Skyrim 2

Skyrim 2

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Epic meme, bro!

I used to be a shitposter like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee

Don't have a cow, man!

Sent from my iPhone.

haha i sure do like skyrim too fellow Sup Forumsfriends!!!

Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll

Skyrim: Mobile coming soon

>skyrim 2
>not skyr2m


>Skyrim 2
You mean Elder Scrolls VI you dumb fuck

the fuck do you mean. skyrim came out in 2011. theres no sequel yet

>not sky2im

you sure get a lot of pussy with that level of correctness and intel.

Bruh, gtfo

I bet you like Morrowind too, fucking pleb

This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen on Sup Forums, I'm calling for candlejac



Im hoping Skyrim 2 is set in a tropical environment !

wtf is an elder scroll. Sounds nerdy like dungeons and dragons lol

oh. dude... duuuuude.


SKYRIM /// (main character is kajeet. the 3 is a claw mark).

fucking fund it

i was hoping for a volcanic environment lol


When are we gonna get Oblivion 2 though?

We already did. Weird that they added guns though