Based Todd

Based Todd

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Poor Todd

May be he meant classic? Original is quake mod iirc.

So, fucking Todd is behind Wolfenstein II marketing?

And what the hell is Star Wars Online?

Oh, it's his most anticipated games. Then it's Galaxies.

>already hating people with different opinions
>already playing TF cancer
>already saying Morrowind is the best shit ever

Truly ahead of its time

The Death Starr had way more than 300k people, didn't it?

> And what the hell is Star Wars Online?

This is the absolute state of Sup Forums and the average player.
Really makes you think.

To be fair, it took me a second to realize it was Star Wars Galaxies.

It was AT LEAST six millions!

What the fuck is Dreamland Chronicles? Can't find anyw info about it except a Kickstarter and some trashy early 00's erotica comic. And what the fuck is this email?

Statistically, you were probably born like three years before Todd's comment was made.

>Thief 3
Garbage taste, 3 is awful.

I made an edit, retard.

Got any more of early Todd?

That's the key word there. His taste would only be shit if the earlier Thief games BEFORE 3 were awful.

His top 5 RPGs.

>7. Creative Assembly's next game (they did Shogun)
His shilling game is getting so out of hand he has started to shill other companies products even before they've been announced!

>hey I had to vote for a Bethesda game
classic Todd

>literally "buy my game"

t. Todd Howard

>pathological liar recites a list of niche games popular with the target demographic of his products
Fucking based.


Okay, you went this far this time.

This makes me respect Todd "Bash the Fash" Howard more now.

K gramps

>respecting cucks


That post was likely written before you were born.

>Todd likes Arcanum

>killing nazis gets you top 10 by default
>top 1 is morrowing
Todd really is exactly like the meme isnt he

>implying that Todd is not an alpha male who uses his immense fortune to defend the free world from Nazis by encouraging people to mock and denigrate them, and also provide people with quality entertainment such as Skyrim and Fallout 4

Clearly Todd has kept to his antifa roots. After all, the most villainous factions in Morrowind were the Camonna Tong and the Sixth House and the most evil in Skyrim were the Thalmor, and all of those are racist nationalist movements that prey on the weak and put the world in danger.

Todd wasn’t a gramps 17 years ago

>Sea Dogs

HNNNNG, the first game I saw on PC.


Well Todd DOES know what a good RPG has.

Fuck I remember Douglas Rener. He squealed a lot harder in person then in that email. Kinda forgot where his grave is though since I never marked it.


Thanks for correcting my grammatical error. Here, allow me to correct the mistake your mother made upon giving birth to you.

- t Todd

I played so much fucking Neverwinter Nights as a kid it's actually crazy looking back on it. PWs were such a neat concept, can't believe other games haven't managed to do it better.

Makes me sad we will never get NWN3 since the dumb freemium MMO exists.

It makes me sad that Bioware stopped being good once they stopped making games based off of the Forgotten Realms series.

Ahhhh, to be underage again. It was a simpler time.

>Douglas has been boycotting Todd's games for over 20 years.
Jesus christ.

is this usenet

>July of '97 is too far
Oh no, there's still a long way to go. The earliest Todd post I've found is from 1995. Enjoy this invigorating debate from '96.

Yes. Specifically the archive of it hosted on Google Groups.

Unlikely since two of his other top ten picks were unreleased at the time

>tfw usenet was just Sup Forums without images and with smarter people

>can the human eye even perceive more than 20 frames per sec?
oh for fucks sake

Steve was right, you won't notice any difference past 15 fps.

You know that Akella pirated english games, translated into russian and sold under the Fargus brand

In 2000 when you said you hate Nazis it meant you hate German fascists who would've followed Hitler, not the average American

- t Steve


Todd used to have some based taste.

Then again games like NWN and Thief were the Call of Duties of yesteryear.

>Thalmor, and all of those are racist nationalist movements that prey on the weak and put the world in danger.
>not fantasy jews

>has to make a point of showing how much he hates Nazis
Almost thought he was a white supremacist for a moment.

>mfw im born in 1997

Classic Todd

I was also born in 1997

>Does framerate matter over 20. YES -Todd 1996
>15 years later PS3 version of Skyrim happens

Literally all of those games weren't released yet. Todd was making a list of games he was looking forward to, not his favorite games.

>15-20fps is completely acceptable
Kek someone had a Cyrix CPU, didn't they?

This one isn't a usenet post, but an official XGR interview from 2003. The audio's a bit loud and the quality is shit but you won't believe what he says in the first minute and a half:

Make that 2001 actually. Source:

>3. TF2
wait... could it be...? will todd save the class shooter genre?

Todd was probably excited when they bought Fallout