ITT: great characters ruined by memes

ITT: great characters ruined by memes

Other urls found in this thread: Pygme Lord

name 14 games that do this

How can a character be ruined by memes. Nothing happens to the character outside of that character's game. It's the exact same character.

there is not a single good character in dark souls. aside from maybe pate and patches, they all just don't do anything

his questline doesn't even lean into something logical

he just becomes mad about muh sun and tries to kill you

the memes are bad but the character is still great

You didn't notice the bug on his head?

Came here to post this. OP you're a gentle little sissy faggot whose perception is too easily influenced by obnoxious fanbases, grow a thicker skin.

Pre-DaS2 soulsfags are the worst. They never stop bitching.

So did the parasite drive him to madness or did he go hollow because he lost his purpose since he had his own personal sun with the maggot?

So what? Why does that matter? He's just there to give you a chalk, that is his only purpose.

>Entire point of Solaire's character is that he is just a good guy, doing good things in completely mundane armor of no special make

Vaatifags really missed the entire point of Solaire.

so was this guy actually gwyn's first born, or just some crazy fuck who fapped to the sun

>he didn't save Solaire

Which theories are the worst in this game
>Manus was the furtive Pygmy
>Solaire was Gwyn's son
>Ornstein was an illusion
>Velka was behind it all
>Emerald herald was a failed dragon

>Armor of Solaire of Astora, Knight of Sunlight. The large holy symbol of the Sun, while powerless, was painted by Solaire himself.

>Solaire's incredible prowess must have come from rigorous training alone, for his equipment exhibits no special traits.

Anyone that thinks he isn't just regular dude is a fucking dumbass. The closest you can get to building him up is the vauge implication that his holy symbol and thus his ability to use miracles is because of his faith in the sun/himself instead of any kind of actual divine power

>Be Lautrec
>Noble of some renown
>Suddenly you get the mark of the undead
>Now treated as a second class citizen, everyone you know and love turned their back on you
>Decide to fuck off
>Goddess reaches out to you, gives you her armor of favor and is the only thing in the world left that loves you
>Start a pilgramage to the golden city of the gods
>Stop at a church along the way and execute a ritual to your goddess that involves the death of a fire keeper.
>Decide to help some asshat kill some Gargoyals while you are there, may as well cleanse her temple of evil right?
>Eventually make your way to the city of gods
>Find it an empty shell, abandoned with only mindless giants still hanging around
>She's either dead or she's someplace you'll never find
>Decide to suicide as the only person alive who could possibly love you is too far out of reach

Lautrec... Lautrec had a hard life

ornstein being an illusion is pretty much confirmed by das3


A lot of dumb things have been confirmed by das3. Doesn't make them any less dumb.

More like

>Be Lautrec
>Get rescued from a jail cell I somehow ended up in even though everyone in 100 miles kills everyone they see on sight
>Get kicked off a fucking cliff before I do anything else because I have a cool ring and I'm about to kill the firekeeper to the main bonfire of the game for stupid reasons

>Did his first run with a guide

Opinion invalidated

>Ornstein is an illusion
How? I haven't played DS3.

He's just some random.

dark souls 2 is a retarded game that has just as much REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1????? pandering as DS3 without being a direct sequel to justify it, and in that game one of the bosses is just ornstien with dark effects on his attacks instead of lightning for no reason (standing right next to a fucking dragon despite being billed as "old dragonslayer" for extra retardation points)

instead of admitting that the devs just put a boss people like in DS2 for no reason, people who make a meagre living posting "lore" videos on dark souls made up some bullshit that the ornstien you fight in DS1 was actually just some kind of illusion (even though smaugh can fucking destroy his body and receive power from it? and you can receive "soul of ornstien" from it?) and there's some extremely vauge bullshit in DS3 (made by the same hacks as DS2) that implies this is true so everyone can pat themselves on the back for believing in this mutual excuse for lazy game design

He was pretty real in DaS1 when he pooped my ass

and he reached his purpose, finding his sun, meaning he didn't have any reason to live and strive anymore

