So when is Pokemon gona go in the mass world Switch like BOTW and Odyssey?

So when is Pokemon gona go in the mass world Switch like BOTW and Odyssey?

Explain to me how Pokemon would benefit from an "open world".

When you're gonna stop touching yourself

It's a game about Zoology, the study of finding weird and crazy animals. It doesn't belong on a track. Pokemon games aren't an adventure, they're showcases.

"Open World Pokemon" is such an awful, horrible idea. It only caught on because the terms "open world" and "pokemon" are guaranteed to have people suck you off on social media.

The game is fucking numbers-based. It would make no fucking sense letting you go anywhere when the main mechanics of the game only work in a linear setting.

Just because you say it doesn't belong on a track doesn't mean it doesn't belong on a track

>The game is fucking numbers-based.


Levels scale with gym badges and paths to gyms are still linear.

Just because you say it belongs on a track doesn't mean it belongs on a track

The interesting thing about the study of animals is that there's so much variety that your expectations can't be managed. When you're following a very designed track, you know what to expect based on other gameplay elements like pacing and type advantages

No game "benefits" from being open world, but the hype surrounding buzzwords like that leads to higher review scores and more people buying their games.

"Did you hear? Zelda is "open world" now. I think it's time to invest in a Switch! THANKS NINTENDO!

Scaling levels is a bullshit fix to begin with, but is even worse in turn based RPG format.

Have you never played an open world game not made by Bethesda?

If any Nintendo game needs open world, it's Pokemon. It was always a game about discovery and exploration. Recently, it's been too heavily invested in it's own story, open-world would be a great reboot for the series.

So you would have to rush from gym to gym without ever exploring the world if you want to actually have a challenge? That sure sounds like fun

It's a turn-based RPG. If you want some kind of action game, you're a massive retard who doesn't want to play Pokemon to begin with.

That would be pointless. You would still travel linear paths. Also level scaling has never been good, and would be even worse in a game like Pokemon, where certain Pokemon are better at higher levels and when evolved, making it an ultimately uneven experience anyway.

If people weren't so autistic about the level system we could ditch that and structure the game so you'd get your ass kicked by going gym to gym

It can still be about discovery and exploration without it being open world. They should just make it like many metroidvania where you can explore areas in different orders, but you can't just walk anywhere at any time.

I hope it does one day. Unfortunately they don't seem to be willing to put in the work to the world, even in their 2d games, so a true 3d open world game would probably be a disaster.

Please don't start shitting up pokemon threads, you got mario and zelda can you leave this one alone.


The thing about "discovery" in a Pokemon game is going to require a completely new roster of Pokemon, like 5th gen BW did. If you do manage to make a convincingly nice open world after all the time and work it'd take to design so many Pokemon, they'll both feed off of eachother into something that can only solved through an unprecedented amount of time and work. A bigger world will require more Pokemin variety. More Pokemon variety will require a bigger world.
If Pokemon was a game that was just recolored/rescaled monster, open-world is a feasible direction. Pokemon already sacrifices some aspects of gameplay for the monster variety, which is the true centerpiece of the series, not level design.

You do realise you can explore in a non-open world game right? Are you saying that Dark Souls has no exploration because it's not open world? What was all that time I spent searching the area trying to find items and secrets?

Dark Souls was an open world game, but they ditched that in the sequels for a more hallway-simulator game.

They actually sort of do that, though it isn't fully as prominent in the newer games. Earlier routes and towns would have ponds and shit you needed a certain HM to get past. So you could go back and find something. Usually a small reward, but still something.

I don't really see how Pokemon has ever been a game about "exploration" other than "exploring" that linear route you just got to, or "exploring" the new species of Pokemon. I don't see how open world would contribute to exploration in a Pokemon game at all.

>if they just changed the game completely to another genre it could be different!

Pokken Tournament already came out, mate.

>hurrrr let's make a turn based game that has a heavy physics engine and 800+ detailed HD models
fuck off retards

Okay, hear me out.
Pokemon is Dark Souls:
>interconnected worlds
>losing sends you back to nearest Bonfire/Pokemon Center
>item pick-ups are rarely from enemies, but from shinies/pokeballs in the world
>item pick-ups all look the same until you interact with them
>exploration based, every area serves some kind of purpose (in contrast to empty open world games like BotW)
>shortcuts back to earlier areas (in pokemon, some kind of event prevents you from going one way at a fork)
>negative effects that require one-time use items

>either the same turn based combat or a fighting game, NO IN BETWEEN
This is why everyone hates pokémon autists

>Pokemon is Dark Souls
Pokemon is the Dark Souls of Pokemon
#wow #woah

>dude just re-do the entire combat system and destroy compatibility with old games lmao
Go away

Why not though

Because then you cant transfer your Pokemon from the old games.

