Battlefront II
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>microtransactions that actually affect gameplay
nope, fuck you.
Already preordered.
I like Daisy's forehead.
Stop trying to force this shitty meme, EA shills, you were never funny.
Never going to buy a lootcrate but the gameplay looks fun so I'm in.
Need something to play until monster hunter world and kingdom hearts 3 on the xbone x.
>That E3 preview where she gets killed in seconds
That was the hardest I laughed during E3 2017.
Shit character for a shit game further ruined by a shit company.
Fucking gas this planet.
Galactic conquest?
Are ship to ship battles approachable from multiple ways like the old games?
LAN capable?
>buying anything post-lucas Star Wars
>no Old Republic
I will when it releases.
imo disney is using the IP well
can someone post the Rey reeeeeee gif pls
God she is fugly as mutated balls.
Thanks dude. Always gives me a chuckle.
TLJ is really going to be mediocre
>people falseflagging claiming its Horseface Ridley's game
>shes not even in the campaign
right it's a poop witches game
The only thing that will make your character interesting is when she turns evil and is ultimately killed by ex storm trooper bro
Your game sucks shill, from start to finish and after you had already fucked the first one. You're worse than Bungie you EA piece of shit
>Galactic conquest?
That mode is available, but under a new name.
>Are ship to ship battles approachable from multiple ways like the old games?
No, due to the "arcadey" approach of the game, vehicles are earned through a system called "battle points".
>LAN capable?
Have no information regarding this
What's the new name for Galactic Conquest?
Is it multiplayer?
The name escapes me (very similar, though), but isn't multiplayer
I loved the beta. Can't wait to play it day 1
>people getting triggered over loot box items you can get in-game for free
oh. Alright. Thanks for answering questions, breh.
Bullshit. That sounds far too interesting.
I love that Sup Forums buys shit like this and then complains about the state of the industry.
If this is how AT-ATs are brought into a battle why would you set them down like 4 miles away from where they need to be?
20% dmg boost loot box items? is that what we're mad about?
just get 20% better you fags
i want Daisy to sit on my lap, other than that i don't want anything to do with star wars trash, thanks.
I'm guessing the oppression have anti-air guns, or some shit.
this amount of shilling is insane
>she will never bit your dick off
Why bother
how about i stick 20% of my foot up your ass?
no thanks.
because they're fucking useless if they're doing anything other than attacking from the front from 4 miles away?
>it was alright... err it WAS AMAZING!!
>that DFC
>those lickable teeth
Post the webm.
god damn shes got a big fucking mouth. she could just eat whatever is making her angry.
Once the lootboxes are removed. Never bought the first game either, even the ultimate version for 10e due to all the shitty DLC having fucked the entire abattoir of autists that were retarded enough to buy the game, ensuring that there wasnt even a community to play with on what was a pathetic attempt to turn an offline focused casual fanservice franchise into a milking stool for the 7th gen multiplayer FPS kids
>Pay2win game you have to buy.
EA has found the next level of jew.
Why do her and Emilia Clarke have the most obnoxious laughing face?
Anyone got that Xenomorph pic of Daisy Ridley?
did i twigger wittle wootbox cwy baby?
It's the big teeth.
>can't act
>no one likes her
>even her character is shit
Why the fuck did they make her the mc of the biggest movie franchise? I hope JJ is at least fucking her.
She has a nice forehead
>make her the mc
sorry kid, that title is reserved for kylo ren.
well duh, she's a slave who can out duel a renown sith lord without any form of training.
>no boobs
>muh stronk wamen protag.
not paying for it ;)
Yes, actually.
There's a limit when skill determines success. Success is determined by internal (skills) and external (luck etc.). Depending on the circumstances one outweighs the other.
Skill can only take you so far
Kathleen Kennedy wants female leads. And all of them look like a younger, sexier version of her.
>Literally the same gameplay as the first one but 10 times more expensive
>>Why the fuck did they make her the mc of the biggest movie franchise?
>john boyega was the previous mc
then, idk, play the game and the stuff for free?
Dumb niGGer
At-Ats are retarded anyways.
Shield generator prevents orbital bombardments and stops ships from landing nearby, or at least I believe that was the explanation in Empire.
AT-ATs are fucking MAGNIFICENT!!
They have legs which allows them to transverse ALL TYPES OF TERRAIN. Quite clever, really
Fuck you nigger. You canceled the Viseral starwars game EA Kike. Also ruined starwars 1313. Hope you die I'm a fire you cunt kylo 10x better.
reminds me of SC2 and dropships carrying thors
I'd be stoked if Boyega was the goddamn main character. At least he can act.
Heavy AA near target. Have AT ATs weaken AA support. Once that is near down, send in Air Assaults.
>You can get it for free
>Hur dur
Maybe if it was just cosmetic shit, I'd let it slide. But the fact there's even a single person like this defending this p2w bullshit is fucking sad.
both of those "games" looked like trash
>have to buy the deluxe version to not get left behind
It sucks but I got to do it
How the fuck did TFA trash got away with this, while simultaneously lying about lack of practical effects in prequels.
Jesus Fuck i hate Disney and nuwars so goddamn much. Every single part of this movie is utter trash, and even video games are shit.
Oh wait, so far there is only Battlefront 1. What the actual fuck.
that low profile too
theres literally nothing wrong with that shot though
It's completely made in CGI, while prequels had practical effects.
And rlm and disney drones hate prequels for not using practical effects while are worshipping TFA for using practical effects.
Gozantis are fucking sweet
>Believing any opinion on 4cham
wait... what?
He will be, she's going to be evil for Anakin fan wank and Storm Trooper bro is going to beat her ass. Killing Ren is going to be her turning point.
Luke is going to get Obi Wan'd tho =
>those screens from some magazine where they airbrushed her to hell and back
>goes from a 1/10 to a solid 2
Me too user she's so sexually attractive
what the fuck am I looking at
Her getting this role and Emma Watson getting cast as fucking belle. 1000% prove casting couch/ Hollywood nepotism is legit.
Jesus christ I can't wait for that Han Solo film to bomb so that the nu-Wars meme can die.
>Cast Simon Pegg
>Put him in a giant body obscuring animatronic suit
>Cake the character with CG 'enhancements' that only make it look worse
>Only shows up for about 3 minutes anyways
>Probably was dubbed over
Fuck these movies. They're just Disney throwing their money cock around.
Oh lord, it's like reading a Sonic OC.
Tarkin Doctrine nigga.
Those metallic beasts trigger an instinctual fear and cause enemy morale to plummet. You know you've experienced at least one "oh shit" moment when its head turns to face you.
What is this from?
>he doesn't want to find out how Han Solo got his vest
Don't pretend for a second Pegg was ever meant for anything greater than a cameo. He begged JJ to give him a cameo and he got one.
the new trailer for the last jedi
>implying that's any worse than Luuke and Luuuuke Skywalker and C-3PX
EU has always been a shitstorm of autism and power leveling bullshit. Before Disney canned it they were already to the point of dudes crashing Star Destroyers by themselves from the ground and karate punching hundreds of droids into bolts barehanded.
Have you bypassed the marketing?
>Never going to buy a lootcrate but the gameplay looks fun so I'm in.
Enjoy being half as effective on a hero class as the people who bought loot crates are!