IGN might as well be stating the sky is blue, we already knew this.
What's with Sup Forums's obsession with killing off the 3DS anyway?
>linking IGN
I dunno, it hasn't outlived the DS yet
Underpowered piece of shit, terrible controls and even more of a bitch to hold
Constantly jewed out new iterations whether it be skins or hardware, killed Wii U because developers focused on the non dead console (and wii u only died due to neglect)
Now its severely passed its prime and switch will suffer the same fate if they dont retire the 3ds.
whoa, looks like i have to buy a damn switch now.
>we will never get pokemon with sprites every again.
on the plus side we'll get some proper 3D models on switch like the colloseum games. unlike the doshit 3ds models we have now. glad to be rid of them actually.
They most likely will not be using new models. The 3DS ones are ridiculously high polygon, which caused much of the lag in 3DS games. They continue to use them in other material, such as Pokemon Go.
>What's with Sup Forums's obsession with killing off the 3DS anyway?
terrible resolution and power, shitty stick-thing, useless 3D-gimmick (at least on the non-new models), resistive touchscreen
I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that the 3ds line isn't being discontinued outwright. Rather, it will never again receive more Pokémon games, a massive factor in its overall success. By doing so they better come up with good titles to keep the 3ds line from being overshadowed by the switch.
But it's the last of the full handhelds (not a "hybrid" one, which I'm not saying is bad) and probably the last to ever utilize 2 screens. Many games that people whine could have been on Switch would simply not have been made at all, since 3DS games are easier to make and it's the only console that can reasonably facilitate games like Etrian Odyssey (which actually could have worked on Wii U, but eh). Running simultaneously alongside the Switch just gives us more games than we'd have without it, which is a good thing. Having it die just means less games overall, and many of those are rather good.
Also Sup Forums told me it doesn't care about graphics, what happened there?
If they move it to switch I'm officially done, speaking as someone that has every single mainline title and still replays them all.
They already announced the next games will be on Switch back at E3.
It's not an isolated case, the 3DS is dying. Intelligent Systems also said Echoes would be the last Fire Emblem on 3DS and Atlus (the biggest third-party supporter of the system) said the next Etrian Odyssey will be the last one on 3DS as well. Everyone is moving to the Switch, with Pokémon, Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei (in Atlus' case) already being in the works.
>Where were you when the 3DS began to die out
It's been 6 years. It's gotta happen eventually.
Atlus also flat out lied because they said that before EOV and then months later announced that another EO game made to celebrate the series would be released for 3DS, and then briefly before that had announced PQ2.
Fucking fuck fuckin fucks.
Man I honestly didn't see this coming. Guess I should start saving for that shitfest of a console.
>Also Sup Forums told me it doesn't care about graphics, what happened there?
graphics always matter, they just don't need to be muh realistic graphics and it's not the only thing that matter
If I recall correctly, it was just the illustrator on the artbook who said he thought V would be the last one, and it was his speculation.
Why the hate?
Did you think they'd stay on the 3ds forever? What the fuck. How young are you?
This is gonna get moved to /vp/. One of the mods here hates Pokemon and/or doesn't know the rules he's supposed to be enforcing.
I've usually seen them placed as the least important aspect outside of story, at least when I came here a few years back. Maybe the place has moved on without me.
Why did everyone hate 3D? Why does everyone hate VR? Why did VR flop?
It hasn't derailed into degenerate pokemon waifu posting yet. and if it was move to /vp/, it'd probably get deleted or ignored immediately
Ah, I see.
Neither did the "best gen" thread, but it was moved to /vp/ (where it was left to die).
I am someone who doesn't care much about graphics but 3DS graphics are offensively bad. The screen is tiny and even on that tiny screen it still looks like ass.
story is very important in story-focused games
Well I guess this only helps contibute to the thoery that the switch Pokemon game will be a real pokemon game
>on the plus side we'll get some proper 3D models on switch like the colloseum games
You do realize it reused the N64 models from Stadium and Stadium 2, right? And that every game from XY onward have used the same 3D models, including Pokemon Go? It's why the 3DS shits itself when anything happens that's not your Pokemon just standing there on the screen.
Looks adequate to me, at least for gameplay. It sharpens slightly when the 3D is turned on and the colors lighten, so maybe that's why? I only ever noticed the low res in Pokemon on status screens, since they look somewhat clippy.
Ok but I was just saying that's how it was a few years back. Remember those "you have 15 points to design a game" threads?
>Looks adequate to me, at least for gameplay.
