Nintendo isn't anti-consume-
Nintendo isn't anti-consume-
pirates are not consumers, sweetie
I love nintendo but right now the company is a piece of shit
Emulation isn't piracy if you own a copy, babycakes.
There is no reason for emulation to be illegal, no copyright is infringed, you have no right to stop someone from trying to figure out how your console works unless you have evidence they obtained NDA'd info.
maybe if every single iteration of virtual console wasn't hot garbage people wouldn't mind paying for it instead of emulating
Who am i kidding, why the fuck would you pay for a 21 year old game when you you could easily just play at 60 fps upscaled?
Nintendo has been anti consumer ever since the n64. They didn't want to use discs. So playstation did. They didn't want to use normalsized cds so playstation 2 did. Etc etc. Now you pay for your fucking lan cable converter and online and normal controller and SHUT THE FUCK UP I LOVE MY AMIIBO
So does Nintendo own the copy of Mario Bros they got off of Coolrom?
How the fuck is being against piracy anti-consumer? I mean Nintendo can go get fucked because I'm not going to keep paying them money for a game I already own, but I'm not getting how that's anti-consumer.
Constantly understocking their shit is pretty anti-consumer though.
It's fun seeing poorfags squirm though. I can't imagine the amount of mental anguish one must endure to do the gymnastics to defend stealing.
>anti-consumer since N64
Hello newfag. They were see as such since the Famicom.
Yes. In fact it's perfectly legal for them to take an emulator and roms and tweak them to be playable on the Switch if they wanted.
>never played a pokemon game, didn't want to shell out for a handheld console to try it
>played a romhack on PC
>loved it
>bought a 3ds and some pokemon games
I know for a fact I'm not a unique case, putting games on different platformers widens the spectrum of potential consumers, especially for cheaper "secondary" consoles like the 3DS
>Yes. In fact it's perfectly legal for them to take an emulator and roms and tweak them to be playable on the Switch if they wanted.
But so is it for me.
>never played a pokemon game, didn't want to shell out for a handheld console to try it
>played a romhack on PC
>loved it
>bought a 3ds and some pokemon games
>turns out the 3ds ones are trash and I can't even speedup that slow as moleasses battle system
>that fucking framerate
>that fucking resolution when even a 100 dollar phone has a 1080p amoled screen
the way they combat emulation is by gradually creating worse and worse games so it's not even worth it to emulate anymore
>I love nintendo but the company is a piece of shit
Fuck it if you're a pirate just accept it stop trying to claim any moral ground with your bullshit excuses
>i-i own a copy guiz, totally not lying!
>pro-consumer corporation
What the fuck? All corporations are anti-consumer. The purpose of a corporation that sells consumer products is to jew gullible idiots out of as much of their money as possible.
Nintendo have always had some hilariously bad practices, this isn't news. People are willing to put up with it to varying degrees because they make damn good games.
Their stance on emulation is at odds with game preservation. Keep in mind that people have found ROMs you can find on any emulator site on the Virtual Console, meaning Nintendo or whatever company they contracted to do it has in fact downloaded these ROMs and put them up for sale.
I'm not saying they're in the wrong to do so, but it's damn hypocritical of them when they hold this particular stance.
No its not hypocritical. Its not about the roms.
Its all about the licenses and them having the rights to them.
I dont even know how this can be misunderstood.
reminder that 0 (none) of the money from your purchase of old games on the virtual console is going to the actual developers
>They didn't want to use discs.
how is this anti-consumer?
>an emulator
Only if the license allows it. Since emulators aren't built on Nintendo code, Nintendo doesn't have any rights to them.
You aren't licenced to do that.
I am allowed to by law.
I have over 200 gigs of nintendo games and there's nothing they can do
No you're not.
Prove the court records that I am not.
I'm not allowed to pirate every single game I can but I do it anyway
haven't been sued yet
nobody cares
Seriously how can you call yourself a consumer if you are actively avoiding paying for the game?
Because it meant consumers got a more expensive, less powerful product.
N64 cartridges had 64 MB of memory while PS1 CDs had 700 MB. Despite this, cartridges cost more to produce. The result was limited third party support.
