This is your commanding officer for tonight, say something ice about her

This is your commanding officer for tonight, say something ice about her


Wasn't the Empire supposed to be white supremacist hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

no the writing is all over the fucking place because they have 400 people writing one story and they're mainly composed of entitled niggers, screeching harpies of women, the most beta of nu-males and the most parasitic jews to top it off. maybe if we had a real empire we could kill all the undesirables and produce good entertainment again


I bet she has a nice ass.

She does well as a brown person in a white supremacist organization

She's not as ugly as your average curry eater.

>no female clone troppers
>no female storm troopers
>disney buys star wars
>suddenly female storm troopers

Hehe they are doing the same with with the 3rd reich, we'll be having the blacks worshiping hitler in a few decades or at the very least claiming he was a Kang.

She better not "defect" or some bullshit like that.

>Non white woman or any normal woman character in a purely fantasy story
>"m-muh realism! they can't do that!"

>character that is a the physical manifestation of bimbo and muh dick in a setting that's closer to reality
>"wh-who cares about realism! it's a videogame!"
never change, double standard nu/v/

Sci-fi has some connection to actual reality and science which is why having an all black super nation or female commando so comical.

literally who are you quoting?


>literally who are you quoting?
Pretty much every single thread in Sup Forums concerning female characters, ever.

>Sci-fi has some connection to actual reality
This is some delusion right here.

An army of bigfoots may invade earth and that would still be closer to reality than fucking starwars

the absolute retardation of RLMfags

the complete bankruptcy of thought

The vacuum in the cranium

Don't even pretend to like Star Wars

>every piece of media that disney has put under the star wars brand has had a female lead since 2012

Isn't that post Palpatine Empire though? I always had thought they became less racist after Endor.

only the Imperial Remnant used non-human stormtroopers the Empire never did
that was the old EU mind you who knows what Disney will do

>commanding anything but their children

not canon 137 aby shit

empire was white guys in suits, the niggers and women weren't in combat roles or elite units (stormtroopers, TIE pilots, etc.) they were medics or truck drivers

Not sure what agenda war or falseflagging you are trying to pull OP, the empire accepts humans of all kinds in their rank if they show prowess as long as they are human.

If you are not human then tough shit only way you wont eat a blaster is if you are some blue tactical genius.

Ice to meat you.

so you've been quoting the strawman you just pulled out of your ass. what else is up there?


modern women can't even do that, they go to a doctor and get them diagnosed with some bullshit and pump them full of so many drugs they're barely cognitive anymore

EU Empire was racist against aliens, but female stormtroopers, governors, or moffs were hardly as uncommon as people like to believe

Wrong. All you are is a secondary faggot completely uninformed about Star Wars but desperate to hate it.

Fuck off, Lich.

>post-endor non canon shit
>trying to tell people about the "real" empire

Tarkin, you could have done better for yourself.

And don't act like people don't hate her.

>say something ice about her

Pic related, Vader and the black officer who reformed the Empire into the First Order.


You just keep digging a bigger hole for yourself, you dumb fuck. Save yourself the trouble and stop worrying about a franchise you know nothing about.


>the SJW is this mad that he as been BTFO

why dont you go throw yourself in the hole they put all that non canon shit you keep talking about

stop trying to defend women that don't exist.

THey really really fucked that up if it was supposed to be the case. They had black women in the control room of that super-weapon they used to nuke the Republic ffs. Didn't they quickly delete that after people basically said "Did you even watch the movie you made, you have black people serving in what you just called a white supremacist organization, are you retarded?"

Oh, now the EU is shit when it proves you wrong about female stormtroopers being something only recenlty introduced. The absolute brainlet hive of Sup Forums. Don't bother talking about Star Wars every again. You're all too far behind in a forgotten era.
Don't speak to me.

The writer of that tweet needs to be put against a wall and shot

Lol we wuz admirals.


He's a fucking writer for most all of the new SW books. They're even by the expanded universe standards. Anyone have the page describing how a starship maneuvoered written by him?


i wanna use her feet

>when you disregard everything post-disney and still hold the EU as canon


I would fuck her to be honest.

>something ice
She's cool I guess

This is a very fair representation of the situation.

Gj. And keep up the good work.

>Anyone have the page describing how a starship maneuvoered written by him?
I need to see this