Shit is going down lads.
>post yfw you realise you're not Anthony Burch.
Shit is going down lads.
>post yfw you realise you're not Anthony Burch.
I know that couch...
Anthony Birch has been accused of using his position at Gearbox to offer non-existent jobs to women in exchange for sex.
Randy apparently knew and did nothing about it.
big if true
Anthony Birch has been accused of using his position at Gearbox to offer non-existent jobs to women in exchange for sex with his wife.
His twitter has gone offline after rumours of this surfaced.
Why does he talk like shift key is set to random?
are you really this daft?
>the biggest SJW's end up being abusers
makes you think
nu/v/ now defends Burch & co.
>asking for source = defending burch
Yes, I am. Please explain.
You're not the smartest guy around are you?
litterally just collect all the capitals, its even like one of the second replies on that tweet
I bet he's still a virgin though.
No I'm not.
>to women in exchange for sex with his wife.
what the heck is wrong with these people
Look at which letters are capitalised. See what they spell out.
Didn't this guy used to be a huge SJW? I remember following him on Twitter way back just to laugh at his vidya games journalist opinions but now he's writing for Heat Street? (or was apparently)
yeah he swapped sides. Fully admits it though.
Thank you Harvey Weinstein. Your digusting ways have now paved the way for the rest of the predators to be put on the fucking chopping block.
Though I have to ask, why weren’t these types of take downs happening after the Roger Ailes/Bill Oreilly fiasco? Or Trump for that matter when the whole “grab them by the pussy” comments essentially put him in office.
Because Weinstein is a Jew
Lies! Lies and Slander! If he was smart, he would be guilty of trying to hit on his sister.
A company has been in the process of buying out Weinstein's company. Much like Bill Cosby, before his syndication contract was up for renewal, a woman came forward with allegations that ruined his reputation and made everything associated with him next to worthless.
>be Anthony Burch
>learn about the joys of feminism
>be in open relationship with wife
>wife immediately gets it on with Jamal
>try to get it on with girls
>convince self is gay out of desperation
>try to get it on with guys
>wife finally asks for a divorce to be with Jamal 24/7
>laughing stock of the entire internet
>finally decide to use position to get laid with chicks
>still don't get any
>every women the stunt was tried on tells the designated feminist advocated assigned to gearbox by goddess anita
>fantasize about prison rape, vaguely aware not even there he'll get any
jew civil war incoming
Shit is gonna go down.
Oh fuck me I hope this is true.
I wanna mention that Anthony was so desperate for pussy that he tried to make male employees dress up as women around him or they would be blacklisted.
Playing Devil's Advocate here, maybe I'm missing something but what links Weinstein to Gearbox? Is it just that now loads of women are coming forward and he got worried that his own dirty laundry would get aired?
randy pitchford is too much of a white-knighting fag to allow something like this to happen
I kind of hate that the people who always said "be skeptical of sexual assault or rape accusations because they could always be lying" are now jumping all over the accusations because it's happening to people they don't like.
>post yfw you're not Anthony Burch
Doesn’t reall answer my question but that’s interesting. Doesn’t sound like they’re made up allegations though it seems like there’s way too many people corrborating the several instances of sexual assault and you don’t settle a case you aren’t guilty of.
seems a bit of a cop out of an answer but why not. This site would revel in that fact
>Anthony Burch forced men to cross dress around him, nothing wrong here, a perfectly normal, perfectly stable request made by a normal functioning individual
I'm with , these make no sense. The movie and the games industry don't have that big an overlap. Please explain who these people are and how they even came to that conclusion.
You know, you all laugh at Anthony for being a loser and all, but you know who the real loser is?
She fucked 5 guys only to get positive coverage of her shitty CSS and HTML class practice. She basically offered sex on Twitter to try and whore herself into one studio or another. She failed in all of her attempts. There are rumors that Josh Sawyer from Obsidian fucked her and dumped her when she asked him for a position at Obsidian.
How fucking pathetic is that?
Which is worse Sup Forums? Being an ultimate omega bottomfeeder like Burch, get married and still get no pussy, or being a failed whore like Zoe?
Well it’s not exactly a good thing to see him nuke his social media in response. What is that suppose to say?
it says that he's a cuck
>realizing you are neither of them.
today is a fantastic day.
Get ready dingbats, you have insulted the chosen of anita. Prepare thy face for thy nazi punching you nazis!
Failed whore? She's part of all kinds of feminist iniciatives, has been to the UN and is still a force to be reckoned with on the internet, with enough pull to shut down whatever other SJW iniciatives that don't pay tribute to her.
If that's how far she got with those horrid looks, she's a genius.
I agree to a certain extent, but remember that the same people that say 'all sexual assault/rape accusations should be listened to' are desperately trying to get this all swept under the rug because they're against people they're friends with.
>Tank, DPS, Healer, DPS
You're missing the point user, he is the rock bottom, no matter what people do, no matter what people say, you will never be as bad as Anthony Burch
That being said, she's very close to his level
I'm not talking about exclusively Anthony Burch but a lot of other game people whether they be devs, producers, or journalists have been accused recently and they all seem to be the kind of people that GamerGate argued against.
>Antony Burch
>On casting couch.
Only if he watches his wife getting spitroasted.
It's just like the pedophile priests, user. Be wary of the man who is a little too zealous in his persecution, because he's probably hiding some really dark shit underneath it.