This was all done because cartridges were much easier for Nintendo to control.
OP isn't ga-
might as well report the other 1tb or so of sony games
and like 150 gigs of sega ones
>nintendo downloads illegal roms and puts them on emulatorboxes to sel for 80 bucks
>we're above it!
What happens to games that just have no chance of coming back? Does Nintendo think those games just have to be lost to the sands of times.
to an average person a dollar is a dollar but to a corporation or government a dollar is always calculated in terms of its compound interest.
there is not a single fucking government or corporation that has ever envisioned its own demise. as far as the entity is concerned it will last forever: therefore compound interest on a dollar invested is INFINITE, and every reduction is also calculated as the loss of infinite potential.
what i'm saying is that i'm shedding crocodile tears and they should fucking take this down, apologize for ever putting it up and grovel and praise Jesus Christ for their blessings in life. human garbage.
>nintendo pirates their own content to resell it
you're right, they have no morals or integrity.
that's good, since no product is being consumed when you play videogames
enjoy your ban
Answer: Does it make money for Nintendo? If yes then pay us. If no then fuck off you should spend money on our amiibo instead
Emulation is not illegal but making copies of a ROM / Game, whatever IS, even if you own a physical version
It's not their own content. Nintendo isn't a privately owned company.
How is not anti-consumer to be legally disallowed to download a ROM of a game you own and play it yourself, but it's totally okay for Nintendo to download the same ROM and sell it back to you?
Distributing teh ROMs is illegal because Nintendo owns the IP. As owners of the IP they can actually do what you say legally.
Because Nintendo owns the IP.
>how is it not anti-consumer to let you download pirated stuff from torrents?
That's you. That's how dumb you sound.
so legal theft? that's an oxymoron
Because the ROM they downloaded is theirs you dumb ass, they fucking made it.
It's not theft because they own the IP.
How can you guarantee that every game thats downloaded from the site is a legitimate copy?
You can't, so they take the sites down.
If you want backups then make your own.
depends on where you live
dumping a cartridge yourself isn't illegal in most places
of course no one does it, not even nintendo, but still
>Nintendo likes making money off of their games and doesn't like people getting them for free
Stop the fucking presses.
I'm not even against piracy. It's just that 99.9% of companies would say the exact same thing.
>if you lose your own copy of a 20 year old game you shouldn't be able to download the rom online
I know you're trolling but I still want you dead.
>N64 cartridges had 64 MB of memory
Not even that, that only came at the tail-end of the N64's lifespan. Ocarina of Time had 32MB, and I think SM64 had 8.
I'm not sure you know what anti-consumer means.
Making a copy isn't illegal, sharing or downloading that copy wether you own it out not is
Nintendo is inherently anti consumer user. That doesn't mean they can't sell a downloaded rom to you. But Nintendo isn't a privately owned company. They hardly own anything. Mario is on smartphones. Pokemon is a third party IP. Kirby is third party IP. FE and AC are dead. I can't wait for Nintendo to finally go third party. Because, believe me, any company owned by shareholders will do what their shareholders want them to
doesn't matter. they're still breaking the law, as retarded as it may be.
roms usually have readers or dumper info left because >muh sikrit club
they're so inept they didn't even bother downloading clean, verified dumps
Nintendo is correct. You do have the write to create your own backup copy if you own a legal copy of the game. You do not have the right to download a copy off the internet. For one, the copy from the internet might not be the same version as the copy you own, which does make it 100% illegal. For two, obtaining a copy from somebody else is not the same as producing a copy yourself, for your own personal use.
There is no "delete within 24 hours" law regarding downloaded ROMs.
Nintendo is full of shit with emulation. There is no law preventing an emulator from being created. Then again, Nintendo would probably love to sue those knock-off consoles which play NES cartridges as well, but just like other forms of emulation, it is perfectly legal.
