How do you feel about the SaGa series? Do any other JRPG series stray as far from the genre formula as these?

How do you feel about the SaGa series? Do any other JRPG series stray as far from the genre formula as these?

I played the first game and it was absolutely terrible


Final Fantasy Legend?
Were the Shadow Hearts games that unconventional from a gameplay standpoint? I just remember them having timing-based combat like Legend of Dragoon.

Yeah, final fantasy legend.

When it's good, it's really, really good, and it still has the best technique system of any JRPG I've ever played. When it's bad, it's an impenetrable, broken mess.

I want to like it. It's good, in theory.

Easily my favorite JRPG series, most consistently great.

>rent saga frontier from blockbuster as a kid
>it was actually saga frontier 2
>spend hours learning all the skills for the main guy
>you don't get to use him again and he dies in a cut scene later on
>other plot is a jojo reference
>also there's some bs strategy minigame
I don't know how I should feel about this

Only played FF Legend 1 and 2 but I can't get into the others, might give Romancing SaGa 3 another go after I'm done with Phantasy Star 4.

I liked Legend of Legacy, which I'm told is by SaGa's creator but not really SaGa due to lack of characters, among other things. Too hard for casual players, too easy for actual SaGa fans.

I just wish they would make more of em like SaGa Frontier I in terms of gameplay and II in terms of artstyle and direction. Those 2 were undoubtedly the high points of the series, even if they are considered the easiest among the bunch barring the Battle of South Moundtop.

You DO know that skills you learn with any character can be used by other characters, right?

they weren't as cool though

It's a good series, pretty much all the games are fun. SaGa Frontier 2, Unlimited Saga, and Scarlet Grace stand out for me in particular.

I'm actualy sad this isn't on the PSN store in NA but it is in JP.

huh, I didn't know that. Guess I'll be prepared when I get around to it.
I'm sorry I couldn't find a black hand to hold it

I really like the idea and concept, but I'm a massive shitter at learning how to even play these games. I've tried Romancing SaGa, Minstrel Song, and Genius of Sapherios. Where's a good starting point and any starting tips?

Final Fantasy Legend II is a good way to ease yourself into the series, and it is fairly short.

Nigga what, final fantasy legend was fun.

im super new to this series, but i fucking love the graphics of saga frontier 2, i really want to play that game, i dont care if its connected to another ones or something, i just love how it looks. what should i do?

There's also a DS remake of that, which would you recommend?

As right as you are That's your subjective opinion m8. Wil and Ginny definitely have their moments in badassery. The former for being a hardened son-of-a-bitch thatt actually struck it big and married his waifu, the latter being a fine ass 14-y.o. that can technically take on the final boss all by herself.

I played a good amount of the SaGa 3 DS remake in runes and it was nice, but I never finished it.

I played some of the original Romancing SaGa recently but I just felt completely lost.

The creator is still at Square Enix, and still making games there. LoL supposedly had some ex-staff, though.

I remember the final boss being really hard. I got to the last form but couldn't beat it so I had to break out the gameshark.

I don't blame you for saying that. Pretty much anyone's blind run into that game will have end up leaving them with an underpowered team that can't handle the final boss, much less the Edelritter.

Oh is he? Eh, never looked too hard into it.