This has managed to become the absolute worst fanbase Sup Forums has ever seen in only a few short months...

This has managed to become the absolute worst fanbase Sup Forums has ever seen in only a few short months. Completely surpassing obnoxious Sony fans.

Is it because they're the only ones in early adoption mode right now? Or are they just always going to be like this?

Talking about Nintendo on this site was pleasant before this stupid fucking console got announced.

>Is it because they're the only ones in early adoption mode right now?
Yes, most of the current Switch owners are 'Nintendo fans'.

>Or are they just always going to be like this?
No, it'll get better once normies adopt the Switch, which will be when it gets more third party games and drops in price.

>This has managed to become the absolute worst fanbase Sup Forums has ever seen

Get ready to be BTFO by Mario

Mario looks like a ton of fun.
I'm a Nintendofag
The Switch is an awful piece of hardware and the people who have early adopted it on Sup Forums are the most goddamn obnoxious posters I have ever experienced.

Half the people talking about Switch don't sound like they even have the console.

There is definitely something odd about Switch owners. It's easy to write them off as shills or fanboys, but I'm betting the most vocal ones are actually casuals in denial or "tired gamers" who realized that the Switch is the only thing that still tethers them to this hobby. No other demographic places so much value on portability:

>it lets them play games (guilt free) in small bites while multitasking
>since they progress so slowly through said games, they can't understand why idorts aren't satisfied with the Switch's current lineup
>willfully ignorant as to why third-parties aren't pledging their full support to the weakest current gen system that also happens to have the lowest install base

I've never seen people treat a system with the same level of adoration you'd give a family pet before. What irks me is the possibility that Switch owners see the Wii audience, dudebros, casuals in general, and even other Nintendo fans as beneath them when they are no better.

>This has managed to become the absolute worst fanbase Sup Forums has ever seen in only a few short months. Completely surpassing obnoxious Sony fans.
t. Sony fan who doesn't know how obnoxious the Sony fanbase became after the PS4 launch

>"tired gamers"
Is this is the same demographic where some reviewers defend 2-hour games because "Some people have families and they can't afford to sink time into some 40-60 hour experience" despite that making almost no sense?

>tfw no switch

The only two Sony devices I own are a PS1 and a Vita

dude honestly if anything it's sonyfags who are obnoxious
nintenbros are pretty chill but when it comes to fags raiding threads it's usually the sony ones

Nintendo fans are fine. Most of the time they're just in their own threads.

It's insecurity from liking things made for children. And for losing for so long.

>This has managed to become the absolute worst fanbase Sup Forums has ever seen
What? I guess Sonyroaches don't exist. Oh wait this is a falseflagging Sonyroach thread. Why are you guys so jumpy today, you keep making threads to shit on the Switch and Xbox One X, and then you keep shitting up Metroid and Halo threads with your bullshit. Why are your asses so ruptured today, Sonyroach?

Yeah but if you own a 3DS or WiiU you get to see first hand how obnoxious they are
>Every 3DS thread reminding everyone how shit the hardware is and how it should be a Switch game
>Every WiiU game is rancidly terrible until a Switch port gets announced, then suddenly it's amazing

I wish two hour long replayable games existed still. Even supposedly retro games take hours to beat and let you save.

I love the Switch, but you're right OP, it's just the fact that when a console does well, the fucking fans of it start talking about sales and acting like fucking children, but ultimately it's because they're underage, false-flagging and shitposting for fun or other dumb shit that doesn't involve playing videogames

“Nintendo fans”

Mario Kart 8 deluxe is outselling the original. That should send a signal that people who bought it are new people who don’t have Wii U.

seeI'm a gigantic Nintendofag

It's a fact that Nintendbros start the most console war threads. They also cry the most. They're like children.

You lying faggot

Yeah I bet you do. You miss being able to shitpost about the Wii U and claim Nintendo is going bankrupt 24/7. I miss those days too, good times. Nice not being able to talk about a fucking Nintendo game without hearing you fags shitpost the threads endlessly

I assure you, that's not the case

Honestly, you just sound like some bitter cunt


Why are you falseflagging then?
>Talking about Nintendo on this site was pleasant before this stupid fucking console got announced.
This isn't true at all.

