Come home from 9 hour slave job

>Come home from 9 hour slave job
>Feed myself instant food while watching someone else play a game on strea or youtube until im so exhausted im forced to sleep

Living the dream

The more my life moves on, the more I think we live in the bizarro universe where everything is bad.

>come home from 8 hour slave job
>instantly boot up my videogame-playing machine of choice
>play one game for one and a half hours
>play another game for two hours
>play a third game for two hours
>didn't eat
>now I have to go to sleep for the next day

living the dream

Are you me?

This has been my life for 2 years

Im slowly weening off twitch

>weekend hits
>watch some shit on youtube
>browse Sup Forums
>do housework
>it's monday morning already
literally working just to pay for a place to live between shifts of work LOL life is great loving every moment :)))

Treat your work hours as a side job and invest some time in your hobbies instead of web surfing. If you don't have one, find something worth living for, unless you love what you do at your day job. Without it, you're just dead nigga mate

>past 6 years
>smoke weed everyday
>play video games 8 - 10 hours a day
>400 games on steam
Everyday is my weekend

There's still 17 hours left in the day though, so what do you?

Where can i read more of your blog

>be adult
>have none of these pleb problems
>don't play games because too busy having fun with friends
>go to bed rested and happy

>be on 100% disability for social phobia and get 50k a year until i'm 67
>do whatever i want every day
>pay close to no taxes due to government considering me retired
living the dream

I've done this for about ten years, but last month I got (forced) an internship by the NEETbucks givers.

Worst part is I'm really enjoying getting up and doing stuff every day. It's pointless work but that doesn't matter, it's something.

I still toke everyday though, if I have money.

my nigga

The mods are cunts for deleting that thread last night. Some of the best discussion on Sup Forums in years. Yet they leave up every fucking HAHAJAHAJAJANANAAABA thread.

>posting on Sup Forums


>NEETbucks givers
You mean taxpaying citizens?

50k of what currency senpai

I'm doing the same schtick in Sweden getting 10,000 of our monopoly money a month.

No I mean the social services I suppose. The lady in the office who is in charge of whether or not I get money. I don't know the English words for these things.

Its unfortunate but the worker drones have to be someone.

What kind of argument is that?

We're done here.

>That level of reading comprehension

No wonder you're a worthless neet.

>do specialty arbor work for rich folks
>do one 5 hour job a week
>get paid $2k for it
>spend the rest of the week doing whatever the fuck I want
The trick is to sell rich people something they don't actually need. I'm not rich, but I make more than enough for what I want and the rest of my time is spent masturbating to anime girls and shitposting.

oh you're polbaiting cunt. my bad. shouldn't have responded.

>atleast youre saving money for retirement
>at least you will enjoy your last 15...10 maybe 5 years on the planet
>atleast you have no family to leech of you
>atleast you got to spend all your money before you died a couple years after retirement
>and the government didnt take it all

>be neet for months
>nobody would hire me except someplace far away at shit minimum wage
>now i wake up at 6:30am
>commute from 7 am to 8 am
>wageslave from 8 am to 4:30pm
>commute from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
>basically have from 6pm until 10pm to myself until i have to sleep again so i don't look like a zombie the next day
>working 7 days in a row then get 1 day off then in for another 10
>miss neet life so fucking i bad i want to kys myself every day

What country?


Sounds like paradise

My god you people are all fucked in the head.

>finally land good job
>really gonna build that sick ass pc machine
>too greedy to spend my hard earned bux
>bitcoin miner price hike put the final nail into the coffin
now saving for a house

It's pretty good. Dealing them can be stressful at times, especially if you're unsure if whether they're going to pay out so you can make rent.

The poster you are responding to was being sarcastic. They were implying that you are a worthless parasite living off the hard work of others, being a drain on your country, using up resources that should be allocated to others who are genuinely in need. In short you are a lowlife.

Good man.

