So now that it's confirmed the Xbox One X is a high end PC killer at a fraction of the price will you finally join the real xbox master race?
So now that it's confirmed the Xbox One X is a high end PC killer at a fraction of the price will you finally join the...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Half the price
>Also half the fps
Fucking LMAO
But Xbox One X has ________
>muh frames
excellent graphics at 30 fps is better than mediocre graphics at 60 fps.
In fact anything above 24 fps is irrelevant since the human eye can't tell the difference. Xbox one x dominates where it matters, pc can't even keep up.
I'm not even giving you a (You)
Low quality bait
the thread needs to end here now with this obvious bait
Bullshit, they mislabeled the screenshots.
Nice lack of an argument, you can deny the facts all you want but they're still facts no matter how much it hurts your feelings.
>it's one of these threads again
>costs 300 bucks
>have to pay 60 dollars for each game. 20 dollars if you buy used a year after release
>costs 700 bucks
>free games 4lyfe
Hmm gee I wonder what is better?
>insinuating that I don't have excellent graphics at 60fps
no exclusives
The Xbone X is roughly an RX 580, which is good but not "high end" More like mid range. Although it's impossible to build a comparison PC right now due to cryptocurrency mining inflating 580 prices and RAM prices skyrocketing due to collusion. Actually wait, high RAM prices affect consoles too, that means Sony and Microsoft have to eat the cost.
>muh eyes can't tell the difference
You're fucking retarded, nigger.
>A year late
>1.8tf more
>A bit less blurry
Top kek Mike
No games and a shit CPU that can't even handle Destiny 2 at 60FPS when a $75 Pentium and a GTX 1050 can do it at 1080p (According to DigitalFoundry)
OP why do you lie?
Pic related is the PC version
>using non troll settings and running at 100+ fps
Honestly, not bait or bullshit or memes.
What in the fuck do you play on an Xbox if you have another console or a decent PC?
Halo 4
Halo 5
Rare Replay Collection
And backwards compatibility use for Lost Odyssey
Anything under 144 fps is literally unplayable
I made this if you want an equivalent 4k/30fps (although more realistically 1440p/1800p) experience. I didn't spec match the Scorpio because the CPU is too shit to realistically do anything on, plus a 1TB internal storage isn't enough considering how big AAA games with 4k textures are. SSD because no PC should be built without an SSD in the [current year.] Although it's impressive how they managed to fit the whole Xbone OS into 8GB I guess, Windows 10 is like at least 30GB, although it's designed to do a lot more than play multimedia obviously.
This has got to suck for Sony, first killed by Nintendo and now killed by Microsoft, how can one company be killed so hard?
Nintendo Switch/Xbox One X master race, damn!
Nope, I don't have a TV
Pick one.
What a fucking loser you are lol.
this scene is prerendered
That's it?
>Xbox One X
Shill spotted, call it the nextbone and we'll talk.
>can't see anything above 24 fps
>locked to 30 fps
>high end PC killer
Fuck consoles, I'm done. What parts do I need to be able to play current games in 4k and 60 fps? The i7 7700k and GTX 1080TI caught my attention. I don't know what brand to trust though.
1080Ti to "max out" most games at 4k/60, although not all. 1080 and Vega 64 should do ok at 4k but you'll have to turn down settings depending on the game.
CPU matters less at 4k since your GPU will be pegged at 100%, although you still need something decent. 8700K is the replacement for the 7700K, although availability is very low because Intel rushed out their launch to stop AMD from eating too much marketshare. 8600K would do fine as well, but it's hard to find as well. Honestly even Ryzen would be fine if you want to save some money, AMD is slightly worse than Intel at gaming but at 4k/60 you won't notice the difference.
Oh forgot to mention you can of course get the 7700K and it will do great but just keep in mind you can't upgrade it since it's the best CPU on it's platform, which is now "obsolete." (Z270 and Z370 aren't compatible.) try to find it on sale if you go with it. But like I said, CPU choice typically matters less at insanely high resolutions. Just don't buy an i5 7600K and you're good.
I'll keep that in mind.
It can't compete with something it's entirely unlike. People act like a gaming rig is for a specific game when it's nothing short of a Swiss army knife of entertainment and productivity while still doing gaming better.
It can't do internet like a PC, it cant rip and encode or burn CD's. It can't do emulation, it's not a tool for business, writing, communication.
A console is for games, gimped internet or to act as a glorified media server. I will spend the extra money to have it pay off over the lifetime of the system itself and the things it offers that consoles never will.
RARE Replay
All Xfags that participate in consolewars are an inherent cancer and should be doxxed and murdered in their sleep.
But I feel that in all of Sup Forums's retarded shitposting about Nintendo and Sony fans, it gets overlooked just how stupid Xbox fans get.
Better than buying a PS4 for Bloodborne at least
>It can't do internet like a Smartphone
FTFY Most internet use today is via Smartphone, not desktop PCs
>encode or burn CD's
>700 MB
Oh no. The humanity. It's not like iTunes and the like on Smartphones have replaced those for most people.
