
Anyone want to discuss Pathologic ?
I did the Bachelor and Haruspex routes last year, but afterwards I was really burned out and didn't do the changeling right away.
Now the rainy autumn evenings are putting me in the mood, I want to see my favorite russian town again. I'll get the changeling over with, and then I'll be completely ready for the remake.

Other urls found in this thread:

I enjoyed the Changeling scenario a lot more than I thought I would

>think I found the killer
>go talk with that guy with the beard
>he tells me no way its him or someshit like that and that I should talk to X person
>forget that persons name
>walk around wondering what to do talking to everyone
>no idea what to do
game seemed fun at first but oh well

There are both diary and mission log in the game. Stop being retarded.

Should I read The Plague by Albert Camus?

>is a casual
>plays a non casual game

who would have thought

The first day with Bachleor is notoriously drawn out and boring. There's still lots of walking and talking during the rest of the game, but the real action doesn't begin until the end of day 2.
If you ever feel like giving pathologic another chance, I'd recommend you try and power through the first 3 days, to see what the game will actually be like.

>game seemed fun at first
Pathologic is many things, but "fun" is definitively the last thing that comes to mind.

Also, here's the begginer's guide.

>user, are you excited to play Pathologic 2™ early access?
How do you respond?

Release the PAXWest demo already Dybowsky, it's been over a month now.

>Pathologic is many things, but "fun" is definitively the last thing that comes to mind.
I find enjoyment in exploring good stories accompanied by good atmosphere
I did nothing got updated

Hикoлaй, my friend, have you been drinking Twyrine again ? You mustn't scare me so.

I hope the new one is popular.
This game is too obscure.

>I find enjoyment in exploring good stories accompanied by good atmosphere
Enjoyment, sure, but would you say that's the same thing as fun to you ?
I don't mean to argue semantics, but calling a game like pathologic fun just strikes me as odd. It's like saying requiem for a dream or schindler's list are fun movies.

>I hope the new one is popular.
there is nothing worse than a bunch of casual cunts playing Pathologic 2 without even playing the first one and crying that the game is boring and too much reading

It's obscure and it should stay this way, because then we can have our comfy pathologic club without normies runing it

First day o Bachelor here. I have no idea whats going on.

Also i accidentally drank medicine and had to sleep in the middle of the day.
Gotta find out who this murder is and fast.

>First day o Bachelor here. I have no idea whats going on.

I'm so jealous

Yeah but only in french. Filthy anglos can't understand its full depth in their native tongue.

Spend all your money on food or you're in for some bad times.


Leave this thread at once, don't read the walkthrough , don't read the guide, don't ask for advice, suffer.

If you're ever tempted to use a guide, do yourself a favour and resist the temptation.
Also, be very wary of spoilers. In fact, you should leave this thread right now, and avoid any further pathologic threads until you've atleast finished the bachelor route.
Some general tips without spoilers however :
>Keep a permanent save for the beggining of each day
>Generally, it's much cheaper to to trade with people than to buy in stores
>don't forget to go to the theater at the start of each day.

Please stop giving that advice. It's something you really should experience by yourself.

Who /abbatoir/ here?

I'm more like a /stoneyard/ guy.

I think the only fun to be had in this game is the story. It's like reading a mystery novel, it's fun to see the twists and turns of the plot, draw conclusions (even if wrong), and generally feel surprised/shocked/validated.

That's how I choose to think of it, anyways. The strategy to surviving in Pathologic isn't particularly hard once you've played a fair bit of the game. So really the game just throws a relatively tedious challenge of surviving in between the plot points. Certainly not for everyone, but it's worth it to me.

Steppe master race

Schindlers list is a fun movie about a fun time

What is Pathologic? Is it a horror game? I need some good Horror.

Funny, Pathologic is the only game I love and I randomly went to Sup Forums to see if there was a thread. Great game, endlessly fascinating and unlike anything else out there. There are so many moments in it that actually come close to being these beautiful little works of art that no "art game" or "story based game" even approach. For example when you play as the Bachelor and you've been talking about the Albino with that kid, and when you finally, almost randomly/out of nowhere, stumble upon the creature it starts melting your face and all you can do is run away and lose it, or shoot it. When you instinctively shoot it, it dies and nothing is explained. The only thing you're left with is a corpse of something mythical - that might be a figment of your imagination - and your own lonely soul standing out in that field, the rain pouring down as the city remains exactly the same.
A god has died and the world hasn't even blinked an eye. A god has died and you killed it. And nobody will never know about it. Beautiful.

It's not a scary game unless you're afraid of slavs with knives and rats. Pathologic is more about atmosphere and feels.

Pathologic is a game unlike any other. Seriously, there's nothing like it. It's basically a survival adventure game that does get extremely creepy at points. However, the horror is completely different from any other horror ever and it does not concern itself with monsters or gore but the constant impending doom that starts to chew at the player's (not the character's!) mind.

Most people give up about 2 hours in. Not only because they can't beat it (the game is notoriously difficult), but because it genuinely makes them feel miserable. Like another user said, nothing about this game can be described as "fun".


