What are some action games to slay onis i already playing nioh but i need more

what are some action games to slay onis i already playing nioh but i need more

fuck that what games let me impregnate oni women?


Why do you need this even? Tell me user, I'm curious.

Fucking hate asanagi’s artstyle
On the other hand, shindol writes disgusting shit, but his art is on point
Butcha-u is the best Sup Forums-approved doujin creator


These have nothing in common with Japanese ogres.

They're all unremarkable, aside from ShindoL's writing.

And yet they seem to be the top-3 most popular artists here (ok maybe hirame as well)


i like pija

I see nipples and the areola

Worst fucking tastes on Sup Forums

This makes me horny, if you know what I mean.

Give dominion 4 a try.
It's not action though.

onimusha is pretty good just a little bit dated.
play onimusha 2, is the best gogadantesthegreatesswordsmanofalldemons

toukiden 2 is a good monster hunter clone

thats all i got

Extend your horizon buddy. There're more than three artists out there

sideboob best boob

Any boob best boob.

i dunno, post more asanagi sloots for confirmation

>This makes me horny, if you know what I mean.

What did he mean by this?

Underboob > sideboob



ShindoL writes tragic stories where girls end badly.
Being a girl in Asanagi's doujin though is the most blissful experience. They all genuinely love and want to be abused, tortured and murdered.


wow shadman really improved

Someone post asanagi Chaika

Sup Forums has shit taste.

boob boob boob boob

I like boobies


>asanagi chaika

fug someone do this

best asanagi art