Star Wars Battlefront 2 swbf2

Sup Forums down for some vidya?

server: battle/v/ront
pw: rage

get in here nerds

All I want is for the server fixes to come out. I would be playing everyday at that point. But the lag just makes things unplayable for me.

Disney can't afford that goyim, noone would buy the REAL battlefront 2 then

b u m p

clonefags got rekd

server is up, we need more fags in here

vermintide is free to play this week and im having a blast, but i'll jump in and play with you lad.

i fucking got ran over by that snowspeeder at the end. i love this game.

downloading again and getting ready.

Last time i played this shit was forever ago, but constantly lurking and scrolling past these threads got me itching to try it again.

you have the steam or GOG version right? because you need to own it on one of those platforms

This, i want to play but the server crashes and stuff just kills my motivation to play.

Yeah. I got it for pennies on a sale a year or two ago with some others star wars games i hadn't played since PS2.

you can still get a couple of matches in before a crash. usually the host will put the server right back up anyway




So you can do multiplayer like this and not just heroes killing each other right?

we're doing exactly that right now man join us

im sorry did i miss the boat or something because the host having 45 ping while everyone else runs around at 200+ ping is not fun. thanks gog, steam and disney for ruining this games online.

>fail to connect to server
>have to reboot whole game just to see internet lobby again
>even if I get in its laggy as shit

por que

does gameranger still work? i remember it having worse glitches than this, but id still like the optin

if the lobby disappears just click singleplayer then multiplayer again

For me it wasn't laggy enough to be unplayable, but the rubberbanding got old

God damn hunt is fucking retarded.

host here, gonna remake the server. give me a minute to set it up. same name and password.

mad about Wampas? :3

should be back up folks join in

A few had audio glitches, but a good GameRanger server was fine.

>mfw i got a physical copy of this game in 2005 and can't install it again since i have no dvd drive

back up to be back down.

i tried using "restart mission" instead of quitting the session and remaking it. that was apparently a waste of time and now i've quit the session and am remaking it like i should have

WTF the game isn't working any more
It doesn't load just stays in black screen

It is clunky as fuck.
HERPS stop being on the top of the scoreboard

server will be up for aprox. 30 more min

Join the server you faggots.
There's no one in ehre

1 fucking point. god dammit.

server is down for the night, was fun playin with you guys

hmmm no sweetie, I'd rather play the 2017 one