So can someone esplain why i can be an humongous asshole to almost everyone except when it comes to this '''girl'' even...

So can someone esplain why i can be an humongous asshole to almost everyone except when it comes to this '''girl'' even though she's the main reason my parents are dead and my life is dull and miserable?

Just playing P3 but it triggers me to no end

she did nothing wrong

(dont quote me though. i dont play animes.)

She's the main heroine. P3 was written traditionally,which is why it doesn't require you to do the S.Links to get character development for your party members.

Aigis takes Yukari's role of the main heroine and the love interest halfway through the game. You can't be an asshole to her because it would break the plot.

Because she's cute

She only develops a personality and identity after the fact.

That would be like ur mum being mad with you because I cockslapped her.

It's explained why when you beat "The journey" and start "The answer"

Because P3 isn't a self-insert fantasy like P4 and P5. The S.Link stuff was clearly tacked on to a complete plot. Being an asshole to Aigis would break the story

>Because P3 isn't a self-insert fantasy like P4 and P5.
Well user let's not go that far

Writer's pet.

I wish Aigis were my pet.

>Writting a well defined heroine makes her a pet/mary sue
>You can only have shittty harem for virginal loser to pikc their favorite girl

How does it feel to be as sad and pathetic as japanese NEETs? If anything we need less harem shit in anime games. Write actual main love interests you hacks.

>immediately devolves into talking about harems
something tells me you're the pathetic one

August was not the murderer, she was the murder weapon.

>Well defined heroine
>No personality for 3/4 parts of the game
>Her development after Mitsuru's father death happens off-screen

Are you sure you aren't the one being overly defensive about your waifu?

Because P3's MC is shit. FeMC is better

because its either her or that shitty cunt yukari

I don't have a waifu. I just have good taste about videogame writing.
People like you are the reason P4 turned the main character into a Mary Sue that fixes everyone's lives and has all the girls falling onto his dick.
If P3 was made with the same writing philosophy as P4, Junpei would be a complete loser through the entire game unless you did his S.Link, and Chidori would constantly mock and emasculate him, while also being a romantic option for the player.

>brings up harems when no one has
>brings up P4 when no one has
just stop posting, you're obsessed, seek help

People think Aigis was an example of good writing? I don't get it, she was just a generic "robot who learns how to feel human" cliche. I am genuinely baffled.

Aigis literally kills your parents and seals death inside of you.
she's the literal reason you fucking die.

SEES should have deactivated her forever after they found out what she did