It really doesn't. The 3DS isn't even gamecube level. The gamecube is 16 years old and it still substantially outperforms the 3DS. Who the fuck wants to play 3D games on almost 2 decade old hardware? The 3DS was somewhat passable when it launched but nowadays it's way too shit.
>Visual effects are very important in an effects-focused film
Just as films that rely on visual effects are generally bad films, game that rely on story are generally bad games. That's not where the substance comes from.
Pokemon has been very shit lately so it can go away from the 3DS for all I care, the console can still be alive for 1~3+ more years anyways.
>Who the fuck wants to play 3D games on almost 2 decade old hardware?
People who care more about the game itself than the visuals.
>jump from 3ds to switch
Gamefreak is definitely gonna shit the bed once more, but im excited to play on the tv again.
The game is effected by the visuals. I've been playing Mario Galaxy lately at 1080p in dolphin and it is a much, much more enjoyable experience than playing it on a Wii.
But that's just the resolution, the graphics are identical to what they are on the Wii.
I dream about the day when Game Freak will let Level 5 program a Pokémon game while they only do design work. Then we'd get an actually good-looking and well-performing game.
Well I'd assume the people who care more about playing the game than getting mad over the visuals.
If you put the visuals this high as to stop wanting to use it just because of the resolution, I don't really know what to tell you. You're putting graphics over gameplay if you let that stop you or that makes you want a system to die off and its games with it.
user people are tired of sprites and its time the switch had a chance to shine.
>The game is effected by the visuals
I bet you believe that all games should be in 4k too, huh?
But most 3DS games use models? And Octopath Traveler uses sprites?
Aside from the whole debate over the 3DS, I'm only worried about the transferability aspect. Dunno how it'll work, but if it's cut I think I can let Pokemon go forever.
All the "so retro" memesters in vogue with normalfags would speak otherwise.
they already have bank
What do you mean with transferability? Of Pokémon to the Switch games? They made the Pokémon Bank so that transfering between gen would never be an issue anymore.
Hardware power means fuck all. Just because the 3DS was more powerful than the DS, it doesn't mean the 3DS Pokémon games were better than the DS ones. And just because Pokémon is going to be on the Switch, it doesn't mean that the game design is going to return to form on it.
I have no issue with having more story. I do however take issue with the story hurting the game design. "In order to protect the story progression, we must reduce player agency!". That seems to be the way Game Freak is going nowadays. How many times could you go to required areas in Sun and Moon BEFORE they were required?
>Memorial Hill
>Akala Outskirts
>Route 10
>Route 11
>Route 14
That's all I can think of.
Oh did they already confirm it to work with the Switch? Well that's good, no worries there then. Just worries about the gameplay and the hopes that they won't shaft bug types again like in gen 6.
They haven't, but the Pokémon Bank is simply cloud storage, it can theorethically work on any device that can connect to the internet. Of course it will work on Switch.
Only if Pokemon & Yokai Watch have a collab.
Eh, if not absolutely confirmed I'll reserve judgement. I have zero faith in GF and regard them as the most incompetent dev team to create a multi-million dollar franchise.
If they managed to retrofit gen 1 on Virtual Console to work with it, I have no doubt it'll work with Switch.
Is there even a competition of that prize &tw? I mean, what other cash cow game frachise is managed by dudes who have no clue what they're doing?
>I mean, what other cash cow game frachise is managed by dudes who have no clue what they're doing?
You aren't the brightest kid.
As someone that isn't a nintendo fanboy I was severey disappointed with the wiiu, bought after ps4 and its already over, with only a handful od games I enjoyed.
Nintendo forcing me to buy the switch is just sad.
he is part of the idiots who believed in the "swtich will not replace the 3DS. Switch is console not an handheld" statement
Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. But the Switch doesn't seem set to be another Wii U at all.
It seems like a given, but you overestimate them. They've fucked up simpler tasks before.
Maybe Bioware? Idk.
I kinda am, owning every mainline pokemon game is my disease.
You could have just said that you have autism
final fantasy and square enix
Tales of and Namco
It's like clockwork. Some people were pissed that gen 6 wasnt going to be on the DS, I remember the same thing back when GBA came out. These kids are just dumb.
>need to say you have autism on nu-Sup Forums
Well, I guess I should be gentle with summer kids.
Including both versions?
You could always buy the games without owning the system. :^)
Don't respond to retards.
>the 3DS can finally die
thank you.
