Stop buying loot boxes
Stop buying loot boxes
But there's loot in those boxes.
How else am I supposed to get them? Most games don't give them out for free anymore
Does Sup Forums like this guy? Watching his videos I've never really heard him say anything I disagree with
You play the game to earn them for free.
>I've never really heard him say anything I disagree with
That's the problem. He's a brown people pleaser motherfucker.
Sup Forums here. No, Sup Forums hates everything
He's just a content aggregator. He almost never puts in his two cents; he just speaks aloud a bunch of articles about a particular topic and that's all each video is.
yeah, he's a pretty chill guy.
would drink a beer with.
I think he's fine. CDPRfags hate him, though because he constantly talks about how shitty the company is when it comes to treating their employees.
I'm cringing right now
>Play Rocket League for 10 hours, only get 2 loot boxes.
>Both rare decals. No way to buy loot boxes, can only trade for keys. Need good loot to trade for keys.
>Can buy keys, but takes 7 days before you can trade them.
What, is this system?
why even give views to someone who tries so hard?
Perhaps that's because he has zero idea how CDPR treats their employees, beyond the same handful of bitter Glassdoor testimonies that everybody has seen. If anybody actually working inside the company wanted to talk about it to some outlet, it sure wouldn't be this dumb chink.
start buying lawbreakerz
my thoughts exactly when I watched some of his vids, he just seemed so fake
But how else will I get those dank cosmetics?
>waahhhh cdpr is such a bad place to work i hate crunch time!
meanwhile every game company in the world has crunch time
Stop killing games!
He's right, you know
I'm Sup Forums and I like him
I don't know about you, but that's a positive in my books.
Stop listening to chinks
Steam changed its trade policies after russians and/or that CS:GO gamble site
I only like when yong does kojima stuff. He cries about bethesda and ea too much. Talk about stuff you like, not stuff you hate yong. You had it right before. Also i know you browse here you faggot
Am I the only one that thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong with microtransactions and lootboxes?
If retards want to gamble, let them. Better than the video game industry being regulated to shit.
This dude is still around? I only cared about him during the MGS5 stuff.
>Started getting big with muh metal gear
>Now became a generic news faggot throwing around his "literal who" opinions
>Is a fucking chink chong faggot
So what would you do if Activision's patent on match-making based on selling their microtransactions became a regular thing? Companies will do everything they can to fuck you, user. Regulations are just how you limit their ability to do that
then greedy companies will find a new way to nickle and dime you
it won't be illegal for them to block progression by a paywall you can guess.
*snorts* Watch my khantent
You cant stop me, fucking chink.
>CDPR expects their employees to work
>"oh lawrd look at how ebil they are"
most honest modern game Youtuber out there besides gggman
>huur hes asian
>huur hes got a following and I never will most likely
>huur he shit on CDPR
He's still right most of the time
>DarksydePhil loves lootboxes
What does Sup Forums think about this?
he's yellow you racist shithead.
Who buys lootboxes and why?
Did you know yong is tri lingual? Now you know that
he's bad at money
let that sink in.
>supports more government regulation in vidya
nah he's a fag
He doesn't even nitpick the glassdoor reviews, he goes through them all and even the reviews with good thoughts on the company have extremely remarks about how the company is kind of shitty to work for in regards to management. He also apparently knows someone who used to work at CDPR who apparently testified to the glassdoor reviews being legitimate. There is also another ex CDPR employee who he talked about (but he said he wasn't sure if it was legitimate) and it had similar disdains for the company as all the others. Hell, he doesn't even hate them, he liked Witcher 3. Wasn't there some video about this topic that wasn't from him as well?
It isn't just crunchtime, though.
he's annoying, all he ever does is complain, and said complaints are nothing more than what the general public is pissed to, so it ends up being an echo chamber of sorts.
honestly i feel like there's nothing more cancerous than sticking to youtubers who you think are 'right'. and this guy just states stuff people already know, he doesn't have an opinion, and if he does it's safe and uncontroversial.
get outside your echo chamber once in a while
if the companies won't and refuse to regulate themselves, something has to step in.
the same can be applied to all modern tech industries today.
I don't like him for some reason,probably the way he talks. but yeah, I agree with everything he says too
>if the companies won't and refuse to regulate themselves, something has to step in.
If only the UK tried to appeal to their ratings boards instead of going directly to the government. May the US not make the same mistake, the last thing we need is regular government involvement
You mean like how the feds allow companies like google to have a complete monopoly on things, just as long as they give the nsa as much data on people as needed?
>"duuuude le goverment is evuuuul XDDD"
hello reddo
he isn't really saying they're shitty he's just relaying what employees have said and says that if it is true then that's shitty.