>In the dragonless age, this knight [Ornstein], who long guarded the ruined cathedral, left the land in search of the nameless king
>Grotesque armor associated with Smough, the last knight to stand in defense of the ruined cathedral.
The theory is that he gave Gwyndolin a piece of his soul to turn into an illusion before leaving.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Memes Ruining Characters Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Memes Like Nigga Close Reddit Haha

>Manus was the furtive Pygmy
We have no other candidates and it makes a lot of sense
>Solaire was Gwyn's son
Its a neat theory but it was never worth actually believing in
>Ornstein was an illusion
Since when have we needed explanations for respawning enemies
Fuck off
>Emerald herald was a failed dragon
Uh, this one is basically confirmed in game.

there actually is another candidate, the pygmy you can talk to at the start of the ringed city

wasn't solaire a fucking dipshit and the only reason he hadn't hollowed out was because the thing he was searching for was pretty much not achievable intill he lowered his standards and went with the rinkydink sunlight maggot and then hallowed out?

>listing confirmed things alongside shitty theories
user pls

His plotline is retarded. Finding sun doesn't even explains his motives.

If you don't save him. If you go kill the maggot before he runs into it he gets depressed that he can't find his sun but he will be there to help you fight Gwyn.

Are Catarina and Astora the designated cool guy countries?

No, he went insane and allowed a maggot to take up space in his brain due to dispair at not finding his light.

If you help him through his quest all the way until the end of the game and summon him to fight Gwyn, he finds he sunlight.

more like the dead guy countries

>Can defeat the Iron Golem highhandedly.
>Died from falling off the rafters in Anor Londo.

Well there's Anri who pretty much spends all game sulking and doing next to nothing until either he/she gets captured and forced into a "wedding" ritual by a bunch of darkwraiths or goes hollow after exacting their revenge on a lord

You people seem to forget how largely accepted that theory was.
>missing son
>god of war, so he's pretty tough
>Solaire is tough as fuck even though he has shitty armor, so he literally has God Strength
>throws fucking lightning bolts like Gwyn
>obsessed with the sun which is closely related to light/Gwyns soul whatever
>summonable on the last boss fight against Gwyn

It was a theory, but a really good one at that. It was widely accepted, but the sequels happened. The sequels were a mistake and the whole story should've been left up to player interpretation.

Why is Tarkus so fucking strong? Is his weapon +15 or something?

It was rather fitting to run into the Nameless King in DS3 imo. He had been erased from all history but in the end was the last major God left.

Technically speaking since you can only get Smough's armor by killing Ornstein first, Smough would in fact be the "last" knight.

He was a big guy.

If he had to cross a tightrope would he die?

I would be very painful

These are still the biggest question I have in Dark Souls lore. Why do they all look like Andre and what petrified them?

Getting the bug on his head means you failed.

Why would he block a golem before throwing him off a tower?

lazy devs
a basilisk or something

The best I could say on that one would be since the Moonlight butterfly came from Seath's archive then perhaps some of his pertrification gas leaked into that part of the forest as well? Or maybe it's not supposed to be petrified and is just a regular corpse of some blacksmith

>implying fall damage is non fatal

What about this one?

Ornstein, stupid as it may be, was an illusion. Smough is explicitly stated to be the last one left guarding the anal rodeo.

Worst is clearly Velka is Lloyd is manus the pygmy the witch of izalith who is the firstborn of solaire and seathe's mistress.

Frostbite after his forge started to die due to the fact that as a blacksmith he didn't wear a shirt. It's why he was clutching his ember but since it's an occult ember it radiates no warmth. Fuck man this is easy I should start a youtube channel to spout nonsense about this game and trick people into following my Patreon.

Not that guy but I think they're just corpses, not necessarily petrified.

As for why they look like Andre, doesn't the divine ember (that is found of one of them) say there is like, an order of divine blacksmiths or something?

There were supposed to be different blacksmiths for every upgrade path but they figured that was some gay shit and just put the embers in their place instead. Pre-release Andre was a much bigger deal.