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


back to >>/r/eddit

You're asking for a spin-off, not a sequel.

It's not just Pokemon, the entire Nintendo line up is of traditions passed down from game to game in their respective series. So much so that they have even officially stated the reason for Paper Mario ditching the RPG stuff was because the Mario&Luigi RPG was chosen to be their "RPG" game.
A lot of people like this sense of security, that they will get roughly the same experience but in a different setting and small gimmicks added. Or else you'll get the PR disaster that was the Prey reboot, a good game that a lot of fans of the original Prey didn't even try due to a completely different game stealing the name.

Whether you like it or not they won't drastically change the combat to the point of incompatibility with old games because that would kill Pokemon Bank.

Oh I know it won't happen
I'm just saying that it's shitty since we'll be stuck with the same exact shit forever

Why get rid of a formula that still prints money?

>waaahhh why aren't they catering to non-fans like me

>ugh yeah wouldn't it be great if Pokemon was full open world with every single region?!

How to spot retards who don't actually play or enjoy Pokemon

Pokemon has never been challenging though.
Gym leaders and champions have had fully evolved Pokemon at levels lower than they should be in previous games. They could do it again.

Sorry I don't have autism so I appreciate change for the better

It will never happen, they are too useless, but would be great.

The first generation opened up a bit after a while, you could swap the order of some gyms and could choose which way to take to Fuchsia

no, you're a cunthole. the old 2d rpg limitations that defined Pokemon dont need to anymore. go fuck yourself

>reeeeeeee stop buying games you like and listen to my shitty opinions instead
Fuck off

Change doesn't automatically mean better, though. Lots of people enjoy the battle system Pokemon has now. Usually the people asking for radically different gameplay are the ones who don't play the games anyways.

Pokemon is the only popular multiplayer turn based RPG and there is merit in that, why can't you just let it be it's own thing?

You're not really giving a good argument for why it "needs" to change.

Couldn't you do a compromise, keep the turn based system but put it on a timer and if you are too slow you skip your turn?

>but put it on a timer

It's okay user, relax, we're all your friends here so stop screeching

I stopped playing when I tried the SM demo and realized that the only thing that changed was the graphics, oh and the terrible framerate in that photo-taking minigame
Looking at the trailers for USUM where the super long cutscenes for the Z-Moves play, and you see the pokémon getting thrown around STILL IN ITS IDLE POSE make me want to puke

it doesnt need to but it should. pokemon with the same turned based battle system in an explorable 3d world would be great

You mean for multiplayer? They already do that, except it selects an attack at random if you take too long. It would be completely pointless to put a timer on NPC battles, though.

Pokemon battle system is slow and boring, is there any way to fix it? I guess it's nice if you are doing other things at the same time though. But it doesn't fit an open world game very well. At least let things happen faster, get rid of the animations and let things happen visually at the same time, and no need to have pop ups for everything.

>But it doesn't fit an open world game very well
And it doesn't need to.

>you're not a fan unless you eat whatever they shit out every year

It'll never happen

Nintendo takes "Don't fix what is not broken" very seriously

>I stopped playing when I tried the SM demo and realized that the only thing that changed was the graphics, oh and the terrible framerate in that photo-taking minigame
The demo where you're in a completely limited, small area? No offense dude but that's pretty silly, and a bad way to say you have experience with teh game as a whole.

Granted, I think SM had quite a few issues, but USUM will probably be awesome thanks to the director, and the best pokemon games of all time have been in gens 4 and 5, so its not exactly like the golden age of Pokemon is long behind us.

>it doesnt need to but it should.
Tell me why the battle system should change? It's a pretty fun battle system and, imo, one that is uncommon in multiplayer games.

t VGC player

>The demo where you're in a completely limited, small area?
Well what am I missing exactly? Long winded cutscenes? Ultra Beasts that make no sense?

I actually had a lot of fun with the battles when I played Moon because I went through the game with an unevolved team of shitters like Pikipek and Makuhita. It's actually really fun once you handicap yourself enough for it to be a challenge, you actually have to figure out strategies to win.

Your wrong it's something so many people want and would make millions of dollars, just look at how popular pixelmon and those roblox mods are, people eat it up at its most bare minimum and hardly working state. Imagine if it made by professionals with money backing them up. No idea that will make you millions of dollars is a bad idea business.

