About to have my last fap ever
After I will quit videogames and porn for 3 months
What should I jerk it too?
This is Sup Forums related, btw, I'm quitting videogames, too
About to have my last fap ever
After I will quit videogames and porn for 3 months
What should I jerk it too?
This is Sup Forums related, btw, I'm quitting videogames, too
>What should I jerk it too?
Say no more fampai. Just play pic related. You won't regret it.
youre making a huge mistake
Nofap is a shit meme. You're still going to be a pathetic piece of shit even if you stop fapping.
You should quit Sup Forums too or youll just end up on here more instead
No, I NEED this
I will
Gotta agree it's a good last jerk. Even the bad ends are good jerk material.
You NEED to sort your fucking life out, not fapping won't help in the slightest.
Yes it will
You cut out your major timewasters to force yourself to change
It's basic self-improvement
If fapping is a 'major time waster' you're a lost cause.
A thread died for this.kys you fucking cucklord and gb2>>>/reddit/
>About to have my last fap ever
>will quit porn for 3 months
Your dedication is fading one sentence at a time.
4 minutes a day isn't a major timewaster, user
>ywn jerk off user who wants to stop fapping
You sound like a total fucking retard so you likely won't improve even with all this stupid meme advice you've decided to fall for.
Why don't you just cut it to once a week?
loli used_condom
>try out the no-fap meme to see if it will improve my life
>made me feel even worse than before
This whole thread is filled with naysayers. Are you guys jealous op is trying to change his life?
Nobody's jealous of you being a fucking idiot, OP.
>quitting video games, porn and Sup Forums
Yeah that's not going to happen. See you in a week.
Explain yourself being angry for no reason then.
>last fap ever
>quitting for 3 months
you won't even make it 3 days
>What should I jerk it too
This doujin:
What are you going to do in place of fapping/porn/vidya?
I want to laugh at you.
>3 months
Kek, you won't even last a week
Okina Flying Factory.
>all 4 already in my favorites
You really do need to decrease or eliminate browsing to be effective. The shit that gets posted here is often INCREDIBLY titillating, especially because it often plays on nostalgia and stuff. Just get the fuck away.