Did Seifer do anything wrong?
Did Seifer do anything wrong?
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He was in a shit game.
he thought with his dick instead of thinking for his dick
>literal Chad, even fucks your waifu. nah screw him
>Story about elite soliders who look like they are in their mid-late 20ies.
>They are all teenagers.
This desu.
>even fucks your waifu. nah screw him
Actually, it's entirely Rinoa's fault. They were dating and Squall had no interest in her whatsoever until she started making advances toward him and eventually cucked Seifer.
War changes you
His main mistake was not bailing when he realized shit was going all wrong. Following Edea and trying to make his lifelong fantasy come true definitely wasn't wrong, but later on in the game he starts claiming that he's in too deep to quit which is just bullshit. He could've turned that shit around but instead he chose to cling to an idea he didn't even believe in anymore. I'd also mention him dragging his friends down with him, but that was their own decision so you can't really blame it on Seifer.
Also, he was kind of a jerk.
What even happened to Seifer after he kills Odin at the end of disc 3?
Should have just had a change of heart and joined the party for time compression electric boogaloo.
I don't remember it being explained in the game, but going by the ending and some earlier lines, I'd guess Rajin and Fuujin finally convince him to back off and take him back home. It was obvious that they had his back all the way, but sometimes being a good friend means telling your bro that he needs to stop being a cunt.
>slashes Squall in the face with his gunblade
>acts like a huge bitch during the SeeD Field Exam
>fucks Rinoa before the game even begins
>betrays Balamb Garden and joins the sorceress
>leads an attack on the Garden, causing the deaths of who knows how many students
>kills Odin
>kidnaps Rinoa and delivers her to Adel
>completely disappears from the plot after doing this and gets a happy ending in the last cutscene
I say he did a lot of wrong
Eventually he just says fuck it and leaves
he tainted Rinoa and was an asshole to you
Squall was an asshole himself though
When did Squall bother anyone?
Seifer did nothing wrong and FF8 is the best FF game, fight me.
He didn't really bother people but whenever someone tried to actually talk to him he would just stonewall them
Can't because you're right.
>people blaming Seifer for fucking Rinoa
>even though this was 100% to blame on Rinoa being a whore and using sex to manipulate people
Bunch of cucks, the lot of you.
The only reason she even goes after Squall in the first place is to manipulate him into helping her out. Arguably her feelings become more genuine as the game goes on, but the romance was one of the weakest parts of FF8 anyway.
>Did Seifer do anything wrong?
He told you to give him the bonus XP for getting the killing blow on enemies.
Then he fucked off.
>Balamb Garden
I can never see this name without thinking of the pasta.
>better than FFT/A
>better than FFCC
>better than based Chocobo Tales
Sorry I don't fight disabled children.
Giving him the bonus XP boosts your SEED rank though, so it's still somewhat useful
He fell for the pussy meme
I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
the only thing he did wrong was pack up his shit and go home to fish with his pals instead of trying to redeem himself
Why would he need to redeem himself if he did nothing wrong?
Checkmate, atheists.
the virgin squall vs the chad seifer
He lost
But in losing, he learned the value of friendship!
He could have learned the value of pussy if he wasn't so autistic
His only problem was that he pursued what he thought of as his ideal self too vehemently.
Even when he realized it wouldn't work. He kept going until the very end, ignoring everything else to live in his fantasy.
You literally spend the entire game cucking Seifer, shit is hilarious.
>Living in the world of FF8
>Not being autistic
If anything, he did the best out of all of them by fully embracing the autism and pretending to be a knight for the entire story before kicking back with his bros and continuing to not give a fuck.
>you are now manually realizing that Seifer's gunblade stance is based off of Laguna's movie about the Sorceress and her knight
His entire dream and life are based off of Lagunas movie. There isn't a single thing Seifer has that isn't directly related to Squall shitting all over him.
>Also, he was kind of a jerk.
He literally tries to split Squall's face open while laughing about it.
This. He was a piece of shit.
It's extra funny when you consider that Laguna didn't know the first thing about swordfighting and was just making shit up. Seifer was gimping himself by imitating Laguna rather than having a more practical style like Squall.
He already had Rinoa's pussy and discarded it. There was nothing to learn user.
He did nothing wrong.
All made up for
>Steal his girl
>Sister figure
>Fighting style
Only cool thing he does is undeserved, him mercing Odin.
Except turn into a twink wigger apparently.
He was what the french call... how u say... "le pussy whipped"
My cousin is a huge FF8fag and was hyping that moment up for years. When it finally happened, it completely came out of left-field, especially since Seifer had been bodied in every previous encounter.
It wasn't about the pussy though. He already had Rinoa and he gave that up. It was about pursuing his childhood dream of becoming a knight and basically living out Laguna's shitty movies. Edea gave him a chance and he jumped at it.
That's basically the end plot of Seifer for anyone who's never played FFVIII.
>He's Squall's rival and a total asshole until the end of the game
>Totally vanishes from the plot
>Is last seen fishing with his buddies
God damn bro, where the fuck did you even go? Just imagine if Barrett from FVII vanishes near the end of the game and in the final cutscene you just see him eating tacos with his daughter.
