Switch has now sold more than two million units in the US

>Switch has now sold more than two million units in the US
>This is the third straight month that the Switch was the number one selling console
>The combined sales of the Switch, 3DS and SNES Mini accounted for two-thirds of the total video game hardware

Pack it up sonylets, Nintendo won.

Why should I care how many switches are sold if it still doesn't have any games I want to play?

Sorry sweetie but the most powerful console ever is coming soon and will blow your kiddie toy out of the water


Come on, this has to be a Sonyfalseflagger, I love my Switch. It's comfy as fuck. 60 hours into Stardew Valley alone makes it worth my money. But the Switch is not going to compete with the PS4. They aren't even going after the same demographic.



>2 million in 8 months

Kek is this supposed to be good?

>no gaems


PS4 in ONE day sold 1 million in the US

2million seems pretty low for how long it's been out. I thought it'd be at least double this in America alone by now

it took the ps4 one month to reach that number

>60 hours into Stardew Valley alone makes it worth my money
I mean, you could've played Stardew Valley on your toaster of a PC for months before the Switch came out.

The Wii sold 3.5 million in the same time and it came out around the holidays, not in the middle of March.

Yeah... releasing on the Black Friday.

It was also out of stock soon after launch so that doesn't really make a difference when it came out. If anything the Switch should sell loads at Christmas because there's stock now.

It will sell 2 million+ in Christmas alone

A Mario Odyssey+Mario Kart Switch bundle would cause riots this Xmas

Call me when you even sell half of current xbones.

I'd expect there's a pretty high volume of people like me who are waiting to see what deals will be available during the holidays.

>has sold MORE than 2 million
we won't know the exact numbers until their investor meeting on Oct. 30

I actually saw a switch for the first time at walmart about two weeks ago.

Monday when I got groceries they had some too. But the normal versions had sold and there was the same amount of Splatoon editions.

>Xbots pretending to be relevant

Worldwide has to be over 7 mil by now

>2 million in USA
>1 million in Japan
>1 million in the rest of Asia
>100 in Europe

Please don't spread the lie that a game console sells the best in its first year, their best years are generally after that once they've gained enough momentum. The PS4 is having its best year.

>The PS4 is having its best year.
Yup and it’s still getting btfo’d by the switch lmao

It would have sold better if they weren't sold out everywhere.

Doesn't the Switch have to sell like 57 more million units to catch up to the PS4?

is it easier to actually buy one now then at launch?

I was holding out buying it because I though nintendo would drop third-party again like the Wii

I saw the Switch for the first time in person the other day. I had an actually had an impuse top buy it.

But then I realized if I really wanted I could just play Zelda on WiiU and save myself hundreds of dollars.

Switch is officially releasing in China in 2018.

If they can please those fucking monkeys then we will experience Nintendomination the likes of which has never been seen before.

>update only lets you record video for four games
>STILL can't backup my saves

this thing is an outdated piece of shit

But user, Mario Odyssey!

>tfw finished all my games and Switch hasn't died once yet

The madmen, signing a a deal with the devil.

They have a killer launch too
>splatoon 2
>pokken dx
>kingdom battle
>fe warriors
>mario oddysey
>xenoblade 2
Imagine if the rest if the world got this kind of treatment

I've seen a couple randomly at stores recently. Plus I think you can just preorder the Mario Odyssey bundle online with no fuss.
It's a lot better now than it was when I finally found one in late June, where I was so jaded that I asked the store clerk if it was just an empty display box.

Imagine how dominant they're gonna be once the NES Classic comes back out.

Have the PS4 or the Bone launched over there yet?

But it's not as comfy bitch