Pleasant by Sup Forums standards and infinitely more pleasant than now.
It's really my collection user.

Well what I said still stands. It was not better. Metroid threads being shit up, Wii threads being shit up, every fucking thread about a Wii U game shit up. How the hell do you miss that? Say what you will about Switch fans being overzealous these days, but you're off your rocker if you think that's preferable. And you know it. You have nothing to gain from.going back to that.

>pleasant by Sup Forums standards

So, it's only pleasant when we can shitpost. That sounds about right. This is Sup Forums after all

Because once the shitposters got tired we had a nice thread.
Now it never ends because the Switch owners are the biggest shitposters on the site.

I had a much easier time talking about Xenoblade Chronicles X on Sup Forums before the Switch than after. And we probably wont be able to again until it gets a Switch port.

>You have nothing to gain from.going back to that.
Monster Hunter threads say otherwise.

Combination of factors here
>massive inferiority complex due to the WiiU's crash and burn failure, constantly feeling the need to assert themselves because 'THINGS ARE GOING TO BE DIFFERENT THIS TIME, YOU'LL SEE'

>Lack of games leads to jealousy at other platforms, so they shitpost everyone else's games under a variety of guises with many different tactics (port begging, common derails, falseflagging as another fanbase) because if they can't have those games then no one should be able to discuss them

>combination of buyer's remorse and sunk cost causes them to violently defend against perfectly warranted criticism of the system's many, many flaws, any thread that tries to discuss these is dogpiled by them to derail it

Nintenkiddos have just gotten worse and worse over the years.

it was never pleasant

They never got tired. They never fucking stopped. Look at the archives, they would either make threads 24/7 or shitpost until a thread 404'd. I can't believe you miss shitposting. Jesus Christ the absolute state of this board.

Seriously. We just need to rangeban Nintendo fans. Maybe we'll finally have actual discussion instead of constantly drowning in fucking Odyssey threads.

The shitposting is worse now than it was in 2014 and 2015 for Nintendo games.
I skipped out on Sup Forums for the entirety of 2016 so I can't really comment.

>Pleasant by Sup Forums standards and infinitely more pleasant than now.
>shitting on Nintendo every time, the gen where goldfaces and wojaks were made and popularized, are more pleasant than now
Seriously dude how?

No, you'd just find something else to shit up.

there's worse things on this board than nintendo threads lmao

If Nintendo fans just fucked off, we wouldn't have to keep dumping on them.

Frankly, yes, Nintendo fans were more pleasant to talk to on Sup Forums when they were grounded by the WiiU's failure

t. Never seen a miracle.

>I had a much easier time talking about Xenoblade Chronicles X on Sup Forums before the Switch than after.
This is a faulty assumption.
When X was out there was one dedicated shitposter going by the name of FFXV-kun.
And that was the only time X threads were comfy.
Otherwise before launch it was censorship this, breast slider that.
Also of course X threads are trash now, X2 is coming out, shitposters always flood into a thread when a new entry is impending.

it might have to do in part with the mainstream-targeting advertising.

I'm an idort myself, but I've always had the latest Nintendo system, the Switch is no exception, but I did pay attention to it's advertising and how it was a lot more wider-reaching than the WiiU's, it's possible you've got people here who haven't bought a system in years, or god-forbid the mobile crowd having adopted it.

this is like we've added actual, literal children to the fanbase presence on Sup Forums along with the entitled mainstream types who get pissy when someone disagrees with them and can't just walk away.

either that or strawman posting has just increased by like 300%, I wouldn't doubt this either.

>we wouldn't have to keep dumping on them.
Ah, I see, so you're the problem, not Nintendo fans.

>The Switch is an awful piece of hardware

as a non nintendo-fag I disagree. He was actually a lot higher quality than I was expecting it to be after all of the horror stories. The nice kind of rubber finish on the console and controllers really makes me feel great, and the screen i gorgeous

I was expecting it to break the second after taking it out of the box from what Sup Forums was telling me

See this bullshit OP? They take console wars this seriously and you think Nintendo fans are the worst?
There's a reason Sony was voted worst fanbase on Sup Forums, this bullshit is part of it.