Hey Sup Forums just like to drop in on lunch break and remind you fallout 4 is on sale, its 50 percent off...

Hey Sup Forums just like to drop in on lunch break and remind you fallout 4 is on sale, its 50 percent off. Hey that's 10 percent more then that crap called "new vegas". Seriously fallout 4 is only 3 dollars more then "new vegas" now, whats your excuse? Why would you buy that old crap engine game when you can play the newer shinier engine fallout? Its the better experience.

Oh this gun? Whoops, wheres my manners, I just bought it and like to play with it like a uh fidget spinner, I DONT HAVE A SPINNER, alright? Good. Have a good day Sup Forums and think about our awesome deal.

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I'm gonna buy a second copy of New Vegas and pirate Fallout 4, alright Todd?

>tfw fallout 4 is still running the oblivion engine, same as NV, 3 and Skyrim

Nice bait Todd fag.

Hey Toadd, i pirated all of your games.
But i bought NV twice, so its fine, right?

Morrowind engine

It's literally the fucking Morrowind engine

it's not even worth pirating


I bought it because I liked New Vegas and thought 3 was decent. Upon starting it up, I found out that even with my fairly decent and new computer running the game on its lowest settings, the game was still unplayably laggy so I got it refunded

>he didn't buy the anthology

How do I convince my friends that New Vegas is art? A lot of my friends play mostly Japanese and multiplayer games and I've tried to tell them how intellectually stimulating New Vegas is but they just ignore me. How do I convince my friends that NV is actually art and one of the best games ever? Are they just too stupid to get it?

>play mostly Japanese
Don't bother, weebs are retarded

why wont they use a new engine for fucks sake. money isnt even an issue, i think bethesda might be flat out incapable of using other engines.


fuck your friends.

I'm not sure to be honest. I'm a weeb gamer myself. (Mostly jrpgs, Nintendo, and fighters. Rarely ever western vidya)
But I'm super fucking glad I took a chance on Fallout. Its the one exception they should play. No ever game has had the same amount of immersion for me.

thanks, I'm good.

Don't worry user, cop todd and the Bethesda brotherhood of steel are coming to the rescue. Time to lock up that egotistic pedophile.

Buy Fallout 4?
>No (Yes)
>Sarcastic (Yes)
>More info (Yes)

Now hang on fella, look like this guy didn't pre-ordered at least 40 copies of Skyrim Special Edition, we can't do nothing here.

>that glorious feel when you haven¿'t bought a single TES game ever

If they're weebs they're already mentally retarded.

But chief, if we don't save him, he won't be able to preorder the next version of Skyrim Special Edition for iOS, coming soon.

>obsidian making an AMA on reddit
There you go.

I got this guys, we cant lose a potential customer not when elder scrolls 6 skyrim revisited is coming out soon.

I was thinking of buying FO4.
I enjoy both the RPG aspect and the FPS stuff.
Is it worth it? Is it a nice game? With a nice main story?

No thanks I prefer my pirated copy of FO4 with all the DLC which I paid $0 for. Seems like a much better deal to me.

It is not an RPG. The story and writing are typical Bethesda. Occasional "shit that's bretty gud" mostly lost in a sea of "wat."

With the right mods you can make it into a pretty good open world action/survival game, but no amount of mods will ever really make it into an RPG.

I enjoy it, but it is deeply flawed.

I recently pirated it and I have a hard time letting go of it because the game's explore-shoot-loot cycle is very addictive.
It's definetly is a fun game in the right places.

>[Speech, 1%] How about you pay ME for MY game instead?
>[Bargain, 1%]How about you bump the price down another 25%?
>Hey, I'll buy it at full price. Just for you.
>Alright, you got yourself a deal. I'll buy it right now.
>You better leave right now before I pry that gun from your hand and put it to good use.

Hey guys ive created this creative new idea, mod boxes. For only $5 you can get yourself one modbox which comes with a randomly selected mod from the creation club.

I also enjoy the explore-shoot-loot, so that's what I focused on enhancing with mods. I went with PILGRIM and then sought out weapons and armor that were added to the leveled-lists. Gives raiders and gunners a bit more variety, and then I got the few good additional creature mods there are.

After some tweaks to survival, I've made what I feel is a pretty solid open world survival horror so basically a shinier but slightly worse STALKER

>Character customization, stat points, skill levels, huge variety of armor and weapons which can be modded, multiple factions, choices that affect the game outcome

I don't think you know what an RPG is pal

there's not much to explore really, every place just feels the same as in devoid of life and meaning. near endless amounts of respawning supermutants/raiders/gunners or generic NPCs don't make a place feel "alive"

the enemies are bullet sponges and there's no reason that there should be so many of them. the commonwealth has more raiders than actual commoners, and why the fuck are there so many super mutants around?

all the loot is the same randomly generated shit with junk, ammo and pipe pistols. you get literally the same loot in a container at the bottom of the ocean as you do in a regular house.

