The year two thousand seventeen

>the year two thousand seventeen
>still not a single good game with wizards

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What is Magician Lord?


Magicka gets mentioned in these threads, but it's a little unsatisfying desu. Also Dragon's Dogma because the magic is pretty impressive, but I've played the shit out of that game already. Need myself a good wizarding simulator too.

dominions has all kinds of wizards in it

>he doesn't know

What gayem, my wizza?

Is it free?

Age of Wonders, goddammit. The whole series

what are some cool things to check out if I like the stereotypical white beard wizard archetype

Don't you have to be a straight-up autist to get into that though?

ALL the magic users are gay niggers.

>: (

You mean bard. Wizards are just kissless old virgin autist.

Bard are magic users, real men use warriors, gunners, ninjas and that kind of shit.

Go be a heal slut somewhere else.

Majesty 1 had the best wizards. I'M MEEEELLLTING.

Just play any good online game.

dragon's dogma retard

>no game will ever give you the same feeling of magical power cleric/mage in baldur's gate gives you
>you will never bombard shit with triple implosions in any other game

All style, absolutely no substance.
Pure casters are by far the most boring classes in the entire DD.

>all these faggot games with faggot wizards

I want REAL wizards. 700 year old fucking WIZARDS you f*cks!

>the year two thousand seventeen
>still cant cast a single spell

not him but yeah
it has some of the most ridiculously entertaining magic i've ever seen though
if you want extremely visceral and varied visuals though, look elsewhere

I haven't played a game where you're a wizard-ass wizard. Big beard, pointy hat, sit around in a tower all day farting and eating. Most games don't even want to give wizards a pointy hat, and they're even going so far as to take away our robes. I didn't get into my 30s without so much being hugged by a woman and grow this big beard that goes past my nipples just so I couldn't have a fucking robe and pointy hat. Kinda pisses me off.

Where do you think you are?

Dominions isn't actually hard to play or learn the gist of it, but if you play it multiplayer and you aren't playing with similarly-minded people you'll get destroyed by the autists. It has a lot of depth so if you WANT to go into crazy fine grain management and strategy you benefit from it but it's not required if you just want to play against the computer.

Tell me about wizards... why do they wear the blue robes with yellow pictures of the crescent moon and stars? Why do they sit around all day in their domain and hate visitors so much?

What is the pic describing?

The events of a Dominions IV game.

Hell yeah.
It's worth it though, playing with /domg/ is always a riot.

The problem is that Wizards aren't really conducive to high adventure settings. Wizards are at their best when they are sitting in a tower committing acts of unspeakable science

take this to the proper board you polesmoking pansies



t. faggot who has to compensate for his tiny penis by hefting a useless and stupid sword around to kill people one at a time while wizards can vaporize an entire nation

And that's a relatively calm one. Nobody's killed the sun, made eternal winter, or caused everybody in the world to age rapidly.

Wizards are the most manly of all.
Warriors play around with literal polls as weapons
Rangers are too afraid to get up close and personal

Wizards can tactically fight from far away or up close, using their own power and not rely on some pussy-ass weapons like spears and katanas.

I'm getting Elona+ vibes from this.

t. wears a dress and makes loght shows that put pride parades to shame



Right I should have said the events of an average Dominions IV game.

I just watched this what treasure are you going to get Sup Forums

Should I just start with Dominions IV if I want to get into the series?

Tales of majeyal

Sounds fun, reminds me of the stories created in Dwarf Fortress.
I really liked the part of the Inquisition making a pact with Hell for some reason. Stealing it for DnD

>literal poles as weapons
you mean like a wizard's staff that they rub vigorously while reciting poetry in dead laguages?

that's just an enhanced walking stick, many wizards don't even use them.
at least they don't shove it up each other's asses like warriors do with their pointy spears on the battle field.

Yeah, but you may want to wait a bit. Dominions 5 is releasing any time now and will probably be basically the same price. Unless something terrible and unexpected happens that'll probably be the new standard. Unlike some games there hasn't been much reason to play older Dominions games.

Yeah. Lorewise, each game is presented as a history. Meaning Dominions 3 is described as outdated by the Dominions 4 manual, since they've discovered new historical artifacts that allow them to make new projections of what happened.