Yeah, both versions. Nah, I love playing them too, end game breedin and battle is fun but I lovethat feeling of playing a game with new pokemon/gyms/maps. I usualy always save one version so I can delete saves.
We've known this since E3, when they announced the next main series Pokemon games would be on the Switch.
This is the same pattern that happens every time a new generation of Nintendo handhelds come out, where one more Pokemon game(s) will release on the old system even after the new one is out. Anyone who doesn't think the 3DS is on the way out is delusional.
I also kinda got that feeling in 2015, but then they put one last batch of impressive support out in 2016, and while this year was made up mostly of scraps (remakes and the like, USUM included), it was still decent. Sales-wise, the 3DS has had a crazy curve with 2015 being its worst year, 2016 improving and 2017 improving yet again so far.
>inb4 SWITCH ISN'T A HANDHELD!!!!1!!!!!1!!
>bigger than and ipad
>its a handheld
Its a shitty compromise, neither a true console or a handheld.
it does great at being both
I want it to live as long as possible alongside the Switch, Pokemon be damned.
It's better to have a nice budget device getting games alongside the pricey new models.
More games for everyone.
psvita babies mad that their mediocre no whittu pigu handheld will die before the 3ds.
It's still got Alive Alliance in English, which I'll buy when it comes out.
Not really, the 3ds and the vita are better handhelds and any other console is a better console.
2 years too late imo
Is it worth getting this if I didn't play SM? Thinking about it since I haven't played gen VII.
It's a third version with more story and content, so you should be good.
>The 3DS and Vita are better handhelds
Hell yes I'm so fucking excited
You sure proved me wrong user.
a game must have more good elements than story, or it would be better fit as a book or movie. but story and music is generally what leaves the biggest impression from singleplayer games.
The Genius Senority games reused the models from Stadium (which lead to gen 4 mons looking way better then gen 1 mons) XY had all new models made for it that are going to be reused for years.
It's seven years old, was already obsolete when it released, and there's a brand new Nintendo handheld out. It should have died years ago.
Lel. Pokemon is the most profitable I.P on the planet.
Why do people act with hate towards the 3ds death, i mean it was a good console, had a good life, nice games and every console die after sometime, why is this happening to the 3ds and why people act like this is something new
Sup Forums hates video games
I'm going to just ride along with the 3DS until the end of it for real.
Some anons are mindbroken by the realization that the Switch is also the 3DS' successor.
>They made the Pokémon Bank so that transfering between gen would never be an issue anymore.
Until they discontinue the service and you can't transfer anything ever again.
I just want to transfer, why does it HAVE to be tied to fucking stupid online storage? Just give us an offline app that does the same thing without requiring an internet connection. Store them locally, swap games, transfer.
I know it's going out, I'm just irritated by all the dumbasses spouting "ugh if this wasn't on 3DS it would've been on Switch" when a game was clearly in development for the 3DS from the very start, the 3DS is cheaper and easier to dev for, and sometimes the game wouldn't have even worked as well without the second screen. Port begging is always stupid, no matter who it's from.
>but story and music is generally what leaves the biggest impression from singleplayer games.
No, I disagree. Maybe if you only play modern, photo-realistic story-games that have literally nothing going for them but story, but most single-player games I've played and remember vividly are so due to the fact that I simply loved playing them, not because I liked the story. Gameplay is where the depth and substance comes from not story. Story is there to support and present context for the gameplay, not the other way around.
Because that wouldn't work across different systems and we'd still get the ridiculous cross-generational hoops we had to transfer mons from gen 3 all the way up to 6.
Nah you're lying.
You would have stopped at the gba if a new console was a problem for you.
Pokémon always stopped coming out for a console after a new one was on the market.
So where did they say it was the last game? Because all i read is that they think that they got the maximum out of the 3DS power for USUM
Preach brother.
Gameplay > Soundtrack > Story
It would work in exactly the same way Bank works now, just without having to connect to the internet. Transfer your Pokemon to the app, swap games, grab them in your new game.
It wouldn't change transferring from the old games either, you'd still have to pal park from gen 3 to gen 4, transfer from 4 to 5, etc. Just cut out the online requirement for PokeBank/Transfer, that's all I want. I can transfer from FRLG or RSE all the way up to Sun, I want to continue to be able to do that without the need of an online service and fucking subscription fee, it's stupid and in no way necessary when all I want to do is take them from one game to another, I don't give a flying fuck about online storage.
There has been 8 already. Just wait for the next E3 and the new handheld coming out.
try multi-billion