Alright, straight up saying it's not an RPG was a bit of an exaggeration, but let's not be pedantic here.

My point was the RPG mechanics are fairly weak, and most of the choices in the game aren't much of a choice at all because of the dialogue options.

You're also shoehorned into the Minutemen because of the settlement building, and the skills and perks are dumbed down to near insulting levels.

Can you really honestly say that if you go into FO4 expecting an RPG that you wouldn't be disappointed? If you go into it with the mindset that it's an open world action/survival with some light RPG elements to it, you can have a pretty decent time.

It's marketed as Fallout, so it's supposed to be an RPG. My guess is that Toddler will just remove all the RPG elements from the next game to appeal to a wider audience.

>the dlc costs more than the base game
No thanks, Todd.

>sarcastic (yes)

>You better leave right after I buy that game from your hand and put it to good use.

"Supposed to be" and "actually is" are unfortunately two very different things.

I'm not even sure what to call Bethesda games at this point. I usually just refer to them as exactly that, since RPG doesn't seem quite right, but then neither do a lot of other established genres.

All I really want is just NV ported to the Creation engine.

>mfw Fallout 4 was actually a decently fun game that I poured a lot of hours into

I don't get the hate. My favorite part was how you could pick up companions, do their shit, get a perk, and then dump them. Best way to handle companions.

You're like a little baby

Yeah, makes me glad I'm not German.

I also thought it was better than Fallout 3 in many aspects.

Also the intro was neat. Live action intros need to come back.

Well, the price is more or less the same in most 1st world countries

>lunchbreak at 2PM

my office would riot

Wait a few decades and you'll be speaking german and reading the quran.

I meant that Germans are the most likely to buy those types of games; Fork Lift Simulator, etc.


learn english or leave Sup Forums

Hey Todd,if i pirated Skyrim and then i pirated NV i'm clear,right?

user,sorry to break this to you,but New Vegas is crap.It has meh writing and shit gameplay.Only obsidiots and Van Cuckens praise this pos.

But muh story reeeee actual gameplay doesn't matter reeeee

I for one think this is a wonderful idea. I already love the innovation Bethesda has brought us with the Creation Club, and Mod Boxes would be a great new way to experience paid mo... I mean creation club content.

So I never played a single Fallout game in my entire life. Which one should I start with, which ones are worth playing at all and wich ones should I avoid?
Fuck off Todd, I only want actual answers. I'm gonna pirate them anyway.

But Rod,i already have a free Nexus accout.Why would i use the creation club?

Phoneposter please fix your auto-corrections.

>learn english or leave Sup Forums
cyka blyat

everyone in central europe had their version of New Vegas changed to the mod-incompatible russian release years after they bought it.

Well if you hustled more then your company could afford multiple lunch breaks, I could give you some sales advice and presenting skills to present your products to gullible fo- I mean customers and make them buy more. I wanted to present at e3 this year but Bethesda is being raided by obsidian shills that forced me out of it.

There are so many super mutants around because we, at Bethesda aren't racist towards super mutants, super mutants deserve comforts of living in the commonwealth and should be welcomed with friendly attitudes. Just like orcs should be welcome in skyrim. If you don't like this then go play that garbage called new vegas made by xenophobic and racist chris avellone.

1/2/tactics are cRPGs.

FO3/NV are open world exploran' shootan' lootan' and if you can get over how janky they are, both provide different things. I genuinely think both are worth playing.

FO4 is basically an FPS with some light RPG elements to it. I still think FO4 is worth playing as well.

As for where to start, release order.

Thanks for reminding me, Todd. I don't see these so well, you know.

>the enemies are bullet sponges
I found a simple mod that fixes this in an elegant way.
It's called Realistic Headshots
Multiplies headshot damage by 20.

Makes fights more interesting because you really have to focus on accuracy.

Not really thread related, but I noticed that Skyrim is 21.99 right now.

Should I buy it? I have never played and elder scrolls games, but I loved fallout 3 and new Vegas.

Genuinely curious, as I don't want to waste my money.

I didn't say it was completely good I said it was addictive.
The exploration part is just wandering around looking for shit to kill and steal.
The shoot, yes, most enemies are bullet sponges but i dont really care since I have a gorillion rounds of 5.56mm and fusion cells by mid game.
And the loot is mostly getting materials for settlements that I also autistically build in the image of the brotherhood and weapon and armor mods.

The one that is less likely to disappoint is Fallout 4.

1 and 2 are isometric RPGs.You may have fun,but it's not for everyone.