>2 years ago
>Be immensely depressed and want to die
>see a thread like this and take some of the advice to get out of the rut
>start working out and getting /fit/
>get in touch with friends again and start maintaining my relationships properly
>still working at shit job but manage to become team lead in my department and get a small pay raise
>going to classes for actual job advancement on the side and I'm pushing to become a Network Admin
>start eating healthier and stop jacking off
>now from the outside I'm a well adjusted person living a healthy life
>I'm still depressed and want to die

I'm still waiting on Heavenly Pete

I'm genuinely in need. I spent a year as a homeless sleeping at friend's places and shelters and generally had no control over my life. They picked me up and I'm grateful.

They're saying the next step is getting me off weed, buuuut idk about that.

nigga drop that shit, if you are over 21 and still smoking weed you need help

Just say DUDE WEED LMAO every time you see the shit. Eventually you will avoid it out of fear of being mocked on Sup Forums.

It only gets better.

You have failing health , crippling loneliness, and finally death to look forward to as well.


Alcohol is worse for you than weed

I'm from a hippy family. My parents and most of my extended family all toke up on the daily, as do most of my friends. Although I'm making new ones at my internship.

It's looking up for sure, but idk if weed is really that big of a problem. I mean both my parents held down jobs so I should be able to as well.

You deserve it

What happens after death?

Fuck you. You spent the better part of a decade smoking pot and playing video games instead of working or doing something worthwhile and you think you deserve ANYTHING. Your situation is of your own fucking making. Also... spending your social assistance $ on drugs? are you totally blind to how low you are?

>huffing jenkem is worse for you so my money sink drug is alright

If I gave two shits about what Sup Forums thinks I wouldn't be writing these posts. I'm just venting.

Sweet, let me share my blog.

>29 yold, almost 30
>graduated months ago with a BSc. biochem honors
>have experience doing menial lab QA shit as well as research (thesis)
>been sending out resumes for months and have never received even an interview request
>Spend my time shit posting and playing shit video games, the hobby doesn't even make me happy anymore, it's just escapism.
>minimal social life since I left university, see friends every couple of weeks but that's it. Don't even know where to go to meet people, not interested in trolling bars.
>if I don't get out of the house I'm going to kill myself

I wish I was working.

>9 hour slave job

Nigger, i work 12 hrs a day and I still find time to play. Quit being lazy

Is it working yet?

okay whatever helps you sleep at night buddy

you don't know shit about addiction

The void. No more pain. You are free as you were before you were born.

>tell government you're afraid of talking to people and be set up with middle class income
>enter with no paperwork and nothing but your 7 children and wife from some african shithole and be set up with a house and tons of cash

damn, how does Europe do it?

5 days of 8 hour shifts or 3 days of 12 hour shifts?

pick one Sup Forums

What games do you play? I'm in a similar situation but I only play multiplayer games since long as RPGs could take a fucking year to finish.

this is unironically what i believe

not even a fedora tipper either

looking forward to oblivion desu


You start again.

Yeah but the time before I was born kinda sucked. There was no internet.

I choose death

That's one happy goat.

>Get job five or so years ago.
>20 minute commute, 8-5, low stress IT job that pays well.

>Supervisor, a non-IT guy, is pissed that we have an actual IT guy and he's not it anymore.
>Does everything he can to try and get me to quit.
>When that fails, does everything he can to discredit me in front of people.
>Keeps information from me and releases it two weeks after the fact to ensure I appear late to everyone.
>Any major project he hides until it's complete to say he did it and I didn't help.

>My only reason for continuing to get out of bed every day is because my being at work makes him mad and upset.
>Use all the hatred I've gathered for him over the course of these years to finally sit down and program a video game.

I go to work until 5:00 every day, come home, start programming until 11:00 before I play video games for an hour and go to bed. Any time I think about being lazy and just playing games, I remember all the hatred I've built up for any upper management and everyone like them who do similar things to people in similar positions as mine, and keep working. If I ever finish and release, assuming it makes any money whatsoever, I will quit my work on the spot and never return.

I think it's sort of a good thing though, I never really had the belief I could make video games despite learning how in 2001 when I was modding Half-Life, now it's pretty much my all consuming purpose so I can leave.

Working is mad gay amigos