>A god has died and you killed it
And even after witnessing a "god", after putting a bullet through its skull, after feeling his own face melting off - even after all that, Bachelor immediately goes back to his usual attitude of "Huh, must have been an illusion. Everyone knows there's no such thing as steppe demons. It's just the flowers making me dizzy."
That really struck me as the moment that defined Daniil's worldview. Or perhaps that's just his way of coping with the insanity that surrounds him ?
Comparing that to Haruspex and Clara, it's really neat to see how the characters react differently to the same events.

Sounds good, All kinds of horror appeal to me, whether its subtle or in your face. The HD version is even on sale on steam so Ive gotten it.

>The HD version is even on sale
I was about to tell you to get that one, since the different versions often confuse new players.

Im confused how anyone could be confused by this.

I think it's breathtaking.
It's ironic how that moment is one that most players won't experience, not because of their playstyle, but because of their personal disposition.

Well, there are people who see "HD version" and want to play the original instead, because HD remasters are known to ruin a game's atmosphere (see Silent Hill HD, Metro 2033 Redux or Majora's Mask 3D).
It also doesn't help that until recently, both the original game and the upcoming remaquel were named the exact same thing.

where the fuck could I find albino as bachelor?

I completely missed it

You have to talk to that kid who lives in the northern part of the most eastern segment of the map. At some point he sends you a letter on how to find albino. Albino will be hanging out on the steppe near the entrance to the abbatoir.

IIRC, on day 4 or 5, Sticky tells you he's seen a steppe creature, and you can then find Albino near the entrance of the abbatoir (the one that's out in the steppe). If you kill it and come back later, Clara will be there, mourning.

Well, fuck me then

Just wanna say, that you MIGHT enjoy "I/O revision II" (at least, up until the normal ending) as well.

Will check it out!

Also, another two games you might want to check out are "Riven: The Sequel to Myst" (this one of all the Myst games in particular) and "Azrael's Tear".

Also2, along with "Pathologic" another Russian game that had comparable "art game" status in Russia, was "Vangers". It is very much worth checking out, but be advised, that it has a tone, that is considerably different from Pathologic's, and I'm not sure about its quality of translation (to put it lightly; the original had absolutely insane lingo, and I have serious doubts as to whether both old and new English translations of this game have managed to capture what made it work).

Also3, strangely, the main source of inspiration behind "Pathologic" was "Thief: The Dark Project" (yes, the first one).

Thanks for the recs. I've heard about Riven but never played it. I played Thief as a teen, classic.

Post Patholotic memes please
Especially that one Facebook image where they say "Are you ok with criticism?"

I'm still having trouble understanding how to play this game. I wanna get into it so bad but im fucking confused

I'm getting some stuttering with the HD version, that common?


>the main source of inspiration behind "Pathologic" was "Thief: The Dark Project
Dybowsky has stated many times that he considers it one the most imporant games there are, but to say it inspired Pathologic is kind of a stretch, don't you think ? Especially considering the whole backstory of pathologic : how the story came to him in a dream, how he first adapted it as a tabletop RPG campaign, then as a theatre play; and all that...

Isn't that the racer game ? Someone in a pathologic thread once claimed it's set in the same universe as Perimeter, is that right ?

>Visual Novels
If we're heading that way, can we briefly talk about DDLC ?
I don't know much about VNs, and I've seen plenty of people calling it "babies first meta VN", but it left a really strong impression on me. I usually have to roll my eyes at the whole trope of "game character knows he's inside a game", unless it's really well executed, but DDLC really managed to get under my skin, I was damn impressed. In fact, it's been a while since I've gotten that heavily invested in a game.

>Dybowsky has stated many times that he considers it one the most imporant games there are, but to say it inspired Pathologic is kind of a stretch, don't you think ? Especially considering the whole backstory of pathologic : how the story came to him in a dream, how he first adapted it as a tabletop RPG campaign, then as a theatre play; and all that...
whats your source for all this?

>Someone saved my screenshot

>change remakes name to Pathologic 2 to avoid confusion
>regularly see people that think it's a straight up sequel
good job

You are an actor, act.

that's okay - i got burned out myself on the Impostress (changeling sounds like some fucking pokemon shit) on my first run.
I did play all three next time and, frankly, girl didn't add much of anything to the narration (and, most stupidly enough - you can see all three "good" endings by siding with either of the three MC by playing any of the three)

what does confuse you, oh innocent one?

I did my first run as Haruspex and died at the second night i think

Should i try again as bachelor?


>Dybowsky has stated many times that he considers it one the most imporant games there are, but to say it inspired Pathologic is kind of a stretch, don't you think ?
Well, it definitely doesn't contain any direct ties or references to it, but, well,
>Isn't that the racer game ?
It's more like Privateer: Micro-Machines Edition, gameplay-wise, I guess? Also, yes, MORE OR LESS the same universe, as Perimeter.

yeah, it's easier on the player and there's no shame for a newcomer to do bachelor run first.
Especially since the intent was to ease in the player into this intricate world of old wisdom and intriguing mystery; Bachelor is literally outsider, Haruspex is an intern - a body of the city and Impostress is its soul

Your pic reminded me of this, a pretty good meta moment that I haven't seen anyone bring up in these threads.
As Clara you can refer to Dankovsky in this conversation as either your "past" or your "future", since his character represents either one of your previous playthroughs or one that you haven't done yet.