I could be persuaded to put together a game about wizards.

Yeah seriously. Reminds me of those crazy contraptions people made for obtuse reasons like throwing children down holes with starving dogs and mermaid bone farms.
Also really reminds me of the crazy shit from SS13.

Yeah, DF, SS13, and Dominions are all different genre games created to scratch that same itch in a very small but dedicated and autistic playerbase. They're something extremely special.

Well the world/universe resets after every game of Dominions so that's why they can remove and add nations willy nilly and change shit as wanted between games. About the only complete constant for Dominions would be gods fighting to become big dick god.

Make a real world game where the leaders of the world are in a occult groups vying for power just like real life

What are you even talking about? Magic in Dragons Dogma is fun as fuck.

>Make a real world game where the leaders of the world are in a occult groups vying for power just like real life

Yes, one thing I was working on was basically a retread of concepts inspired roughly by World Of Darkness shit.

Not sure how I feel about it as a focused thing, though. Making it not-stupid is amazingly difficult. Magic ruins futuristic settings. There is no chocolate-and-peanut-butter synergy.


Mmo rts d2 mixed

Spawn on a planet huge
Town is close to where you spawn
You use abilities to kill enemies and lvl up.
Enemies drop abilities loot quest items and rts supplies

Towns you can become anyone in a town
Your first town you can build up Destroy it
Npcs act with each other

Enemies in the world can build towns You can also become any creature and build up a army.

Npc towns act like real players
Weather effects gameplay
Enemies raid towns and loot and pillage supplies

Many ppl can control a army
Police force controlled by players
Govt and prison all controlled by players

You can convert people to join you with a group army
Raid bosses that take 4 armies to take down
Instances will be mirrored 2 sided dungeons that have a raid boss in the middle

Find a way to modernize magick to appease sci-fi and fantasy mixed

Did nigga knows what's up


>hold a button for 30 seconds
>something awesome happens
>repeat 1000 times cycling through the same 6 spell animations

Dom5 is coming out next month, so you might wanna wait.

nice evening gown, does it come in women's sizes?


It's called Sup Forums

Master of Magic for MDOS. It's basically civ but you're a super cool wizard. As for cost it's abandonware so you can get if for free and nobody will care. I'd highly recommend getting the bugfix patches installed, but even without it's still a great game.

How the fuck isn't there a good magic game yet? Magicka did a good attempt, that one game where you drew symbols in the air was a neat attempt, where the fuck are the rest? Where's my dynasty warriors: magic edition?

You take your three skills (CC, nuke, nuke) ASSFAGGOTS and you like it.

It's all about the crazy stories you can tell after each game.

Naming your pretender and your commanders is half the fun of the game.

Thank you and no, because women can't be wizards.

Every game is free

Even giant man-eating jews.

what games have wizard battles that are more than hurling lighting bolts and glowing orbs at one another?

Who is the oldest wizard in vidya

>get that one wizard staff in skyrim that does wacky stuff
>completely trivializes the rest of the game

I wanna see a wizard battle where they only use their staves to beat each other up.

But for real, why didnt the eagles carry those fucks to mt doom

gee joey why does your mom let you have TWO rocket launchers

>No games that let you be a thug ass wizard

Honestly if you can work out how to play Civilization or Total War then you can work out Dominions. The autism comes from understanding the ins-and-outs of the magic system and learning how to build effective hero characters.

>Magic exists as a constant part of the world and is available to anyone who dedicates themselves to learning how to channel it
>Low level spells such as a simple light source can simply be cast by speaking the correct words
>Can accidentally cast/miscast spells just by guessing. You're never restricted from casting a spell, but need to learn how to channel them correctly to maximize their potential and require the right ingredients or rituals for some
>Magic follows certain rules, so that you can logically figure out how to cast variations upon spells with some experience
I need a game like this





>Most games don't even want to give wizards a pointy hat
Don't fucking remind me, this pisses me off to no end

Yeah that's called electricity

(Authors note: Reaper wizard is a woman)



post magic

i agree


>playing dragons dogma and run into a golem
>magic is worthless
>throw staff aside and just start punching it to death



game shits on me so hard

Does anyone know where the stars and crescent moon design came from? Like who invented this specific design that represents the generic wizard?