Very anti-climactic.
>practical style like Squall
There's nothing practical about gunblades, user. Both Seifer and Squall are dribbling retards.
>hurr it's not a realistic military simulation why is there magic and shit this sucks
every time
SeeD are superhumans who fight monsters a lot of the time and do covert missions the rest of the time, melee is just a practical as ranged weaponry.
The problem isn't melee, the problem is having a gun on a sword
It isn't a gun on a sword truly, when you pull the trigger it causes an explosion that runs through the sword to vibrate it and assist with cutting. Obviously a purely fictional weapon but no more retarded than a vibroblade from star wars.
He was a retard with a giant ego for no real reason.
I don't think I've had a single boss fight against him in any of my 6 playthroughs where I didn't just kill him in a single hit.
No shit, they use gunblades "just because". Squall probably likes the challenge and its basically a way of humblebragging 24/7 without saying anything.
Yes please, yes!
But when you pull the trigger the same time you swing the sword it makes it stronger user
best character in the game along with Squall, should have been a party member at the end, like with Leon in FFII.
>Best characters
>Squall and Seifer
Pleb taste
Laguna's okay, the fat guy is okay but not being to talk doesn't carry over very well in low-res models and text boses, and don't even know what the other guy's character was supposed to be.
Rinoa is shit anyway.
>hot teacher comes onto you
>nah gonna bone this Mary Sue over here
He was Michael Jackson the assassin
Seriously, Squall is a fucking retard. Quistis was way better than Rinoa.
>I have no defense for my retardation so I'll just attack a strawman
Every time
Then it's not practical and user's a retard.
He had a cooler gunblade than the oc
It's a shame because he could have had a redemptive arc where he learns the value of not being an asshole.
>Seifer's gunblade cooler than Squall's
At least Squall's gun's handle is extended to make it slightly viable to swing. But Seifer's? Nope, fuck it. Just literally attach a sword to the end of my pistol.
Is that a small room or are they massive?
they're also teens that can suplex gods so, I think they can handle it.
Its a small room
>weakass rival and always a pushover in fights
>killed Odin
wew lad
it's a good pasta
He did you a solid there since you get based Gil to assist you afterwards.
Wasn't Gilgamesh a straight downgrade? Plus Odin looked godly in that game
So have you got yourself a hot gf with FF8 tattoos yet Sup Forums?
DonĀ“t wanna. I actually like VIII and is pretty high on my books. (and i am a FF IX fag)
Actually is very useful. You can let Squall and Zell unconcious and train your GFs without gaining any XP that way.
Same with Edea later on. That way your GFs get the skills you want without the drawbacks of leveling up.
This post really helped me appreciate Squall's character more. Unlike other celibate protags that deny the pussies thrown at them out of shear incompetence, Squall appears to be doing it because he recognizes all the bitches around him be cray, and he's not about to be the sexual outlet for the psychological traumas.
Seifer should of been replaced with Squall, if anything Squall was the weakest candidate.
>Saw change in mission parameters, adjusted orders to compensate
>Strong, aggressive and confident
>Not entirely mercantile but romantic, passionate and cares for causes
>Semi-automatics are far better than revolvers, hence quicker/faster Limits
Squall should of been the one to fall to Ultimacia's trickery and brainwashing, his apathy, dullness, willingness to obey any order given to him.
i personally enjoy the black mages version better but the original is great too
No, he was following his romantic dreams.
Thats why he is still alive in the end.
Gil could show up anytime instead of just at the beginning of a battle and even during boss fights too to damage them.
Anyone else find it weird that the FF8 universe has aliens and no one really cares?
I never get tired of this one.
also kys
FF7 had them too
No one cares about Pupu too
I despise the BM version. They lose the emphasis on the base and drums that I loved so much about the original. The OG version felt like a Japanese war anthem more than anything. It's completely lost with that synth piano BM loves to rely on.
Adding on, everything Squall displayed is a direct result of him trying to emulate Seifer. Suddenly becoming passionate, impulsive, dedicated and driven? All traits Seifer displayed first and demonstrated better.
This is really stupid headcanon user.
>creator literally deny the R=U and all other theory surrounding FF8 20 years after the release of the game
I wanted to play as Seifer, Raijin and Fujin. Laguna's crew was cool too I guess.
I can't think of a single moment in the game where Squall shows passion. Even when Rinoa is trying to get into his pants he's still a stonecold autist
It's all true. If you took the time to engage in the plot, you would of noticed it.
JENOVA was a pretty major plot point so it wasn't as weird to me. Plus I don't recall anything outside of JENOVA.
In 8 there are tons of different aliens that no one seems to pay any mind to. There are the Shumi, which aren't stated to be aliens but live only in one village and have very advanced technology. There are the Pupu and their UFOs. There is also the Eden spaceship but that is possibly just a future human invention. The fact that all of the Garden shit is based on possible alien tech is just weird.
It was always pretty clear that they weren't true and certainly weren't intended. They were always just fun theories.
>beat Norg
>no one ever mention him again
It's called bad writing