Also you cant tell me you don't want to ride a Charizard over a huge open world

Weak Pokemon are easy to catch, easy to find, and low level. So you explore and catch weak pokemon to build up a team. There are many weak pokemon and so you can populate them in large zones. The stronger ones can still be in such zones, but are higher level, harder to catch, and harder to find (encounter/roam rate).

Gyms are there to get badges, badges allow you access to more zones, meaning were stronger pokemon are more common.

You keep doing this until you have collected all the badges, doing various quests to be allowed to compete in the gyms. Afterwards you go to the elite four and you compete with players, the top 4 players on your server. You can also roam to catch legendaries with access to all zones, sort of like raids requiring multiple players to obtain rare strong pokemon.

>shitting on the UB's
Why? I mean, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because like I said, SM aren't perfect, but if you're implying that the UBs are bad I want nothing to do with you anymore.

>wants change
>hates UB

You mean an open world? Because the games already have an explorable world. I do not see how being open-world would make it any better.

You can turn off battle animations you know.
But if you really hate the games that much, then they simply aren't for you. If someone said a first-person shooter game was lame and should be turn-based, they are looking at the wrong type of game.

Tell me how they're good then. I wouldn't mind getting USUM if there's a valid reason to, but not-pokemon from another dimension doesn't sound good to me

not all change is good change
Mega evolutions, Z-Moves and UBs are bad changes in my opinion

Zelda was originally open world its just now gone back

Reminder that people who bitch about Pokemon being too easy probably play on Switch over Set.

Also Nuzlocking makes SM into a nightmare, the totem battles can wipe you out if you give them an inch.

where is Pokemon Snap 2? Do they not want my money?

>have to gimp yourself to have some sort of difficulty
Wow you sure showed him!

>Tell me how they're good
From a design and lore perspective, they're an interesting take on different life forms in the Pokemon universe. Having them all modeled after invasive species is a particularly fun design choice.

In terms of competitive, all but one of them are solid, with very unusual stat distributions and uncommon typing. They have fantastic abilities and can find use in singles and doubles play on a variety of teams. I use Kartana and Xurkitree, and love both of them to death.

I would love to hear why you think UBs are bad, despite having seemingly never played with them.

It should happen fast. It should take at most a few seconds from you meet a wild pokemon until you kill it, and animations should still be possible. In a typical 3rd person adventure game angle have the pokemon appear in the overworld, and send out your pokemon quickly. Or, you could combine the HgSs mechanic so you don't need to waste time for ball animations, just have the pokemon instantly jump in front of the traner and attack when you click.
It would be pretty nice too if you could interupt animations faster against weaker pokemon. Let the Exp be distributed after the battle is over and you are already able to walk again.

You seem to be knowledgeable so maybe you can give me a quick rundown

>playing on Set is gimping yourself
Have you never played Pokemon against an actual human being before? The battles in game are all gimped to give you a switching advantage.

People who criticize Pokemon despite being unfamiliar with the games are such morons.

Turn-Based in an open world MMO would work when all matches are essentially duels, which they are in pokemon. There is no point in making it realtime. However you could make it more like a grid, so pokemon could move on the grid and terrain in open world would be used.

I think a great way to sell a Pokemon game would be to put the first 3 or 4 regions into one game. And allow the player to choose which region they want to start in. From there they get to choose which regions to go to after they complete the first one, and have levels scale normally for the first region and then leave the other regions at a stable level with maybe 10-20 level deviation. Add some in-game tournaments/ battle frontier stuff as an final end game, and you have a Pokemon game with the most replayability.

Mods are free, mate. They don't cost money. Of course people will slap that shit on their games free of charge to have someone stroke their knob on facebook. Those people do not buy the games, nor would they if the games were open world.

>beat gyms to unlock more areas

That doesn't sound like open world to me. That would just be a watered-down version of what already exists.

>Afterwards you go to the elite four and you compete with players, the top 4 players on your server

That made me puke in my mouth.

I might be superficial, but the idea of having pokémon that aren't pokémon or look like pokémon but are actually just pokémon is stupid and their design clashes with the rest of the game world

UBs are just like any other pokemon, what's so bad about them?

I don't get whats to hate about th UBs? they're interesting and different

>Not open world
You idiot you don't get access to all zones from the get go. It would be pointless too, since you wouldn't be able to capture those pokemon since you are too weak. Strong pokemon are dangerous to weak poeple, so it makes sense to police zones like this
>Wanting elite 4 to be NPCs
What a pathetic noob, I bet you have never won a battle in your life.

