Playing as a girl

>Playing as a girl.
Please tell me you fags don't actually do this.

Well I don't want to look at a guys butt

of course I don't, I may be an autistic and obsessively compulsive but I'm no tranny or faggot

All Mercy does is stare at boy's butts tho

I'm a faggot I only play male

>an autistic and obsessively compulsive
alright fuck i'm not fixing that

I thought she just slurps all their cum

I-I-I-I-I don't want to b-be staring at a mans delicious ass.....
I-It's not like I want to look pretty or anything...

Whats wrong with wanting to be a girl?

No, I don't. Mercy is hot but I don't want to be her, I want to fuck her.

Only women and faggots play support classes.

Well how am I supposed to romance Garrus without mods?

I just play characters that feel natural to use, ones I excel with etc. Sometimes it just so happens to be a female character. What are you gonna do about it?

I'm going to make you suck on my penis

That's gay as shit.

Well when you play as the girl you become the girl.
Sorry but that's how it works

Are you guys seriously telling me you look at man ass?

>being so insecure that you care about the gender you're playing in a video game
>hard mode: in an FPS

it used to seriously trigger inb4 "trigger" my dysphoria terribly. My therapist has started having me read books/play games from a female perspective. Shit is difficult

>tfw you will never force your cock down a mercy mians throat till they blackout
>tfw you will never make them blackout so much they lose iq and become bimbos
why live?

>first person
>looking at man's ass
>masculinity so fragile that merely glancing at a man's ass means you're a homo

Didn't know that. Does this work the same way with flight sims or war games?


>Be Super-Straight
>Look at a guys ass on purpose when you had the choice to just not
>Negative electrical feedback loops send disgust throughout the body
>Compulsive and die
It ain't easy bro. Especially with this 17 foot MONSTER I gotta carry around everywhere.

you're telling me?
>be mega-homo
>accidentally realize that I touched a vagina at birth
>homosexual inquisition breaks down my door
>get charged for being straight
>executed in public
ghost speaking

>Be Super-Straight
>Look at a guys ass on purpose when you had the choice to just not
>Don't care cuz I'm not a closet homo

She's all hips and tits, my benis approves.

what did he mean by this

hard to say
probably something like "force your cock down my throat daddy"
sissy boys stutter so much it doesn't matter what they say really

is it gay to heal other dudes as mercy

only if you ruin your orgasms into your own mouth while doing it

if you get on your knees to heal him, yes
if you just bend over its fine