So how about it, Sup Forums? Did you enjoy Velvet's game?
So how about it, Sup Forums? Did you enjoy Velvet's game?
lol no
I haven't played it yet because I still have to play the zestiria, which I've put on hold like a few months ago.
You mean Magilou's game?
Yes, yes I did.
You're better off skipping it. Zesteria sucks elephant dicks.
Honestly, Berseria isnt much better. Berserias battlesystem is easily one of the worst of the franchise.
It was okay.
Not bad for the last Tales game. It couldn't revive the franchise though.
It's Velvet's game. Get it right.
How long before we have death camps for waifufags?
I played on the hardest difficulty with Velvet and won everything spamming R2, won a fight with one hand in 20 seconds.
This isn't a game.
First trap fags.
kill jester
Magilou is a miracle of the universe.
I enjoyed Maggie's game.
Love Jester!
yeah, it was pretty good. Not amazing or anything, but I enjoyed it. It was good enough to make me consider buying the next Tales game whenever It comes out, which is kind of a big deal because I didn't play any Tales game since Vesperia until Berseria.
>buying the next Tales game whenever It comes out
They usually reveal details but there is nothing since Berseria's release.
Tales of as a franchise is dead, they are just using the mobage to milk money. It's better than making full games.
It was okay. The game was colorful, the story and characters was enjoyable, but the combat wasn't really fun
Dumb post.
>sell a ton of DLCs outfits
>VN scenes and hud doesn't change when you use them
Fucking what is the point??
Otherwise it's pretty good. Better than the last dumb jrpg I tried (Nier Autoshitta)
gameplay is confusing for apparently no reason as it's still easy, but very solid character and writing so far
Extremely shit game people pretend it is good because it was not as terrible as Zestiria.
I'm currently enjoying it, except some things difficulty-wise are kinda unbalanced
>Curbstomp everything in Hard
>Get 1-shot by every code red and dire in Intense
My brother of elevated artistic tastes
>Velvet's game
I really want to FUCK Magilou's top quality armpits.
Yes, but Velvet is number one
it's ridiculous how good the male characters are in this though
I like Eleanor.
Ive had the game in my backlog for a while now and this is the reason why. From what little I played, the battles seems like brain dead mashing, I know Tales games aren't the deepest or most difficult RPGs around, but at least with the older games you had to actually put in some effort in hard mode. On top of that I hear the dungeon design is worse than ever, some anons have telling me to play it for the characters but I don't think that's enough to make the game enjoyable.
I have yet to finish it.
I dunno, dropped months ago and have no desire to go back. Just like what happened to Zestiria.
At this point I just think I would be better off playing Tales of Hearts R that is installed on my Vita.
Thought Berseria would be way better than it is, or maybe I'm just tired of the series.
Everybody likes Eleanor. She's really good with kids.
Yeah. Much more than I assumed I would.
Those difficulty spikes though. Am I just not supposed to beat the dire enemies on Hard?
Velvet is a filthy pedophile
Yes, and?
Guys please
Still going through it. I go back to it whenever I'm done with whichever newly released game I played. As others have said, even on the hardest difficulty it can be boring.
I just got it yesterday.
Only played the prologue, but the fact that the game runs at 60 fps already makes it pretty enjoyable.
I did at first but not as much now
Its good for a first time playthrough but that's it
The characters and skits are the best part of the game but they don't make up for the boring walking around and the combat