BoS never existed.If you see a torrent for it it's a virus

3 is shit.

NV is 3 with a new coat of paint.It's still shit.

>nobody responds to my thread or RPs with me
>so I samefag and RP with myself

haha todd arent u mad?
i shur am other todd lmao

I mean I agree the main quest about finding Shawn is basically terrible everything in between is great. I'm doing the Silver Shroud right now and it's such a great side quest.

Even has Wes Johnson doing the voice work on the radio and hamming it up. Then you get to impersonate him while doing the quest. I was cracking up the whole time. Everything about Goodneighbor is just great.

It's £10 at Tesco. Got it today

Just remove VATS and then change the setting to fantasy and there ya go.

I spent maybe a week on Skyrim before going back to NV and have yet to try Skyrim again. It just did not grab hold of me at all.

Also like to add you get fallout 3 free with it

$20 for everything, Todd. I'm a patient man.

That's some bullshit

Thanks fellas. I heard a lot of good about 1/2 and NV and was mainly wondering if 3 was worth it as well. I dunno about 4, but hey, maybe I'll give it a go if I really like the rest.


Skyrim has VATS? That's weird. I enjoyed Vats for my melee playthru on F3 but that was it.

Damn, I'd love to try it but I'm torn here.

I'm replaying it again now actually. I think the gameplay is alright...I really like the dense city area. Variety of environments is decent outside of there too. I'm even boring enough to like the base management thing. The story just really, really fucked it up, I never feel like replaying it and doing the quests, but I still do them for the experience. In NV I replayed it many times to play a character type that fit the different endings.

Also weapon variety. I know weapon mods are a thing and so are enchanted guns but neither was quite as interesting as finding a new 45, or that shotgun fist or any of that shit. There's like 3 fist weapons in the base game, what the fuck.

Yes,it's worth it.Even if you don't like Vanilla,there are enough mods at nexus and loverslab to tickle your fancy.If you buy,also use this,you will need for almost all mods. skse.silverlock.org/

to add to , I love tes 3-4-5 and online and didn't make it past the first village in fallout 3 before calling it quits. I don't think they're similar even with the same engine.

No no I was saying Skyrim does not have VATS. Remove it from the formula and then just slap a coat of fantasy instead of post-apoc on to 3/NV and then you've got Skyrim.

Skyrim at 21.99 isn't worth it considering there will be far better bundles as we go into the holidays.

Sounds like something that is sorely needed in the game. A high-level raider takes something like 20 headshots from a sniper rifle to die, it's beyond retarded.


I read about that on the steam forum. Seems like it's a must have. I have 21.99 in my wallet rn, do I need the dragon born and the base dlc? ( Can't remember what's it's called).

Also, there's a high res texture pack for free. Is that suitable or do mods do it better?

Skyrim technically does have gimped VATS. The Marksman tree has the ability to slow down time as you aim.

Oh, I'm sorry. My bad.

I would say this, I liked skyrim (with mods at least) but you can seriously get the GOTY bundle or whatever it's called for like 5-10 bucks when there's a decent sale I'm pretty sure.

>tfw bought new vegas, pirated fallout 4

The funniest part is how the engine doesn't even allow for something as simple as ladders.

pretty much every mod depends on having all DLC. this is because for a while Legendary Edition was the only one available for purchase which included all. but now you can only buy it piecemeal again, or buy the Special Edition which includes all DLC but mods don't yet work with it because no skse updated for it yet.

As far as I know the DLCs are "alright at best" but are mostly required for mods. SKSE is definitely a must have. Check the /tesg/ for recommended mods and more info on this as I could be completely fucking wrong and a retarded faggot.

This is an absolute god send user holy shit. Thanks bud.


>Get the sniper perks up
>Get the crit damage perk
>Get that sniper rifle that fires twice per bullet if you really feel like being overkill
>Legendary deathclaws going down in one crit headshot

>fallout 4 GOTY edition goes on sale for $40
>watcher 3 GOTY edition goes on sale for $20
based slavs

Doesn't Todd make money from either purchase?

>using VATS

what the fuck, that sounds atrocious

Why would I buy open-world games?

>mfw all sneak perks, all ninja perks, Deacon's perk, and several of those covert operations magazines PLUS that silenced pistol you get from The Railroad and fully upgraded through Gun Nut

You can kill nearly everything on Very Hard in 1 hit. 2 if they're legendary.

I just got New Vegas, and I love having Charisma builds. Any tips?

save often

fuck off Todd, this place is big enough for only one dev around here, go crawl back to Hines' pocket

pretty much.

>tfw tried to sound as fedora as possible and you virgin losers actually took my post seriously

Jesus fucking christ