What do you believe are some of the biggest threats to video games as a business? I don't mean content (politics...

What do you believe are some of the biggest threats to video games as a business? I don't mean content (politics, characters, pandering), but certain anti-consumer business decisions that you believe might get worse over time.

Bonus question: Do you think there's any realistic solution to the issue you mentioned?

I own 3,000 shares in a fund dedicated to vidya. I hope they fleece you retards for every penny you have.

Literally nothing.

>I will never accept $60+ pricetags
How to easily spot an underage faggot who wasn't alive before sixth gen.

Haha I preordered all the newest games and their season passes just to spite you
Deal with growing up and get a job poorfags ;)

Physical production is no longer a significant factor. I don't understand how people like you don't understand that.

If development budgets were relatively equal, games should logically cost less because of that cut cost. It's the ballooning development budgets themselves that "justify" current prices.

It's also an excuse that corporations shill out that's inherently beyond criticism. "Our budgets are only high because customers demand them to be so" can't be argued against so it's a free pass to raise prices as high as they want.

Lack of creativity.
advances in technology.

>dev budgets
kek, you have no idea.

shitting out halfassed unfinished games and expect people to pay for skins and crates and keys and other stupid bullshit to compensate

anti-consumer decisions aren't threats to video games as a business

When taken too far, it could lead to a massive loss of goodwill which might lead to poor sales for certain companies (and might rarely lead to a crash). Good business practices go both ways unless there's an effective monopoly in the industry.

Not that I care, but mainstream AAA games will keep getting shittier and using ever crasser methods of monetization.

>realistic solution
No, and don't care.

Friendly question: Then why did you post? Just to vent some frustration or to point out how futile it is?

Not trying to argue with you or call you out. Just wondering.

Big publisher swallowing small developers and making them disappear, this leads to a market full of the same thing and it stops being art and becomes teenager literature (aka the same stories with different names).
DLCs on day one, DRM and pay-to-win are shitty but you can choose not to pay/buy those games. Whereas small developers disappearing keep us from having games to choose

>Do you think there's any realistic solution to the issue you mentioned?

Stop buying shit from EA

Why not? You asked a question and I answered it. I don't care because I'm basically the guy in the OP pic. Gave up on "the industry" long ago.

Sorry, didn't mean to come across like an interrogation.

DLCs being useless cosmetics
Pre-purchase bullshit (got caught with Bioshock:infinite, never preordered anything ever since)
"Early access"
Overpricing (though that ones is a double edged sword and faggots screeching about "muh graphics) are part of the problem

>Do you think there's any realistic solution to the issue you mentioned?

There is none. Actually, the video games market was one of the first things that redpilled me on the "free market" bullshit - the amount of people ready to pay for shit will ALWAYS prevail and make any attempts of "vote with your wallet" obsolete. Because most people don't give a shit.

>60+ pricetags.

This guy is right. And yes, "physical distribution" means jackshit - my country had cartridges from china that were costing 10 Euros most. And I still remember games for PS2 being similarly overpriced.

Also, industry pulls off this shit to secure successful and stable sellings.
Even if it will reap the industry a new one. How to deal with it? I don't know.
Is the "digital piracy" at fault? Partly yes, partly no. Might have just accelerated the rotting process.

There isn't any sensible realistic solution.
It's big business - talking sense into it is like begging the avalanche to stop coming down.
Even more unreal is "talking sense" into consumers so they stop financing this shit with their money.

Normalfags being stupid and tasteless.

True they are a tgreat to consumers

>Just to vent some frustration or to point out how futile it is?
If anything its working just because its not showing inmediate result doesnt mean it isnt working

>"Early access"

Well this can be okay if the game is a multiplayer game and free to play.

>reeee stop spending money the way you want too
dumb commie poster

>I'm too retarded to understand the razor-razorblade business model: the post


>I'm too retarded to understand the pricing differences for a young/niche and a matured market

Fuck off brainlet.

>I will never accept $60+ pricetags
Why is $60 games bad? Vidya is expensive as fuck to make and hard to make a good profit with how many people take a cut due to licensing and taxes

Changing the content to meet the largest demographic. It happens in every entertainment medium and it's totally destructive when it happens. It's easiest to see in music because it's endlessly happening to new genres and styles.

>New thing pops up
>Very small group of artists putting up very creative, gripping stuff in that thing
>It's so good more people start listening
>Big labels take notice
>Sign 50 "artists" who copy/paste a cheap imitation of that thing over and over as well as having their big hitters fuck it into oblivion
>Blast it on the radio every 5 minutes
>Indie scene no longer interested in it it's been so bastardized
>It goes down in history as "that fucking "doo doo doo" thing in every shitty pop/rap song"

Not exactly a 1:1 comparison but it's the same at its core: the groups who can afford the most exposure letting money dictate what they expose.

>buy 10 euro book
>have 10-20 hours of reading fun

>go to movie theater
>pay 7 euros for 2 hours of entertainment

>buy game
>pay 60 euros for 5-15 hours of entertainment

The alternatives are cheaper, so they should adapt their budgets to that.

Capitalism itself is the force ruining video games. The workers must seize the means of production and drive out the parasitic executives and producers such as Activision and EA, and make games according to their own collective vision for what they would like to make.

>What do you believe are some of the biggest threats to video games as a business?
That all the people engaged in playing them would realize just how much of a waste of time and energy they really are and stopped paying for them.
The solution is to keep on dumbing the population down and make universal income a global standard so that people, already dumbed down and lazy who have no interest in waking out of the consumerist slumber, waste their unearned money on more games to "relax to"

Unironically this.

Nearly all of modern vidya are companies exploiting developers to make shittier games that abuse psychology to make the quickest buck possible instead of actually making good games.

>What do you believe are some of the biggest threats to video games as a business?

Mobile games and console/PC games aren't the same market.

They're just gonna keep going where the sales are;
dlc, lootboxes, preorders, marketing hype, etc.
Just accept that shit, and turn to indie or smaller releases. For horde shooters, Payday 2 and Vermintide aren't AAA, but they're AA and good (not perfect, but 6-7/10 good). Competitive shootan can be Rainbow Six Siege, ARPG can be Grim Dawn... Not the most amazing games out there, but pretty good.
You can find AA games that cater to a smaller specialized group instead of the wider "moneygrabbing" (though their moneygrabbing is a good conscious and valid choice).

One thing I like came out from this shitted up place the industry's at, and that's continual development, trickling content down instead of releasing everything at once, letting you put 50 hours in, fuck off for 3 months, and be back with a shiny new update/new meta; in a way, if you get a 5$ game, you're in for 300 hours of fun, and maybe drop a further 15-20$ onto DLC.

Instead of bitching about the system, try to gain the most you can from it. Play games you like, buy games you like, have the most $ for fun/gametime, don't gobble up AAA releases (like, who seriously listens to 2017's biggest radio hits, don't eat shit), find jewels among this ocean of shit that modern gaming is.

God could you imagine if Gamergate was aimed at actually opposing the capitalist shit ruining gaming instead of just bitching about the fucking media and women? Fuck, we'd never have seen the lootbox shit happen, I bet.