So I bought Stormblood and was playing through this game for the first time...

So I bought Stormblood and was playing through this game for the first time. I finished ARR and was excited to start HW then realized there were 101 quests I still had to do! Not only that but they were all main quests and all of them are boring as fuck. Why did they think this was a good idea?


Is this bait? It's really bad, obvious bait if it is.

Not bait, why is this game so boring

It's a final fantasy game. If you don't care about the story, then why the fuck are you even playing it?

The story between ARR and HW is SHIT, why should i care about it.

be a good goy and pay $25 to skip it

seriously dude.. play the fucking game. A lot happens between ARR and HW.

>skipping the story in a final fantasy game
literal retardation

About how long in terms of hours would it take for someone to play through all of ARR at a normal pace?

Maybe like 150 hours? Can't say for sure, but I do know that ARR and HW together took me nearly 300 hours, if not the full 300. And I was playing it like a single-player story JRPG.

My friend went from the very beginning of ARR to the end of SB without skipping cutscenes in around 3 weeks. Not sure how long she played each day though.

>from the very beginning of ARR to the end of SB without skipping cutscenes in around 3 weeks
My dude I'm pretty sure you're friend is full of shit. It took me about a month to get through ARR and HW and I played it when I was a fucking NEET playing the game for like 12 hours a day.

I'm on the quest where you have to do the Snowcloak duty, please tell me I'm close to HW...

Maybe she skipped filler cutscenes and only watched the major ones then. But I know she started brand new and got through SB in under a month. Maybe she was poopsocking it too.

You're at 2.4, 2.5 and 2.55 after and then you're in HW. 2.55 is actually good though, unlike the rest of 2.x.

You have about 35 MSQ quests to go

This is your party tonight

I feel like she must've played for a few weeks then used a story skip potion or something. There's no way she got entirely through ARR, HW, AND SB in less than a month.

Fuck me. I guess it'd be a waste to do story skip when I'm this far in though.

Male Au Ra were a mistake.

Don't skip the story, you fuck. Why even play this game if you're going to skip the story? Story skip is for people who already played through it once before.

Maybe because its a fucking MMO and I just want to catch up to my friends or get to the content thats actually fun dumb fuck

It's final fantasy first, MMO second. Don't play this game if you don't care about the story.

>skip story
>have no content to play because they barely put out a few crumbs of content every 3-4 months
>complain that there's no content

Ehhhh.I think under a month to go from ARR to SB is possible depending on how long you play each day. If you're a Tank or Healer you won't have to wait for queues for MSQ dungeons/trials either. They were definitely some cutscene skipping going on at some point though. No way you can do it reading every single line of dialogue.

I get what you're saying but trust me this game isn't that fun even with friends if you aren't enjoying the story at all.

not him
but the story in ffxiv is awfully mediocre
and especially the cursed 50 ones
i'll admit that there's important details to the story in that pile of trash

ARR and HW were great. I had a blast with them.

Do they have knots?

>play as anything but tank
>everyone positions themselve properly
>play tank
>everything has to stay behind me or on my side

i enjoyed it a lot too
it's just that the level 50 quests is a legitimate complaint


When will furfags die off already?

