Whats the best class dps , tank , helear or faggot wizard

whats the best class dps , tank , helear or faggot wizard

Wizards are also DPS, faggot or not.

Wizards are DPS dummy.

Wizard since the other three aren't classes

Healer probably. Personally I'd rather take care of my team mates and let them protect me rather than get involved in the battle and be stuck between two places without fully enjoying either.

Tank is the most crucial.
Healer is the most fun.
DPS is the least cuck.

I'd eat her ass all day t b h

faggot is best


no question

Cute witch

You don't like being sandwiched like that?

>not playing tank



You're not a pussy, are you?

This is Jack the Ripper

DPS if they can also cover the roll of tank.

please post more of this ASS-ASS-in


who is this semen demon?

The one that has the most interesting playstyle and is the most fun to play in pvp.

Read the thread

>tfw no thick-assed pear shaped loli to sit on your face
life isn't fair

A faggot wizard sounds pretty cool.
Like can you conjure cocks and buttfuck your opponents?

Loli tanks

What are some games with Jack the Ripper? Preferably doing cute things.


What a little Jack ass.

What's the lore behind art of this character almost always being ass-related?

I'd guess because she has a nice ass


She has an unnaturally shapely ass for a 10-12 year old girl and dresses very lightly.

>faggot wizard
>not dealing the most damage with flashy as fuck spells

IMO Tanks (From Early WoW days), had the most fun in wow tanking 5 Man dungeons, raids not so much since I depended on the skills of sometimes crap people to win the damn thing, and the chance of failure increases with 25 people on board


>Jack the ripper
Does he rip out a fart?

Do I get to summon gay people if I roll a Faggot Wizard?

The best are debuff/summoner type wizards who fight more indirectly than the regular AoE spammers, rogues sometimes can be built like this too depending on the game. Honorable mention to healer support characters that manage lots of team buffs and don't just spam heal.

She rips out a heart.

Whatever lands me the dick and balls big enough to fill up that little semen demon.

>Its spooky skeleton season.

>10-12 year old girl
Oh shit. N-not a lolicon but she's really sexy.

>spam debuffs and DOTs
>the enemies die so fast to your party's damage that you don't do much
>the mob enemies that need to be quickly wiped out don't die fast enough


I exclusively play warrior and rogue types.
Thoses two usually have the most fun CC or crit builds. Also I prefer the flavour of hamstrings over freezing and bleed over magic dots.
I like games with a focus on upgrading equipment through jobs and equipment use like poison.
Tending to your equipment is comfy, so is wearing the heaviest armor of the game or using the biggest two hander.
And most of all, I find it empowering to have my character smash casters. The escapist fantasy isn't gaining power for me, it's not gaining them in a high fantasy world and still smashing.

*a fart

My metric for whether or not RPG combat is shit is whether or not what you say is true. Sadly for most games out there raw damage wipes everything, in my experience they work best in SRPG

Some 10~12 yo have a shapely ass.

>Jack the Ripper
Why is pear shaped women literally the best?

This is true. Beautiful 11/12 yos will shapely asses are what I consider the epitome of aesthetics. When I see one (it's obviously rare) my stomach sinks to the core of the earth.

Good offense is often the best defense.

That, and then "annoying" tactics often work the best. Like kiting.

On the other end, the worst classes are usually the ones that lack specialization. Joke of all trades, etc. They get powercreeped by everyone and their so called flexibility is worth jack shit.

Midna is ugly. Go away.


F/GO, enjoy your mobage.

I don't believe you.

What should I play?

Please post more gigantic ass Jack.


>a girl I met at school developed a nice ass when she was 12ish
>MFW it got better as she aged
Some people are blessed with great genes.

Take that back about my waifu faggot.

You can bend their tiny bodies over anything and ravage their plump rears.

t. nigger

Jack is the manifestation of the children that died on the cold streets of London, including aborted ones. Ages can wary anywhere from -9 months to 15 years.

Farmer master race

I can't obviously post a pic here, but I can give you 3 references for examples.

A girl called Gabi with blue eyes and brown hair from a studio called TPI (or WALS, depends, different names same studio)

A girl called Chaiana from the same studio with green eyes and light brown hair, look for earlier sets.

A girl called Emmie from a studio called Willeys.

First girl is unbelievable, but it's hard to find, last two are easier to find, and the last one is supposed to be pretty easy to find (there was a torrent) and is also ridiculously cute. None of this shit is pizza, mind you, fuck that disgusting shit.

Thief is the only answer

I want to play Monty Python style thinking peasant class.

This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you.

If you fail to find anything tell me. In the meantime I'm enjoying these white haired loli pics.

>A girl called Gabi
I know this one, all models from that agency come from Brazil so that explains the nice ass.

Small and cute girl combined with highly sexual lower body features that don't compromise the "small and cute" -part, can't pick the best parts of both cute and sexy better than that.

Is it this one? This is the one I meant. Her bikini sets are ridiculous.


Good thread.


Gabi is and here is Emmie for reference. Both shapely behind human comprehension (for their age).

Cease. Don't make the mods nuke the thread.

The ultimate bodytype.

But that's exactly what they're trying to do. Always assume the worst.

Consider it ceased. I only posted screenshots from DuckDuckGo, though, nothing that can't be found openly and legaly.


tank is the most fun an engaging I find
healer gets bitched at too much for me


Sorry m80, couldn't resist that one. I'm closing the thread now.

Healers have the most potential to be the strategic masterminds using every other class as their pawns. Naive children want to rush into battle and die, or be the hero who withstood the biggest monster or horde of enemies, but at the end of the day only the healer needs to stay alive and that's all that matters.


>Locked behind Japanese insurance plan paywall
Two nukes weren't enough.

Nice, but I'm more of a laura b guy.

what are good animu fantasy games?