Fix your gaming posture right fucking now. it only takes 3 minutes to feel a difference

fix your gaming posture right fucking now. it only takes 3 minutes to feel a difference

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Thanks OP

straight posture is improper, damaging posture

remember to mimic children, who are acting more on instinct rather than learned habits over 20 years of sitting in unnatural chairs and wearing unnatural shoes
the children have better posture than you do

I always catch myself slouching then remember these threads.

Yeah, let me mimic the behavior of things that eat random objects.

Someone post the Apple posture picture

It will fix your posture in 2 seconds

i highly recommend that you specifically do that

Bro I ate my own shit when I was a kid

left is hotter.

Post the gif. You know the one.



don't do this. i tried this twice in the past. this exact video and now my back and neck is fucked


dude please tell me youre joking

only once

bruh you can see her panties through her pants

welcome to 2017

Kek. I did too once.

Doesn't Widow have this shit?

Saved. Will do twice a day. Thank you

I feel like I'm going to puke now

>tfw the past few months I've felt back pain
I've been making a conscious effort to fix my shit

wish me luck Sup Forumsros. I don't wanna be in the next wave of useless old fucks

Trying to keep good neck posture and it's taking active energy and strain to do. Will something like this fix that?

>tfw knees are starting to hurt from standing watch so much
>I'm 22

Fish oil I think helps with that

thanks senpai


I want her to step on me.

>fish oil
I'll try that. Will I become an Inhuman?



what the fuck were you doing? I tried this, it took awhile but I swear to god it changed me for the better.


>tfw she looks like this bitch

Good thing she got BLACKED

le fuck




Lennox Luxe

>Lennox Luxe

When sharing a youtube link, tidy it up, or use the one under share tab, so you won't flaunt your favorites to everyone to see.

who dat

Nigga, learn to read.

Fuck you retard

Literally two posts above yours.

>Have skinny arms
>Actually decent legs from all the squatting I do on a daily basis for years
>Fat in the face
>Big fat middle with moobs
>Can disguise this a bit by wearing a jacket
>Been making a conscious effort to fix my posture when I'm slouching too much
>Heard that over-masturbation causes moobs in a way
>Drink way too much soda and eat out too often
>Want to cut it all out but it's easier said than done
Getting motivation is fucking difficult.


also she looks so flabby despite only being in her early 20s

I highly doubt moving your arms around will fix your spine and neck. The pseudo-science behind this is laughable.

Grab a rubber band and put it around your wrist, everytime you're about to break one of the things you wanted willpower to avoid, just give yourself a good zap, real hard, just pull that thing and let it hit you with a nice sting, repeat this everytime you're about to go watch porn or jerk off, after 60 days, you'll be free from the pornographic jew. Do the same for soda if you absolutely believe you must do it

You just gotta keep trying user, replace soda with water in every single meal, drink water all the time, just force yourself to drink it constantly and you'll get sort of addicted to it, you'll hate the feeling of drinking soda after a while.

>I have never visited nor talked to someone who has visited a chiropractor before

That's actually a good idea, user. I'll have to find one that won't snap after too much stress.

I always considered myself to have good willpower. But big fat butts take control of my dick, and my dick takes full control of the ship, so I needed an outside force to keep it in check

We're not so different... You and I...

Before I forget: You're doing this just to rewire yourself to not be a slave to porn and to jerking off, doesn't mean you should snap yourself every time you get a boner, otherwise you'll just give yourself ED. Jerking off without porn is perfectly healthy and natural, thing is, when you've been the kind of degenerate that calls this place home, and hopefully you are, instead of one of these normalfags that invaded us in the past 8 years or more, you should know by now, that your dick is far too strong and has done way too much to the way your brain works, that you can't just go easy on it and give yourself such an "easy way out". When you're a chronic masturbator, which I'm sure all of us are, you need to go 6 months without jerking off, at the very least, to truly say you fixed your brain and your hormone imbalance -- it has been proven that men that have gone 3 weeks without ejaculating in any sort of way, have higher testosterone than men that did, so yeah, ejaculating so often does fuck with your hormones -- although jerking off moderately is healthy for your prostate because it helps clean up the pipes, after so many years of being such a chronic masturbator, you have to go to these huge lengths if you want to truly fix your mess. After going 10 months without ejaculating, you can safely start to jerk off once every 2 or 3 weeks, without using porn, and it will be perfectly healthy. This isn't some new-age bullshit, this is cold hard fact, there's science behind all this, it's not snake-oil, it's biochemistry and biology

>Posting the gif
>Not the video


Actually i started doing similar exercises to fix my posture and it helped me a lot.
It took around 2 years to really to fix my awful way of standing and sitting but now i can actually sleep in my car with my head properly rested on the back of the seat, before i always wondered who they fuck are they made for.
Also fuck me, at first my neck muscles hurt every time i tried to keep my head and shoulder in line, muscles and tendons got too short or something, fucking took ages to feel natural.