New PS4 controller

>here's your controller bro

Kinda looks like one of the prototype PS1 controllers

>Playstation isn't for childr-

thats a joycon

Who the fuck holds controllers like that


Why the fuck doesn't it have grips? It's gonna make it uncomfortable to hold.


Wait... This is actually a thing.. Why?

it's a slime from dragon quest

Children controller bundled with Call of Duty Infinite Microtransactions, because let's admit it. Mostly children play on PS4 and Xbox

Looks comfy for kids, OP.

I know that, but why did they make a controller like that?


How am I supposed to execute intricate touchpad maneuvers?

It's just a gimmick collectible, like that RE4 chainsaw controller.


What's the price tag?

30 dollars.

how do you even hold that

>we want the nintendo audience

>literally a wii classic controller

I'm unironically interested to see what'd it be like for Fighting Games.

Imma buy four of these. been waiting for a rerelease for a USB classic controller
Maybe if you were born in 2004
Pls dont tell me its bundle only

>when sony is in charge of designing a controller

y y y you too

*Arthritis Intensifies*

At least if you get angry and throw your controller, it comes right back to you.

Might get into making my own stick now.


Seize this instant.
This one is the best controller there is right now.


what the fuck? i love sony now


Literary only good for PC centric genres which M&K does infinitely better.


I just imagine the cramps youd get holding this monstrosity. Not to mention how annoying itd be to have your fingers constantly slipping off the sticks.

>that fucked up stick placement on a controller with no handles

Why the fuck can't anyone make a Wii U style controller that is wired? Top Symmetrical sticks is the only way we should be playing.


How big is it?

I wouldn't mind a wired ps4 controller that isn't really low quality

Why do all the shittiest controllers have turbo buttons

I actually had this controller when I was a kid

The head spins around when it rumbles

>can you help me with my pokeman file, breh?

>Top Symmetrical sticks is the only way we should be playing.
I disagree. Most of the time the right stick is used to adjust the camera in games, and the top of the controller is a bad spot for it.

The real question is does the slime enjoy when it's sticks are being fondled?


there is no reason to overperform in games like fallout new vegas, steam controller gives you all the function of mouse and keyboard but on a controller

You'd have to be a handlet to even hold that thing.




It's spherical!


Are there any pictures of the back? Does it have any grooves at all or is it just a smooth slab?


ill buy it

go for it, its only 250 bucks

You can also buy this for less than 50

The puprle looks cool though.


just buy a saturn controller for 30 bucks thats the same fucking thing

don't like this controller, it misses too many diagonals, d-pad detection seems to be sporadic
saturn controller is leagues above it

the left half actually looks great for playing mmos, no idea about the right half though

>implying i don't already have one and am not just shilling it to others
i know it's the same thing with just the ds design on it
i just want a goddamn adapter for it for my ps4

I want steel battalion VR set up with this controller.

if the keys were decent it would be good as a hitbox, though so is a normal keyboard


What's the point of these six face button setups? Just for fighting games?

>third party manufacturers aren't afraid to wildly violate patents because lolChina
>don't violate the right patents and make a perfect controller

I'm curious how this would play with shooters since the triggers seem to be regular buttons on this.

Why is this getting shilled so hard? Micro controllers have always been a thing for every platform.

Pretty much, but really it seems only worth it if you sometimes use your fingers instead of just thumb. Otherwise a normal controller is easier


Is that the controller from that «weapon to surpass metal gear» thread? You know the one [/sooiler]

>its even wireless
what the fuck is this abortion

>action buttons in the middle

I understand the d-pad on the right side, but those buttons? Why?

That looks like a guitar hero controller for poor people

>Sony makes new controller for children
>Sony developing titles for the Switch
This is the best timeling


it's actually better to use imo for virtual on if you don't play dualstick, but since most modern controllers have those these days, the point is moot

They had one for PS2, now they're bringing it back to PS4 for the new dragon quest game, it's really just a collector's item. I hear they aren't very comfortable to use for long periods of time.

holy shit, I remember the Adiboo PC game

what would be really cool is a sega saturn controller for ps4
but it must have the same quality parts, not like that shitty usb saturn controller, that thing was a bad knockoff

>sega saturn controller

My nigga.

reminds me of this
I fucking had to google "chinese controller meme" to find it

Were these made for certain games or something?

i have that one too, that's the Mk1 controller
i generally use the Mk2 (more familiar d-pad that people know)

It is.


probably third party controllers to appeal to children or insecure boys that want to be cool with a rare controller that plays like shit

Oh my god, my little brother actually had this! The dragon head was the cheapest rubber ever and it fell off after like a month of hardcore Scaler sessions

Well, yes. Street Fighter pioneered the 6-button Light-Medium-Heavy punch/kick system, and in the early 90s, competing with arcade machines was an important goal for home consoles. Some consoles made official 6 face button controllers (notably, Sega), while other consoles stuck with 3 or 4 face buttons and 3rd-party controllers offered solutions for fighting game fans.

I disagree, the right stick on the top is the perfect place to put it.

Consider racing games. You'll be working with the triggers and left stick, and the right stick is at a comfortable position to flick it for a quick mirror check.

Consider games like katamari. It was bullshit playing the 360 version because the fucked up placement gave an imbalance to needing both sticks to go forward or back.

Consider FPS or TPS. Your thumbs will rest on both sticks, which are required, and your fingers ready on the triggers. A quick slide down will activate a face button which is usually secondary in most shooters.

Lastly, for retro vidya, the d pad and 4 face buttons are symmetrically aligned for max comfy and more aligned to classic controllers of the past.

Choosing any other stick placement such as playstation with bottom symmetricals and xbox with asymmetrical is inherently backwards and incorrect. Brought upon by hardware designers who don't play video games but because those features are required in modern games.

You cannot prove me wrong.
t. Person who has used every controller from Atari to NEC to Sega to Steam.

>that position
i'm in tears

What's the best USB controller for PC games? I'd like to just buy one that works for every game but there's like a billion to choose from. I'd still play FPS games with mouse/keyboard set ups so I guess it would just be for platformers or shit that requires two sticks.


>not shitty dpad
>removed stupid gimmick pad

glad they finally fixed the DS4

DS4 takes some tinkering. I recently bought the Xbox One Elite controller. Its great for all around PC gaming. On microsoft machines it works on everything on a pretty much native level, and you can choose what type of sticks and dpad you have. I actually love the Disc shaped dpad for cuphead right now.
Those extra buttons on the bottom are bullshit though, so i removed them and forgot they exist

to be fair this is third party
and even if it was first party the majority of exclusives aren't supposed to be super colorful family friendly games

>so i removed them and forgot they exist
Like, you pried them off or something?

>recommending dualsuck for anything
>especially ds4