Why am I so bad at fighting games Sup Forums?
Why am I so bad at fighting games Sup Forums?
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Post your boipussy and I'll tell you
Iktf. I suck at games in general
Dedicate your life to literature then
You need a trainer.
Men don't have boipussies, I just posted that image because it reflects how I feel and is a fighting game character. Neck yourself, homo.
Because you're the same as 99% of people who pretend to be good at them on the internet.
I don't pretend to be good at them.
You don't practice enough. You should be using training mode at least an hour a day if you want to get good.
My guess would be a lack of practice. Now get off of Sup Forums and start practicing.
Fucking creep man. Yuck.
id fuck her so hard
Two words
Mindset is huge. When I was trying to get competitive, I was shit. My mind was thinking of a million necessary things. There were times when I was either drunk or dead tired, when my play would improve because I filtered out all that shit associated with anxiety or depression.
Also, having physical people to train with helps. Trying to learn by yourself with only randos online is tough and demoralizing.
Just a few vidya releases later and she should be legal
>Tfw bretty gud at ground combos but aerial makes me drop my spaghetti
Guess I'll just find a character who only uses ground shit.
Why don't you tell us what the issue is first.
What games do you play?
I have a really difficult time starting up an offense on the enemy and I also have a really difficult time breaking away from the enemies offense. I'm mostly fine in neutral and once I've started attacking the enemy I'm good at keeping the pressure, but otherwise I'm fucked.
How can you be fine at neutral but be bad at starting offense? Maybe you're playing too safe?
I don't feel like I'm playing safe, it just seems that nearly everything I do gets blocked and then I have to back out again. I try to do mix-ups but a lot of the time I just get punished for it.
What game specifically? Xrd? Are you trying to go for high/low or also hit/throw and frame traps?
Play games that are actually good and drop those shitty fighting games.
Yes, Xrd. I mostly just go for high and low, I try not to throw because I always end up messing it up unless I'm doing it on wake up. I tried to do frame traps but I felt like I was in over my head and I was under the impression that it's best to learn one system at a time rather than trying to learn it all at once.
You don't practice
Because you're playing a hybrid-charge character in GGXrd.
By messing up your throw I assume you mean you end up throwing out 5HS/6HS because you tried to dash>throw? If so, are you doing fd dash cancels? You can completely stop your momentum if you use faultless defense during a dash, helps a ton for throwing since you can't throw unless you're still/walking.
For frame traps it depends in your character, if you main Mai I think her 2S Is a good button to use after a few jabs because it staggers on CH? Maybe not in Xrd though.
That is how I've been messing up my throw, I'll try FD cancelling, I remember that being in one of the missions, but I've just been dashing, stopping and then trying to throw or I've been trying to do tick throws. I don't play May, though, I play Ky and Slayer.
The thing about dash>throw is that even if you stop dashing, the braking animation counts as part of the dash and messes up your throw, fd dash canceling is the most reliable and fastest way to do it, doesn't apply to Slayer of course. Slayer is the CH king so you should try to learn frametrapping with him.
I'll try to work on that then, thanks for the tips.
Frametrapping is both easy and essential. For Ky, just do a 2p, wait a brief moment, and then do a c.s. If it counterhits you get to combo into a 6h for a lot of damage. You can set a dummy Ky to do it on you and try to mash against it to see if you got it right. If you can mash 2p out of the string then you're putting too much of a gap inbetween the jab and the close slash, if you can't mash at all then you aren't putting enough of a gap.
Why am I so bad at games Sup Forums?
That's interesting, would you like to take a seat over there?
Did justin ever comment on these webms?
Should the 2P connect, or do you mean I should do the 2P to get the enemy to attack so I can counter them with c. S?
Yeah he replied to this thread
You want the 2p to be blocked. The intention is to make them scared of mashing buttons during your blockstrings. If they mash they get counterhit for big damage. If you do this successfuly to someone enough times, and they have sufficient problem solving skills, they'll stop mashing during your blockstrings, enabling you to do throw mixups instead. Similarly, if they never mash against your pressure, you should stop frametrapping and start doing other things to open them up
stupid sissy Sup Forumsposter
Don't ever call me that again.
Dont see your mixups getting blocked as a bad thing, see them as an opportunity to condition your opponent so you can go for something else later
May has really good oki and can be safe while doing it, but she can also reset preassure prety easilly by jump canceling your normals and jumping in again, every time you get a jump in you get the opportunity to go for a command grab, and if you go for frame traps instead and they block it, you can still go for run - grab or another jump cancel
You just need to be sure on doing strings that allow you to hit confirm (2-3 hits) and if they block, it allows you to go for another preassure situation (something like 2.k x c.S x f.s or 2.p x 2.p x c.s for less pushback and confirming into sweep)
I should clarify this with, you want the 2p to blocked, and them to be mashing buttons after they realize you are now doing your blockstring. They want to be mashing because mashing stops you ending your pressure early to move forward and perform a throw or restart pressure from a better position. This video explains how pressure works in Guilty Gear pretty well.
stupid sissy Sup Forumsposter
Get some friends and practice. That's the best way to get better.
What the fuck is going on in Guilty Gear? Who the fuck asked for Kum Haeyun and Answer? Where the FUCK are all the past characters?
>inb4 ubermensches invade the thread yelling about genetics and some graph that has do to with IQ
Fun is all that matters. Remember, there’s few games that aren’t fun with a friend or two.
I mean she's cute but come on man, if youre doing that shit in public you are a terrible person
Yes I have those fantasies but I keep it to my brain because I know I can cause damage to the persons sexual and mental development, and that shit just stresses me out so I fap to them to calm down
where's robo and testament ffs
Robo Ky and Zappa will almost definitely be put in eventually. I have my doubts about Testament, though. Putting in new characters is fine as well, some of the new characters could definitely be re-worked, but I think they're all good conceptually and it's nice to have someone different for a change.
Damn didnt see you dont play may
Anyway, with ky you dont want to do much overheads, go for frame traps instead, he has ton of them, specially now with the new 6.hs, practice run fd throw, or you can run, then stop gor like a quarter of a second then throw, the thing is that the stop running animation still moves you forward so you can let go of the run at like max 5.k distance and the animation puts you on point blank for throws, thats how i do it but practicing fd cancel is important too
I'm going to bed now but I'd feel bad if I didn't say anything after you made two posts of advice, so thanks.
ky is unga shit for retards