>It can't do emulation
Again, most emulation today is on Smartphone and even towards Pi emulators.
PC is great but it's becoming a dinosaur.
Can the One X host a family of roaches? Didn't think so. Just leave the industry already you western pigs.
>high end PC killer
Maybe a E-Machines killer kek
>having roaches
>PC will dissapear guys, I swear! Nobody uses PC
HAHAHAHA you can't be this desperate.
>PC is great but it's becoming a dinosaur.
nice b8 m8
It's a feature. A feature that Xbox doesn't have. Sony wins again.
I know youre meming but cmon you cunt
I'm sorry you don't believe the facts.
Apps have replaced a lot of websites (banking, email, shopping) and are the progenitor of over 40% of all internet traffic.
If this upsets you, I don't know what to tell you.
How is it b8?
>only 30fps
>high end pc
They wanted to launch the Xbone with online only. I can't support that
>But they went back on
But they still considered it and only renigged on it once they saw the backlash. Thats enough for me to question what else they will consider.
>Xbox has been dead and buried for years with Ps4 or PC as the defacto primary platform and the Wii U/Switch as a secondary
I would love it if that shit actually happened. It'd be like one of my japanese animes.
>muh 4k
how many of you console fags actually own a 4k TV
Nah, PC still is great. Plus PS4 Pro is better.
>PS4 Pro is better
As a PS4 Pro owner please explain how so.
The PS4 Pro is huge and ugly with very little obvious benefit over the normal so I'd love to be dissuaded from buyers remorse
Who /buyingthePro/ soon?
I have a PS4 Pro, don't. It's not worth the money.
>Modern Blast Processing
Well, that's one feature that I'm happy Xbox doesn't have.
The power...
man this shit is so stale
>he thinks literal frames in a movie are the same thing as frames in pc games.
Why can't Crystal Dynamics add these assets to the PC version too? I bet it's Square Enix, fucking Japs.
They might, but then they totally ignore game mode on it, and are stuck at 30hz kek
Nice filename, Pajeet.
Of the XboneX...
>High end PC killer
>Its literally a G4560+GTX1060
It's going to be exactly like the PS4 Pro. Only first party games will get decent enhancements. Any third party game will have lazily implemented enhancements or glaring issues like worse frame rate/shit frame pacing.
>FTFY Most internet use today is via Smartphone, not desktop PCs
That's only because so many more poor fags have internet access and cheap phones. If you enjoy the internet and what brings you use good hardware.
My phone gets used for the occasional answer to a question and that's about it. I would never use a phone for serious online activity. I would never handle my finances or business on a phone like some pleb. My phone is a glorified calculator that primarily exist as an emergency communication device.
>encode or burn CD's
I'm talking about standards but if you want to be factitious I am talking about DVD and blue ray as well. When I talk about encoding and ripping as well i'm talking about the ability to do so with media in general.
>Again, most emulation today is on Smartphone and even towards Pi emulators.
You have got to be joking. Even though a smart phone has the power to do emulation it's not the go to solution in the least. Who want's to emulate on their phone? Poor's and children that's who. I'm not going to bother with some small screen and the extra hardware to make it worth while to even try to do it on a phone. It's still incapable of doing anything you need power for.
PI emulation is a niche use for a niche product. It still lacks the raw power to do it right and over the broadest spectrum of games.
PC is anything but a dinosaur. It will always be at the forefront with greater utility, adaptability, potential and capability. Nothing offer's more freedom or customization. Nothing offers so much from every price point.
>That's only because so many more poor fags have internet access and cheap phones
Delusional, the majority of best selling phones are not budget.
>I'm talking about standards
CD players aren't a standard anymore.
>You have got to be joking
No, I'm dead serious and the data supports it.
I'm sorry the facts upset you this much but that's the reality of it
>he majority of best selling phones are not budget.
What does that have to do with people who own phones being poorfags?
It doesn't matter how expensive your phone is when every carrier is willing to give every poor fag a 800 dollar phone on a shitty contract they will gladly pay for over the course of years. I can build a console killer for that much.
When I say CD i'm talking about all the myriad of standards, CD, DVD, it's always someone without an argument that clings to something like that. Either way consoles will never gain the ability.
If you wan't to claim emulation is primarily done on inferior hardware by all means. They're still poor fags that can't do everything or ever be on the bleeding edge.
If anything the PC has been stifled and held back by consoles as the industry has been geared to deal with their development cycle. For what someone pays in a few generations of console I can build a PC that will be more powerful and have greater utility over the same cycle.
>PC is great but it's becoming a dinosaur.
I recall seeing some research that found that people aren't using PCs less, rather that they're replacing PCs less and less frequently while constantly replacing mobile devices.
Overall people are just spending more and more time using some computing device or another. It's not that they're using PCs less. However, for normalfats, PCs are being edged out by mobile for casual gayming. Lemme see if I can dig up these references
>It doesn't matter how expensive your phone is
Your right, internet use is being more and more dissolved by Smartphone usage. So it doesn't matter.