I think this comes from the fact that he started his channel for MGSV and the whole konami thing along with mismanagement for mass effect.
He calls them out because he wants them to succeed without shitty business practices.
it's a mistake regardless. the short term benefit of no loot boxes is not worth the long term effects of government interference. more regulation is never a good thing
Yes let me stoop to the level of morons who defend companies like EA and Capcom...or better yet lets just buy their shitty games anyway while also complaining!
What industry has made worse products or in general became a worse industry after government oversight?
there's psyops and that's psyops. i'm talking about them going full public.
if google wants to be the arbiters of news even though it's not a journalist source, there's problems with bias.
>lootboxes are bad!
>donate to my patreyong!
right now it's optional, in two years, it'll be mandatory for the full experience
Post egg sammich
>if google wants to be the arbiters of news even though it's not a journalist source
people want the government to become the arbiters of whats acceptable content in video games, even though the government is not a source on video games. thats how stupid and black/white these antiloot box people are. theyd rather have government regulation than let the consumers decide.
thats the way you should feel about a good journalist, which he is.
Thank you,you fucking worthless humans,for the views.
>i can dismantle all my critics opinion if i am aware of their patreon account XD
I literal neckbeards.
>donations are gambling
>mandatory for the full experience
it's weird because loot boxes are only in games that i would never even consider playing even if they didn't have loot boxes. triple a games went off the deep end years ago with season passes anyway so why should i care about lootboxes in games i will never play?
People who want to make a career out of gambling virtual goods for other people's entertainment, people who think trading cosmetic items is fun and people who want to find the easy way out.
As long as you can progress in the game without lootboxes, then I'm fine with them. I think that's a bad practice that has no place outside of f2p games but if companies want to milk money from gambling idiots then there's nothing I can do about it.
Okay, why is more regulation a bad thing? Before you say "muh panty quest games will go away" that didn't happen even after the MSRP requirements came into play. So use another argument.
I guess he is pro-consumer so he is okay.
i don't want governments getting involved in the creative process of video game design. i do want them involved in the uncreative cash grab that is loot box jewery. big difference.
Wtf is loot box? I never buy anything
And the opposite side isn't black/white at all? "Let consumers decide, if they have a gambling problem then fuck em, it's not my problem." There's nothing wrong with enforcing small regulations that place limits on games that take advantage of lootboxes. Government regulation goes to far, but leaving it unregulated is just as, if not more irresponsible
Because like most other cancerous shit in the industry, you can expect it to arrive in your games. Even Njntendo adopted DLC after a certain.point.
>yes we will prevent lootboxes
>also hand over all of the metrics you have on your players, we need this to help further protect the video game audience
Selling your soul for some protection now will fuck you over for eternity later.
If kojima put lootboxes in his game this guy would change his opinion in a fucking second. Hes spineless and doesnt have his own opinion.
>we have to fight against greedy practices in vidya
>remember to donate to my patreon
Don't shoot the messenger. Publishers want you to feel annoyed at the bad news, ignorance is bliss after all.
First there were Expansion packs, I didn't care because it was a full secondary experience
Next came DLC, I didn't care because it gave me bite sized filler
Then came Pre-order Exclusive DLC, I didn't care because I was going to buy the game anyway
Next was Season Passes, but that was okay because it gave me the DLC at a discount
Now comes Loot boxes, I don't mind because it's optional
When the content became pay by the minute, it was too late for me to care.
We heard you the first time. I don't see the problem, Youtube doesn't exactly pay well anymore
they don't need companies to hand over metrics. they long since stopped needed to ask politely and they just take it by "russian" hackers anyway.
so no this is not an argument that holds water, they will get your data regardless.
Dont ever reply to my posts
All progress in Battlefront 2 is in lootboxes and act 4 in Shadow of War is impossible without lootboxes.
>When the content became pay by the minute
You mean buying the game to play it? The horror.
>so no this is not an argument that holds water, they will get your data regardless.
>so no this is not an argument that holds water, they will get your money regardless.
Have a point and I won't
I said stop
>lootboxes are optional
boy oh boy are you behind the curve.
burgers just don't understand that, they think companied are their friends.
No, I mean paying a fee to play the game you bought.
literally hu?
the government doesn't need your money, it's worth nothing. your info is more valuable, not some greenbacks with presidents faces.
I was using the arguments people gave to dismiss each thing as being fine.
You pretty much already do that when you play a multiplayer game on consoles.
funniest shit i've read on here all day, user
good job
s-sorry ross
I suppose so, but there is a reason people think of them as idiots.
>Actually thinking that pay by the minute is a good model
Jesus Christ
except that argument isn't well informed and should be clarified and reworked so "lootboxes started to block progress but i have other games to play anyway so it's fine" such shit.
way ahead of you dude