>plebbit is echochamber
>steam forum is cesspool filled with faggots
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums of videogames and /vg/ doesn't want to talk about the game
what do
Plebbit is echochamber
Other urls found in this thread:
shouldn't be discussing videogames but playing them
You deal, user. You deal.
Find a good discord channel
>plebbit is echochamber
As bad as reddit is Sup Forums is just as much of an echochamber.
Somebody shouldn't make a thread unless they've played over 10 hours of a videogame and have enough experience with the game to talk extensively about it to continue discussion.
Find people who aren't retarded outside of these websites. Most gamers are either intolerable or stupid or a combination of both. You won't find any discussion here.
Search for maybe a discord, idk.
Or make some friends in real life.
does that shit really work?
Are you avatarfagging right now?
sorry, is this better
Yeah, you just need a non shit one.
Discussing video games is pointless
>Just inject aids into your bloodstream
Or any discord that doesnt have the admin sitting on the top of the userlist, those are usually reddit tier.
but,you can't post anonymously there
You apologize for shitting on Evolve; because you brought this upon yourself.
Eaxctly that's why it's better than Sup Forums.
get a life perhaps and stop referring things to the Internet constantly. you have a problem
>Muh super sekrit discord tech
No, never.
>People keep complaining that the community is Toxic.
>Every game I played either people don't talk or they talk about the state of the game.
I don't get it.
that came from LoL dev who got fired for being a massive cunt
this word doesn't exist in vocabulary of normal human being
>it's popular therefore it's aids
Nice mental gymnastics.
pick the best one
Sup Forums
Post the fox mask and say “owo”
In all honesty since my internet connection was stabizled, I’ve had a good time with this game even too this point. Sucks that knights will never win and I’ll always have to deal with wankers who’re more experienced than me. Sadly with so many other games I’ve had to put the trophy hunt for this game on hold.
last time I "successfully" created the thread about the game on Sup Forums because of 2 fags who started to RPing mommyshit
>Sup Forums talking about video games.
are you a faggot or something
you have to make op some sort of ellaborate bait
or post in some key hours
i have some alright
I would.
Shame the game is pvp trash.
in my experiences /vg/ is the best out of those but tgat doesnt mean its good
it is pretty shit, yes. even shittdit can't handle devs autism
but it's fun sometimes
it got almost 0 marketing for over 7 months, nobody wants to talk about it