>When I say CD i'm talking about all the myriad of OLD standards
All falling out of use while GoogleMusic and Itunes etc become the new standard
>If you wan't to claim emulation is primarily done on inferior hardware by all means
I'm sorry that upsets you.
>If anything the PC has been stifled
Yeah, but that's natural as it's being put out to pasture due to being replaced by the Smartphone
>However, for normalfats, PCs are being edged out by mobile for casual gayming
And Banking
And Email
And shopping
And all other desktop uses
What does the PC offer Normalfags that smartphones don't?
If the Xbox version looks better than the PC version at highest settings, it's because they deliberately made the PC version look worse. It's not like the Xbox is more powerful than all PCs. For all intents and purposes, it is a PC, so you could build a PC as powerful as the Xbox. I'm not saying it would be as cheap, but I am saying there is a PC as powerful as the newest console so if the PC version is inherently worse then it's because they gimped it.
If your PC screenshot isn't of the highest settings then just fuck off.
Fuck off shills
When I have enough money.
This, all these kids act like Microsoft sabotaging the PC to try to sell more Xboxes is a good thing.
I wish more people would follow Valve's advice, the instance developers are using Vulkan on Linux Microsoft's ability to ruin the PC is removed.
Comfort, reliability, multi-tasking, security, privacy.
I don't bother writing email on a phone. I don't write documents on a phone, I don't watch media on a phone, I don't listen to music on a phone, I have never shopped on a phone. Why would I subject myself to that when I can be comfortable in my chair or on my bed with a wireless keyboard and mouse. Why do I want to be holding a phone that needs to be plugged in after less than an hour of any intensive use.
Why would I use apps that by default require total access to my phone. My old fag must be showing because aside the very occasional search for an answer I use a phone to make "gasp" calls.
Perform useful work. Lots of normalfats work largely on PCs. Students don't have much of an option these days.
In theory the processing power available to mobile devices could grow to the point that 99% of computing work can be done on them. Maybe that's not even that far off. But that requires them to be peripheral-ized to the point of no distinction with PCs. It's common for normalfats today to lug a laptop between home and work, and plug it into respective docking stations. No doubt the same concept will be applied to phones, possibly with wireless I/O connections.
>Comfort, reliability, multi-tasking, security, privacy.
What was the last Smart phone you used grampa, 2003 Blackberry?
No, he's right, smartphones are notorious for fuck-all in terms of security.
If you keep important info on your phone you might be genuinely retarded, especially if you have bluetooth enabled.
Wow, that's a terrible looking screenshot.
>No, he's right
No he's not. The biggest security fuck ups recently have all been server side.
Oh also I wanted to speculate on this but it's real:
>Black and Hispanic adults: 51 percent of black Americans and 42 percent of Hispanic Americans who use a mobile device to access the internet say that’s the primary way they go online — about double the 24 percent of white Americans who say they rely on their mobile devices for access.
Literal nigger technology
>The biggest security fuck ups recently have all been server side.
I have a 2013 smartphone that I actually received for free because the battery was shot. 10 bucks and 30 minutes later and it's good as new. 1.5 ghz quadcore, 13 mp camera and 2 gigs of ram. I'll use the thing till it's dead because I don't subject myself to trying to shoehorn my media consumption into a damn phone while giving myself a perma virgin stoop. I don't even have it on a contract I pay less than 30 dollars a month.
If you honestly believe OP isn't baiting and actually plans on buying an Xbone, you need to kill yourself tonight.
Can every faggot here agree that Microsoft is the most based when it comes to the X?
>Updating Halo to 4K with it since they know that's basically what everybody wants
>Only console out of the big boys with backwards compatibility with the past 2 gens
>Best running versions of multiplats
>Best controller
>Actually good console interface compared to PS4 and Switch
>Halo 1-5 and Gears 1-4
>Dropped the Kinect
>Rare Replay Collection for nostalgiafags, 30 games for $30. Could've easily charged 60.
>Is gonna bring there best future games on PC so that people who don't wanna buy in can still experience the games
>Won't have any games be an X exclusive because they don't want the early buyers to feel left out
>Crossplay online with Nintendo and PC users just because
That's not all. But can Sup Forums stop acting like the One is a meme console?
Because I already have a high-end PC that can handle 1440p, 144fps with almost anything I throw at it.
Racing games personally, it's the only place to do that. I give 0 fucks about gaming on my PC even though it's more than capable.
360 games, RDR2 4K will be nice to.
Does the Xbox One X have Rance?
Fuck you, PS4 has exclusives filthy gaijin pig. Nobody who owns a PS4 wants backwards compatibility anyways.
I'll probably buy an X B O X just so Sony comes in 3rd this holiday season
U r my fren
Backwards compat is a massive win for the xbox, Each console release from here on out will be able to play every generation of games. It's not a complete list yet but the 360 is pretty much there. Talks that the One X will pump original xbox resolutions quite high as well making everything look a shit load better.
Don't think Sony's engineers are as capable of Microsofts in the software side so never see this happening for Sony.
Been a member of the WatercoolerBox One master race since launch, I knew the truth of its power longer than you posers. Fucking drones and ponies.
the fuck is this shit