Nintendo is probably right about the whole piracy vs free marketing situation, at least in part. Certainly, piracy can work as free marketing and so can promote a piece of work. However, a company like Nintendo which spends a lot on advertising and has some well known IPs is likely getting minimal benefit from the additional "free publicity" they receive from a pirated copy being available. There isn't much indication that they're losing sales from the piracy either, though, outside probably early pre-release pirated versions.
>asking why Nintendo doesn't legitimize emulation software when they are clearly confused enough about basic copyright law to not understand the fundamental legal principles involved
what forum is this?
Does anyone know of any sites that have Pokemon ROMs?
All the usual places got purged, and fuck buying Silver from the eShop.
Even if they're technically "still breaking the law" who's going to sue them? Nintendo? lmao
Yes. You lost your copy because you're an idiot. You're not entitled to another one. You bought one copy of the game, which you lost; buying one copy doesn't give you unlimited free copies forever.
If I lose my wallet, my bank doesn't replace all of my cash.
I dont know how anything you have said matters.
They can resell any roms they find anywhere. Its their right.
The faggots who rip the roms have zero actual rights to them.
Are you that stupid or are you just pretending?
Not gona waste more time on you.
I'm sure there's 100+ torrents that contain every pokemon ROM imaginable
good point. they're still no better than the average pirate though, I guess that's the point.
morals, high horse and shit
>not having full sets already
you're gonna regret it when not even the unusual places have it
Good thing I care about nintendos policy on emulation as much as I care about the speed limit on the highway.
Publicly owned companies listen to their shareholders as they are owned by them user. Sorry this comes as a revelation to you but it's how the real world works.
it's illegal to download roms off the internet regardless of who you are. yes, even the owner.
the law doesn't state that the ip owner can pirate its own material.
although, as pointed out, no one's going to sue them.
2nd link on google usually does it if the first doesn't. And if you want Silver just get Crystal or HGSS instead
Because you're not old enough to drive?
>The introduction of emulators created to play illegally copies Nintendo software represents the greatest threat to date to the intellectual property right of video game developers
>Downloads a Super Mario Bros ROM from the internet because they can't be assed to dump their own copy
>it's illegal to download roms off the internet regardless of who you are. yes, even the owner.
Depends on the country you live in. Maybe move to a first world country instead bud
Publicly owned companies listen to their shareholders as they are owned by them user. Sorry this comes as a revelation to you but it's how the real world works.
Nothing about this is contradictive.
>muh projection
Nintenbro please
>Owning 1's and 0's
Thank God mathematicians can't claim ownership over numbers and theorems huh? What if you had to pay ((Goldberg)) every time you wanted to do addition? It's fucking rank bullshit. How many 1's and 0's does it have to be before you can copyright it ? Fuck off information is not materialistic and nobody can own it
Fair use is not a law.
You don't have a license to the Mario IP nor do you make the games.
dumping the rom from your own cart and playing it through an emulator is legal, honey
I really can't think of any first world country that clearly states that the ip owner can pirate their own material.
here's a (you)
Pirates eternally
I actually do want Nintendo to go third party. Tired of buying a 300£ system every few years for just 3 or 4 games from the same franchises I always bought. Nintendo had the benefit of not having paid online but that's gone so now there's really no point in them making consoles.
this is not china or cuba user
Still waiting on those court results.
I can think of a first world country where downloading a rom of the internet is legal
Niggers make an excuse for everything too.
Jesus Nintendo is fucking firing back, at least there not Activision pussies and not communicating at all.
Well good thing it's not the 1s and 0s themselves, it's the very specific order that the 1's and 0's are stored in that have many numerous interactions with pieces of hardware and software. Nintendo own the sequence and, by extension, the information stored in that sequence.
but then you're not a pirate
>Still waiting on those court results.
Move to china then you backwards fuck, you'd fit right in with your commie overlords.
Sorry did you just use addition when you pressed that Post button? You owe me 9000 dollars, pay up capitalist pig.
>I can think of a first world country where downloading a rom of the internet is legal
then the point is moot.
my point is that, in countries where it /is/ illegal, the law doesn't make an exception for the ip holder.
hold on guy while I split these hairs so I can come up with elaborate mental gymnastics to explain how downloading something I don't own is not piracy and/or stealing.