How do you stay informed about the industry?

How do you stay informed about the industry?

>inb4 this is taken as bait
>just genuinely curious
>media is so fractured these days, do I find a specific site? Subscribe to youtube channels? Follow on Twitter?
>I miss EGM.

what aspects are you interested in keeping up with? Upcoming releases and developments? Sales figures?

I go on Sup Forums and follow E3, if I am already convinced for a game I add it to wishlist and never watch any commercial/anything again to avoid spoilers of every kind

Gematsu, Siliconera, wario64 and nova crystallis on twitter

I just wait for E3

Just watch YouTube channels for game news. I personally like pretty good gaming and there's other channels that report on stuff

Both the upcoming and the sales performance of released titles really interest me. I'm just looking for a good one-stop shop, if such a thing exists.

Sup Forums mostly

twitter if I want news from a specific dev/game


Thanks, I frequent both Sup Forums and twitter. Guess I just need to pay more attention.


Just browse Sup Forums

delete this, I just got over it

I wait for Sup Forums to spam threads about whatever hot topic pisses them off this time
Why bother going to shitty journalism sites when you guys will bring it to me?




I get most of my news through Sup Forums and following the game companies I like on Twitter.

Based Grape-Kun

RIP little guy


Twitter is the best way.

But Sup Forums+any gaming website is enough.

Nintendolife, Sup Forums, and sometimes IGN.

Poor Grape-kun. He was more of an user than any of us will ever be.

I used to read Joystiq. Ever since it died I've only had Sup Forums.

Basically this.
>scroll through a shitstorm until tl;dr is found
>do so several times
>decide on all that if the game is worth it

grapekun, you fell in love with 2D, it's a grave sin. You are condemned to atone in the netherworld.

that's not cool


The All Games Delta twitter account

I follow news sources that cover mostly japanese games on twitter.

I also browse Sup Forums which turns out to be one of the fastest sources of any breaking news.

Browsing Sup Forums and watching /entrytier/ youtube channels (Yong Yea, Pretty Good Gaming, sometimes even Jim Sterling). They're fine but annoying, I've been tempted to make my own that doesn't have reviews which say the same fucking thing five times in a row but slightly rephrased, which has actual statistics and doesn't have an image of text which is then slowly read for minutes at a time I'm up to date on pretty much every 'scandal' and I browse the Amazon store listings for console + the GoG listings for PC every now and then for release schedules. That and piracy websites

who the fuck cares about sales figures?


people who care about sales figures care about sales figures you inbred mistake. painfully kys in public