When will this meme end?
When will this meme end?
Other urls found in this thread:
When you're able to keep up with my incredible speed
Ain't going away anytime soon.
>OP being a faggot
When will this meme end?
it's not a meme, you homosexual nigger faggot
Duel wielding does have some basis in history though.
Obviously it's not presented correctly in vidya, but then again, what the fuck is.
This, dual wielding is inherently autistic and not realistic
dual wield this
*grabs tits*
watch the camera dude. . .
Operator as fuck.
>what is escrima
>this faggot
>skromgalla faggot
>lindybeige faggot
unviable practice vs modern arts.
>not realistic
It's a fucking video game.
poor excuse that never has had any weight
yes, guns and bombs will always prevail over melee combat. congrats
It not meme. If you have gun in hand and knife the other you are for sex.
When John Woo movies stop being radical
Not even taking that into account. Filipino martial arts aren't taken seriously even within the realm of martial arts mostly because it amounts to really flashy demos of ineffective techniques practiced at extended combat ranges so as to be safe. Then it gets to go through that reality filter of "hey you need to actually work instead of just being your own little game of patty cake" and it doesn't come out of the other side of that filter.
That describes video games as a whole
Just look at that FOOTWORK
>Serious Saddam
Poor excuse, do you like castlevania because you can kill dracula? Dracula isn't real and you can't kill vampires with whips. It's literal garbage
So literally every video game is garbage then
>what are rapiers and daggers
>poor excuse that never has had any weight for a fat piece of autism such as myself.
games that are not realistic are garbage. The real world follows rules for a reason
So like I said, literally every video game.
Holy shit.
Fuckin kek got me gud
>for a reason
So what's worse? Dual wielding guns or melee weapons?
Melee weapons are easier since you have to aim with a gun.
But you lose power when dual wielding melee weapons.
user I'm really sorry for your relatives that have to deal with your turbo autism
oh okay
>he doesnt dual wield shields
knight class in ff3 was fun, got to be fucking invincible
Holy shit
is that nigga's shield pauldron thing a chocolate bar?
>being unironically retarded
You don't gain anything from being wrong. The universe works the way it does and to play pretend that there are laws that don't exist is stupid and wish fulfillment.
I hate that they took dual-wielding out of Halo just to appease shitter-shattered CE fags who wanted their OP scoped magnum back
>Not wanting Titans Grip in every game
Sucks for you
This is weapons grade autism, you're putting all of us at risk. Contain yourself.
you are literally having fake fun
I don't see whats wrong with it as long as you don't dual wielding two handers
Arm chair historians like to think they are the only ones who know that pole arms exist.
Please user, consider medical assistance.
Are there any good games that let me use whips? Last time I got to use a whip proper in a game was Dark Souls 2
The issue with dual wielding is the idea that battles exist where you can just stand still and dish out "damage" as if that's a real world concept.
When two swords stop doing more damage than one sword
so never
There's literally an entire series of nothing but good games about whip users
choked on my drink fuckin kek
"ALLAAAAAH yourself"
what if ur fast
Now, in an medieval espionage type setting, I can't see why two short blades would be great.
Firearms? Kek. Watch this guy try to go akimbo and get blasted when he reaches for his second gun:
>Games from 4 decades ago
No I mean real games not pixel shit for nostalgiafaggots too old to be on this board
What about 3 swords?
“Will nodded toward Hadrian. “Look at the swords he’s carrying. A man wearing one—maybe he knows how to use it, maybe not. A man carries two—he probably don’t know nothing about swords, but he wants you to think he does. But a man carrying three swords—that’s a lot of weight. No one’s gonna haul that much steel around unless he makes a living using them.”
can see why*
I'm a filthy phone poster.
wew lad
>only one crosshair
What is even the point?
Why am I carrying two weapons when I inevitably shoot at one target at any given time anyway?
>Play an RPG
>It forces you to use either big fucking sword or dual wield like a faggot, the only way to make normal one handed weapon viable is by combining it with a shield and tanking, there's no way to make it viable for damaging enemies
Fucking Divinity, though this applies to 90% of RPGs, I just want to use a normal fucking sword yet everything forces you to dual wield if you don't want to do absolutely fuck-all damage.
watch as i slid into the screencaps heh
... These young posters,really.
Next time, he'll say that the Super Nes is trash...
why would this be a screenshot?
It made sense in Halo 2 when you were a superhuman cyborg that could punch holes through meter thick concrete and flip over tanks.
>Needing to be superhuman to dual wield.
Just gotta be one big man, baby.
Because it's h*lla epic.
I like you.
Name a single fully realistic game then senpai
*tips fedora*
I play Red Prince as almost pure Warfare, and I basically alternate between two hander or weapon and shield (based on the equipment I find). There's a noticeable difference, but having access to shield bounce or what the fuck it's called, helps make it up, since a strong shield dished strong damage, and it ricochets.
He means a single handed sword with an empty off hand. I made it work with a dagger, but without those guaranteed crits the damage is very underwhelming.
I thought he was complaining about not being able to damage enemies while using weapon and shield, because I dn't think that is the case. One weapon with empty hand is obviously shit, the fact that DnD and Infinity Engine games make it a viable skill is fucking laughable. I don't think D:OS2 is anywhere near mechanically good, but their choice of weapon proficiencies makes sense.
What games let me dual-wield lances?
I can only think of dark souls, 2 in specific.
>one sword is good
>two swords is not twice as good
whenever it stops being cool
Did people sharpen shields in order to slice? Well, a spike on it would probably be better, right?
Duel wielding two sawn off shotguns, or two MAC 10s, or a sawn off and a MAC 10 etc. is perfectly viable in a close quarters/indoor breaching scenario, but you’d have to intend on dropping one when it needs to be reloaded.
In a world with combatants that are as physically able and skilled as the real world, maybe. But if you've got elves with superhuman reflexes and speed, or even magical powers and shit, then dual wielding might be viable.
There’s no reason to not at least carry a shield with your free hand. You can always put it on your back or drop it if you need to. It would be retarded to engage in a fight with a sword light or short enough to be used with one hand and not utilize your other hand to some extent
dual wielding has always been unrealistic bullshit that nobody ever did IRL unless they were memeing
Except when fencing or sport
IRL you can't shank two niggas at once or one nigga twice.
You benefit more from having a shield, a longer weapon, a polearm that let you pull kniggas from their horses etc.
At least in a proper battle. Duelists did use rapier+dagger at some point, ninjas had their sai for grabbing weapons, bucklers could be used to bash a nigga in the face etc.
>always balanced to do same net damage as 2h anyway.
Fucking kill me.
>1h brings more criticals
>2h flat out just has higher damage
>2w is faster attack speeds
>all end up being the same damage in the end anyway
why you do this video games
I actually was going to post about this. I want to see more Rapier/parrying dagger dual wielding in games. To me, it's the coolest form of dual wielding.