for 20

use fucking premeditation, it adds 3m range to all psi, that allows you to use most skills outside or range, specially mass enrage

also, you can start with fireball, mass fear, cryo orb, and the ice shard, they all have enough range and are more than enough to start a fight

and you don't need the range, once you baited around a corner you can just engage at close range, psi has more than enough tools to deal with it

there is a reason that full psi is considered cheesing along with sniper/stealth and heavy armor/AR

Doesn't sound too bad. I think you get like 40 or 50 hexogen each time shops restock if you buy it all from weapon shops. I always end up making too many MK 5 grenades (2 hexogen ea) when playing a grenadier and running the shops

explosive is fairly weak if you're just using it on typical .44's and on the tommy gun it chews through it like mad

that said if you can scrounge up enough hexogen to get it to work and you forgo using building grenades yourself it can get pretty fun. Do be aware that only the tommy gun, a one of a kind unique weapon, can shoot .44's in burst

>not just playing sneakybreeki and OHKOing him with Cut Throat
I love how the game actually lets you feel like an assassin with shit like that.

how about a nice story eh, it's got the combat down, now if only we have a equal story to match

Lore is actually bretty gud if you complete all of Jack Quicksilver's quests. Pacing is handled nicely too, even if the plot itself isn't incredibly meaty. There are a lot of great moments, like getting SGS to team up with the Black Eels, or helping Gorsky take back his gang's base. As far as mystery/macguffin plots go, it's decent at worst.

I can't fucking believe it. For years he ignored requests for map and now it's happening. Is this for real?

It has only been 2-3 years, and slavs are known for taking their time.

and I just got to Deep Caves, at least I'm glad to have read about creeping dread and safespots beforehand

he meant that you are a faggot for even needing a map for those places

you should be thankful for Depot A existing, as it's a shit build filter, if yours can't carry you through it then it's for the best that you start over.

I bought this game last winter sale and still didn't play it because everyone said the add on will release early spring. When the fuck will it release?

When the red star rises and the thin bloods become more and more common.

so is this good for a Sledgehammer build? my second character, just finished the game, will play on classic xp now