Redesign character

>redesign character
>make it worse

Can we remove joost and her mother from the picture? It's unfunny and ruins an otherwise good list

But joost is the redesign. Mother is the original dumbo

The true original Scuttlebug is the best design.

am i missing any?

>that mobile pacman
Yuck. Literally a funko pop.

this list is fucking retarded because most of these are either one-off designs, cancelled redesigns, same character with a design from a different series, or just the same character with different clothes

kirby and the blue dino are fine.

what the fuck happened to bomberman though

Dear fucking God, what did they do to Pacman?

Bomberman actually had an edgy reboot in the beginning of the 7th gen. It was shit and no one acknowledges that it happened.

I wouldn't consider this to be a redesign, just Capcom being shit.

>tfw you start as a kung fu chick, turn into a generic anime schoolgirl, and then your head turns into an infant's and your hair turns pink

She literally doesn't look like the same character between KoF games, it's strange.

Rayman looks better
Banjo and Kazooie look better

Atleast Zero kinda has an excuse, its a new body

is that so?

Missing a hell of a lot of Zero redesigns


>blocky shit design

Rayman is just the same design in a different art style

>Banjo and Kazooie look better

Frank West is just a pretty generic design that’s hard to keep consistent. His peak was Dead Rising 1 as he truly looked like a shlubby, aging meathead who might have been a linebacker back in high school but spends most of his time between scoops in hotel bars and pizzerias.

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on this gal?

Denise Richards? It's called age, user. That and photoshop. Most of these "models" are heavily altered. As a great example, look at Crista Flanagan from MadTV. Watch her videos, and then look at her Playboy touchups - she looks flawless. No one looks like that

Donna > horse

>Banjo and Kazooie look better
My fucking sides

Wait that was an actual bomberman game? When I saw it I knew it had similar gameplay but I just assumed it was some indieshit instead of an actual bomberman.

R3 Rayman was better. But Origins is fine as well.
Same with Banjo, just his Xbox game was shit

You're missing pac man world pac man.

How come the original mario beetle thing can be perfectly round while the new one is pointy?

I'll never understand his TvC model design
He looked like Niko Bellic

You bet it is

>This remake of a 5th generation game didn't maintain the eerie early 3D aesthetic so it's shit!
Every fucking time.


I had forgotten about this game entirely. We laughed so hard over at the boards I used to frequent that the design became a meme to us. I think we baptized him "Penetrator" or something like that.

1992, 1997
Looks like shit no matter what honestly, so I can't really pick which one is the "good" one.
1980, 2016
1996/1997, 2010
1997, 2008
1997, 2000, 2004
>Can't remember the name sea monster thing from Mario 64
See Rayman
Don't care, but the beard helps hide the fat
First 3 are the best.
1 and 3 are the best, 2 could also be included but I feel it's closer to the newer "thin" Pikachu design, which is just less cute.

>Compares redesignes
>Uses updated artwork where the character is 100% in appearance
>Also uses form changes a character has


why'd they have to do that to yoshi, he'd be lucky if he can even see over that fat nose of his now
did nintendo breed the yoshis to retardation?

The original was just a bunch of sprites of circles with some legs and mandibles attached. The remake is fully modeled.

Every single Bahamut design after 9

So why use that shit method if you could make a perfect round one instead?

I find it funny that you use the cosplay pikachu in someway to somehow make it look worse because its new, completely ignoring any facts that it's a specific/special one and not the standard design.