Bachelor -> Haruspex -> Changeling
There should have been an enforced playing order, the story doesn't make sense if you do them any other way.

that sounds like a mistranslated bit, because, whilst he was praising Vangers to achieve a milestone in game design, the actual inspiration for Pathologic was, wait for it... Japanese dating sims / visual novels more generally.

this voice actor doesnt know how to pronounce chimera

>had to read this in high school, some 10 years ago
>it's actually really neat !
>some of the characters try to maintain order and sanity while society collapses around them, and others just let themselves be swallowed whole
>teacher says the whole plague thing is just an allegory for nazism
Fuck you. Why can't I just enjoy absurdist writing about human suffering, without having to compare it to a political situation ?
Same thing happened with "Rhinoceros" by Ionesco - an amazing story about a community descending into chaos, but nooo, it just HAS to be about nazis, that's how it's meant to be interpreted !
Fucking Godwin's law, I swear.

do they pronounce it as "khee-maer-uh"?
That's how they pronounce it in latvian

Why is it that we have all of these threads about Pathologic, but none about the Void?
Also best girl.

I remember reading somewhere that Ivan was inspired by Divi-Dead, but only in how you move from location to location and talk to people.

less memetic / higher entry bar
why there are no Quests for Gravity or Knock-Knocks anymore

>the actual inspiration for Pathologic was, wait for it... Japanese dating sims / visual novels more generally.
Nah, he just said he kind of liked "True Love" and that the whole "fleeting childhood" theme, connected to Polyhedron, was sort of loosely inspired via it.

>the actual inspiration for Pathologic was, wait for it... Japanese dating sims / visual novels more generally.
The Void was more directly inspired by dating sims than Pathologic.

will i get triggered if my father is dying in the hospital irl?

no, he sais it with a tshi sound

Do you know, that The Void is the second version of the game, and that there is also the first, called Tension? And that Tension has, like, twice as many text as The Void has? And that, in Russia, where, naturally, both versions were published, very few prefer the second version (called "Turgor: The Voice of Colour") over the first one (called just "Turgor")?

From what I've heard on rpgcodex, there is a legit way to play it in English too. GOG seems to offer Polish version of Tension, in addition to The Void, and there is a semi-official (made in-house by one of the developers) English patch for Tension, floating about (rpgcodex, once again, had some links).


stop quoting shit from Wikipedia as the source of ultimate truth.
I wish I could find the original interview bit where he describes the structure of Pathologic narration based on VN and how VNs, especially dating sims, achieve to depict shameful topic in such an artistic way

anything can be a trigger in such situation.

I am quoting shit from what I remember from Dybowski's posts on the old IPL forums, made in 2008 or 2009.

just trying to pronounce the word like this makes my mouth bleed a bit

I mean, it's a game about the plague so if i will see some father dying from the plague i would say it would be extremely triggering

Question, Do you have one of these for the config ini? So I can max the graphics out?

>stop quoting shit from Wikipedia
he says here that he was inspired by True Love

Steam offers Polish "Tension" too. Also, there is this guide:

>the story came to him in a dream
I have to admit, that one is mostly apocryphal. It's been repeated so often in these threads, I guess I just want it to be true.
That being said, I recently read through all the kickstarter updates, and I saw Alphyna alluding to this - it might still be a joke though. I'll try to find the exact post where I saw this.

>he first adapted it as a a tabletop
That one is certain however. Not sure in which interview he said it, might be this one :
Or this one ?
Unfortunately I don't speak russian so I can't check for sure (I had a friend translate this for me).

>best girl
I don't feel like arguing about waifus, so here's some more of """best girl"" for you.

>less memetic
you have no idea actor.

unfortunately i do (still have ptsd from hunting that fucking tree grub or whatever the fuck its' name was)
and by "less memetic" i mean "less memed by the audience due to lack of hype around the title". Pathologic gets the free ride due to many announcements of the remake that's yet to come.

is there anything you can do with the empty bottles?

Fill them up with water, so you can trade them

yes! you can fill them with water and trade for useful/expensive bandages from drunkards

Fill them with water, then trade them to drunks for bandages.

Slit your wrists.
Snort broken glass.
Or you could, you know, fill the bottles with water and drink from them, you dummy.

and where do you fill bottles with water?


so is it worth it to play this game now? last i heard the remake isn't out yet, but the remake is a reimagining? or a sequel even in a way?

should i just play pathologic HD now?

Does anybody have an ENB for this game?

>tfw Dybovsky gets cynical and distancing away from his own idea of games to become art that must both inflict strong sense of catharsis upon the players and fill them with new perspectives on many aspect of thei lives
the worst time-line to be in

SeeThis image was created specifically to adress these very questions.

>I/O revision II
Would you happen to have a link for that ?


what game is this?

Does anyone knows another game where you have to choose carefully and investigate and if you fuck it up you actually lose?

I love games like this

It's ULUS10019