Is there any basis to this except the coincidental timing?
She's a woman so she's a hero and all those men basically raped her (even though she was literally throwing her pussy at anything just to get a leg up) he's a man so anything he did will be seen a million times worse
Now that Weinstein got hit other women with similar cases (or at least are saying that they have similar cases) are stepping up to the plate. Get your popcorn out and watch the fireworks while they last.
>Stank, BLT, Squealer, BLT
>Oliver Stone
>David O'Russel
any bets on who's next?
You forgot to add that his wife also took his WiiU
Is there a legit source on any of this or is it just wishful thinking bullshit?
so far it looks like the only source is BroTeamPill
so it could be either way. But I wouldn't put it past the Burch to pull something like this
The Weinstein fiasco has made a lot of people within the entertainment industry in general more brave to speak up.
While the overlap isn't there (eg Weinstein isn't related to Gearbox), the dynamic between someone in a position of power and someone getting into the industry is very similar in both areas.
There have already been a couple of cases of video game related writers that are outspoken about being 'female allies' suddenly being accused of sexual assault and in turn confessing it. The point is that for Anthony Burch to suddenly deactivate in the middle of this very heated situation where female allies are getting called out left and right is very damning.
The whole movement is already dying because every fucking woman who ever had a bad experience in her life is throwing it out on twitter so the women have started fighting among themselves for attention
It's almost like some diversion tactic, who could be behind this
cried about it too.
another important point about Weistein is that people put up with him because he was a guaranteed bestseller. Now that the Weinstein Company's fortunes have faded, there's a lot less worry about letting him out to dry.
Especially neophyte.
he deleted his twitter instead of tweeting that these accusations are false, which is sketchy
I agree with parts of what you're saying since it's almost always pretty hard to tell but mind how being skeptical typically applies to common folk where an average joe's life can be ruined by an accusation from an ex-gf.
The dynamic in Hollywood and the games industry is very different from a standard accusation from a girl to her boyfriend because you're taking a huge risk of being completely ostracized from that industry even if you're right, depending on how influential and powerful the accused is. So it's more likely that these accusations hold some kind of merit when they're targeted at supposed 'female allies' that are in a position of (relative) power.
Alright. Thanks for explaining. Still, I'm going to wait and see.
you have to understand, the rich and powerful gatekeep everyone in the industries, and they all have dirt on each other to make sure nobody steps over a line. his brother also hates him.
that's a pretty stupid thing to say desu user
>There have already been a couple of cases of video game related writers that are outspoken about being 'female allies' suddenly being accused of sexual assault and in turn confessing it.
It's hilarious to think how many times this has happened.
Female wants job
Boss wants sex
Boss offers job for sex
Female keeps quiet about the incident regardless of the outcome
Key Hollywood figure is well known for this exchange. Most of Hollywood steps forward
Now everyone in the entertainment industry is bringing up similar exchanges
Perverts are shaking in their shoes
Three is most likely a plate DPS.
It's honestly one of the first cases where the accusation of these people projecting sounds somewhat reasonable to me.
Think about it
>I am a horrible person that sexually assaults/harasses women
>Surely this is not my fault, it is the fault of all men
>I will denounce all men and go out of my way to support women so I feel less bad about being a horrible person
Google brought up nothing senpai, I hope you're not all playing a cruel joke on me.
>There have already been a couple of cases of video game related writers that are outspoken about being 'female allies' suddenly being accused of sexual assault
Same happened with Joss Whedon
Feminists having pathologic personality traits?
I can believe that.
As much as I wanna see burch get fucked for this kinda thing it seems like they're just poking the nest. If they had anything one of them would have said something ages ago just to get at hime
>the whole “grab them by the pussy” comments essentially put him in office.
I'm not a Trump supporter but you realise there's a difference between sexual assault and talking about it, right?
Talking about running someone over doesn't mean you've killed them.
>The biggest defenders of sjw bs in games turn out to be sexists
please be real
who the fuck would spread their legs to work for gearbox?
Ian Miles Faggot is completely insane and stupid. Please don't link his garbage twitter, he's as bad as Burch.
>women are whores
>men try to have sex
literally shaking right now...what will be the next shoe to drop
Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu.
But, no one wants to fuck them.
short fat manlet detected. BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP. Shave and lose some weight you loser.
It's classic overcompensation. The need to virtue signal to either disuade suspicions or to combat the "guilt" for their character defect.
The guilier they are, the louder they yell.
Because Weinstein is super liberal.
Liberals tend to be the only ones who give a shit about sexual assault. Conservatives have a greater sense of unity and will overlook that sort of stuff to protect those they agree with, while liberals won't.
So when a conservative is accused of sexual assault, only liberals care and it can be played off as partisanism/mudslinging/etc. When a liberal is accused of sexual assault, both sides jump on them and no one defends it.
Bitches that love Borderlands and want to break into the industry.
Anita is pretty fuckable desu
>woman that offered sex gets to keep her job while boss gets fired
Jesus guys he wasn't saying commit sexual assault, he was talking about how women throw themselves at you if you're rich and or famous, listen to the context.
I wish politics wasn't pushed on everyone, so that way only people who were informed of issues fully would talk about them
Maybe if you a turk.
Randy is too busy burying copies of battleborn in theb desert to know what is happening in his own company.