>good characters
kys retarded frogposter

For you

>is this angry about a post on Sup Forums
there is clearly someone here who is too easily influenced by obnoxious fanbases

Name a more underrated character. Protip you can't


Oh hey look what I found.

fuck off you autist

>REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1????? pandering as DS3
Not even close. If you removed every direct reference to DaS1 from DaS2, it would be fine. The story would largely be the same, and the game would lose two of three bosses, tops.

If you did that to DaS3 that game would have Lothric Castle, 2/3rds of a DLC, and about ten armor sets.

It never fit. There were fucking statues of the firstborn. You enter the covenant by praying to one, is he praying to himself? And the statue sure as shit isn't Solaire. All his items are decorated by himself, too, and are explicitly stated to be nothing special. Not of special make, with no powers, not blessed by anyone. He's also using the lowest, most basic bitch form of lightning. How's that suit a fucking God of war who inherited Gwyn's sunlight? He also hollows. He's a fucking undead, not a God. He was never a God, it was always a stupid fucking stretch of a theory no matter how many idiots wanted to believe in that bullshit.

How tho? fire represents life in the souls series, he wanted to bring life and happiness to a otherwise depressed world. As you both progress through the world he thanks you for your company and help, but after a while he thinks it may be impossible to find his sun.

Either his hopelessness is taken advantage by the demon (maggot) and he goes insane because of the demon. OR you kill the the demon before he gets there, he stays sane but gets more depressed, and for the sake of his companion help destroy the only current sun in the world.

He can stay in a reality of sadness or delve into a illusion of happiness based on your choice.

>the pygmy you can talk to at the start of the ringed city

Fina is also a two-timing bitch. You get the fap ring by trading some Xanthos shit.

Its like those faggots who say their 'game' is ruined because of a remake/reboot/unwanted sequel

Just replayed it.
>steal Solaire's shit
>decide I want the fap ring to midroll
>hit Lautrec twice
>"You leave me no choice"
>rolls backward, launching himself off of the cliff and falling to his death
well, ok then

The theory was that he was banished and became an autist. So he forgot everything about him, but retained his strength. The sun is symbolic for Gwyn hence the reason he calls it a magnificent father.
It's literally pottery, but I don't expect a small brain to understand it. Pygme Lord

wow it's almost like fighting giant inhuman monsters for god knows how long made him go fucking nuts or something

>the -furtive- pygmy
>no known traits
>no known actions
>no name
>only known that someone once found a soul and nobody took credit
He'd be some fucking Dave or Steve if he was in. He's not.
>We have no other candidates
Manus isn't a candidate. There's nothing indicating it being him. The only "proof" is him being referenced as primordial, meaning he's just fucking old, and the fact he's human. Which doesn't place him ahead of any other random old schmuck who isn't a Godling. And father of the abyss says jack shit since it's only after they desecrate his corpse and he shits up Oolacile that there's any abyss to speak of. Abyss != dark. He's old, he's powerful(as ancient man is known to be, with the lifedrain shit) and he's a fucking sorcerer. Casts unique spells and holds a fucking catalyst, where's all the stuff about this furtive pygmy being some powerful creator of dark sorceries and getting a grand burial which has him remembered and unearthed eons later?

There's nothing supporting it and plenty that doesn't mesh with the stupid theory.

Kahjiit. Furries have raped the race so much I can even look at them anymore.

He fucking instagibbed the golem for me once. Waddled up to it, smacked its ankle, and it plunged to its death. I knew he could take it 1 on 1 but that was comically one-sided.

>Abyss != dark
Fear not the Dark, my friend


I've always preferred to think that the Pygmy was allowed to die. Unlike the Gods when the pygmy found the soul of dark he didn't horde it for himself or a group of followers but gifted it to all of hollows that the Gods left behind, weakening the soul greatly but allowing everyone to experience life. He then lived his life as a human and most likely died, the unsung hero to be forgotten to the ages.
Manus was just someone or something that found the excess humanity that the Ooalician's were gathering and that he most likely looks like what the Pygmy would have if he hadn't split the soul amongst the others.


