Do you let review scores affect your purchasing decisions?

Do you let review scores affect your purchasing decisions?

>trusting modern video game jouranlists and critics
fuck no

Why the fuck would I ever look at reviews?

>he didn't play both

No, I buy plenty of games that got less than stellar scores. I wouldn't even know but retards on Sup Forums keep posting review scores all of the time.

Bloodborne is a 8 for me
BoTW is a 7 , amazing physics with 0 interesting dungeons. Like they didn't even bother with good dungeons this time.

>AAA release
>under 9 or 90
>not a flop

Not in the least

When my bank refused a credit card

7 is really high for a game with supposedly shit dungeons. seems like that'd be an integral part of that kind of game

its a 7 because of the open world element
It was soo good , that alone is 7. Imagine if the game had good music or dungeons.

Yes, that's why I don't "play" sony "games"

What's a 10 or a 9?

Any game under 90 Metacritic is trash and shouldn't be played.

>trusting reviews after driv3r

The dungeons were fun, but such a small part of the game it was a bummer. I would have preferred 8 longer dungeons and like half the shrines desu. Also no items? Pretty lame imo. they could have had more items and the powers.

For the general response to a game I tend to just look at the average of both user scores and review outlet scores, although if the game is being review brigaded for some reason that can be a warning in some cases. After that, I just look up gameplay of it and see what the general idea is, then buy it or not based primarily on that.

No, especially Metacritic numbers. They hold certain critics opinions higher than others and give them bigger % sway over the collective score based on "popularity" and "fame". Defeats the whole point of averaging out the score.

Beyond that arbitrary numbers on sliding scales are worthless. I know enough about what I like and don't like to make an informed decision based on numerous gameplay demonstrations all over the internet which has become common for most games these days.

ammo to shitpost in kino threads

I pity poorfags who didn't play both. I'll be buying Bing Bing Wahoo on the 27th, Xenoblade on the 1st and MHW for PS4 and PC.

Let'sa go! 8^)

Only for a cursory glance really.

No. I either watch gameplay footage or try shit out for myself. I might ask around on Sup Forums or other communities for opinions, usually other places because Sup Forums assures me everything is shit half the time.

Only for extreme low scores (like lower than 40% positively rated)
Otherwise I only read the negative user reviews which list the pros and cons, that's enough to never steer me wrong


Yes, we know you're poor. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Same. I really ought to check out other places than Sup Forums considering that a game can have a character jump out of your tv and suck your dick and Sup Forums would still say the game was shit. But the amount of conversation is a pretty good indicator of how good it can potentially be. If two months pass and Sup Forums is still talking it then there might be something to it because honestly even Sup Forums doesn't make an effort to play a game it doesn't even like.

Why do salty?

I have never bought a game because of a review. I have never known anyone who would have, either. I have never quite understood why being a "professional critic" is a thing.

>Do you let review scores affect your purchasing decisions?
Yeah, if a game I was looking forward to has a 37 on Metacritc I might think twice about buying it.

I have a PS4 and I just oredered the special Mario edition Switch with BotW :)

it gives me an idea for what those people think of a game, I don't let the score tell me if the review is paid, but rather the wording in the reviews that almost tries to present negatives in a positive way or talk around them.

at the end of the game, the one whose opinion matters most to me for a game is mine, but if the people making the game have made it look like shit, or completely lacking in gameplay that would even interest me, I'll probably be passing it up.

like, it doesn't matter to me if Lawbreakers was rated 100 across the board, Cliff made it look terrible.

when is MHW coming out again? I haven't been keeping up with it

26th Jan

alright, thanks