I guess different strokes for different folks. The ideas hinted at in game are about how you view things that may not fit neatly into boxes (for example, its okay to experiment on these things or treat them badly, because they're not REALLY Pokemon, is an idea that is touched upon).

The realization that these aren't evil monsters but wildlife that is frightened and agitated by an outside force is something that is handled pretty well. Honestly I think the UB stuff was all pretty solid, and USUM looks to expand on it even more.

>pokemon is about exploration
nah, it's about the battles. No one cares about playing the storyline version and leveling them up except toddlers, and making it "open world" (whatever the fuck that means) won't fix it.

To improve the unbalanced roster they should just focus on making the new 70+ pokemon exclusive to the modern gen and not include the 7 million previous pokemon. I appreciate BW for only including newer pokemon, but they still included old ones during post-game and trading.

>It was always a game about discovery and exploration
Have you literally never played Pokemon before?

>No one cares about playing the storyline version and leveling them up except toddlers
Then why is GF focusing so much on story and cut scenes lately?

Not going to happen ever, the backlash they got over RS featuring only some and having no ability to transfer old ones means GF is never going to risk that situation again.

They should just keep buffing old Pokemon like they do now. Masquerain got 60 new stat points and new moves in the last two gens and became pretty decent, for example.

>trainer is about to send out a rock type, somehow you know this
>lol water type is
>proceed to OHKO literally every single matchup after the opening battle
Yeah I literally don't understand how the default setup isn't "set." Fucking baby mode otherwise.

Ope world would also mean getting rid of the hamfisted plots revolving around beating the bad guys and saving the world from destruction by a god pokémon or whatever

>However you could make it more like a grid, so pokemon could move on the grid and terrain in open world would be used

What does that have to do with being open world? Also, MMO format would be disgusting for a Pokemon game. It would be a huge mess of autism, faggotry, furries and pedophiles completely dominated by Smogon Elites. People would wait around all day every day to ambush lower-level players with perfectly trained, synergized teams of top tier Pokemon, and all of the safe spaces would be crowded with pure, unfiltered autism and nasty fetish freaks. There is zero reason to ever think it would ever be a good thing in practice.

SM didn't do that plot, but you'd have to play Pokemon to know that.

>weak pokemon in weak zones
>strong pokemon in strong zones
>need gym badges to go to stronger places

this is exactly the same and linear as fuck. Probably because pokemon is structured fine as it is.

>compete with other players

yeah fucking awesome that the pokemon i spent the whole game raising and growing attached to is a single stage with shit stats, guess i can't beat the game now. why would you want this? Pokemon is imbalanced as fuck and barely any of them are viable in serious play. I mean hell, this is the best way to ensure every elite 4 fight is exactly the same.

You can just decline to battle? Or were you imagining players having a trainer NPC mode and an exclamation mark popping over their heads forcing battle? kek
Autism and furfaggotry is in every Nintendo fanbase anyway

I don't really like the idea of having different levels for different zones. It isn't really realistic that your town is the only town where the pokemon are weak.

Would it instead be possible to design the game around opportunities and possibilities? It may be difficult, but different areas open up different possibilities. For example, perhaps the pokemon in one area are very difficult to get past without a fire type, but fire types are in a different area forcing you to either get really good with what you got or catch a fire type
May be impossible to do without completely changing the battle and level system though, but some thought should be put into making alternatives to level restrictions.

Because you have to fucking catch them all. You don't beat the elite four with a level 0 Caterpie. If you want be the very best you have to sacrifice, or roleplay your day out as a bug trainer

Hopefully never.
Open world games are almost invariably boring pieces of shit that use empty space to substitute in for fun gameplay.

Your talking like it's actually being made and you are hoping a developer listens to you. You are a freak on this website

no it wasn't. the dungeons are numbered in order and if you follow the game's hints it sends you to each one in a numbered order. There's also absolutely nothing to do in the open world other than go to those dungeons, and unless you CHEAT the only place you'll know to go to is the next numbered dungeon.

retards like you that never played the original zelda or beat it with a FAQ that tells you speedrun strats to do shit out of order are cancer, just because something is possible doesn't mean it's how most people are going to play the game, it's like saying Super Mario Bros is five minutes long because you can go fucking fast and take warps when most people aren't ever going to do that. Zelda 1 shares nothing with open world games, especially when you compare it to a game like A Link Between Worlds or BOTW that are actually designed as open world games.