Manus is strong as hell, a whole city(kingdom?) used his remnants as a giant battery. He's also using dark sorceries, only he and those tainted by the abyss use them. He's the only one with a catalyst specialized in using dark sorcery. He probably found a way of using the dark soul as a source of power, like conventional sorcery does with other souls, and hoarded pieces of the dark soul for that purpose. Or just used someone else's discoveries, but anyway that would explain why he was so damn powerful, why he'd get a grand burial, and why he'd be so remarkable(unlike a furtive nobody) as to be remembered for eons so they could unearth him.
There is no abyss before they dig him up and piss him off. New londo is later. The "father of the abyss" line is very fucking clear and doesn't mean anything but the abyss.

Aren't the Pygmy Lords all descendants of the Furtive Pygmy?

You're trying to make heads and tails of Memezaki's "LOL SO DEEP" circular storytelling. Stop that.

>i live my life in a vacuum
>there's no such thing as context or external stimuli
You and the brainlets agreeing with you deserve the lonely sterile existence you're cursed to live.

hi there lebbit.
dark souls 2 has better character design than DkS1 anyway, retard.

fextrawiki made up the name "corrupt pygmy lord", although he has the same model as them (pygmy lords) he doesn't actually have a crown, so it's entirely reasonable that he isn't a pygmy lord.
he also doesn't worship fillianore (resents the gods) like the rest of the pygmy lords

>it don't have to make sense, don't ruin my dumbass theory
Manus is pretty much the opposite of the furtive pygmy. The furtive pygmy is furtive, there are no candidates. There won't be and there never were.

You're not replying to the Manus user, user. I don't follow behind Dark Souls theories because there's no point in doing so.

He was incredible in Daggerfall. He was mostly a meme machine in Morrowind and early Oblivion, but Shivering Isles was basically an expansion dedicated to assassinating his character, and it's all completely stuck from Skyrim to TESO and probably the next game at all.

Shivering Isles was a mistake. How could they fuck it up so badly when KotN was so fucking good?

>Manus was the furtive Pygmy
I'm 100% fine with this and while I don't get the rabid hate its cool.

I personally feel that it's a huge disservice to what the Pygmy represents to just turn him into a big dumb eldritch monster.

>Manu is a term found with various meanings in Hinduism. In early texts, it refers to the archetypal man, or to the first man (progenitor of humanity).The Sanskrit term for 'human', मानव (IAST: mānava) means 'of Manu' or 'children of Manu'.

>Tacitus wrote that Mannus was the son of Tuisto and the progenitor of the three Germanic tribes Ingaevones, Herminones and Istvaeones.
>>In ancient lays, their only type of historical tradition, they celebrate Tuisto, a god brought forth from the earth. They attribute to him a son, Mannus, the source and founder of their people, and to Mannus three sons, from whose names those nearest the Ocean are called Ingvaeones, those in the middle Herminones, and the rest Istvaeones. Some people, inasmuch as antiquity gives free rein to speculation, maintain that there were more sons born from the god and hence more tribal designations—Marsi, Gambrivii, Suebi, and Vandilii—and that those names are genuine and ancient.

>I don't get the rabid hate
Because it doesn't really make sense, and people point to him being the Furtive Pygmy just because he's some big monster associated with the "Dark" (Abyss).

>Manus was the Pygmy
Implied in first game. Ruined in sequels.
>Solaire is first born
Implied in first game. Ruined in sequels.
>Ornstein was an illusion
>Velka was behind it all
Meme, but painted world stuff is good.
>Emerald Herald was a failed dragon

Dark Souls wasnt supposed to have sequels. This is why the series on for lore.

Sounds very furtive.

*This is why the series is shit on for the lore.

that guys a dumb fag but i cant really agree with that, DS2's npc's were all rather good but never 10/10 other then maybe pate/creighton or lucatiel. DS had a lot of forgettable characters but a lot more memorable ones at the same time

But Manus wasn't always a big dumb eldritch monster the same way the bloatheads weren't always like that.
He only became a monster after what Oolacile did with his corpse. If you'd bother to look at his grave you'd see he was originally like a normal human.