Accidentally hit an ally during a battle

>Accidentally hit an ally during a battle
>him and his buddies take their attention away from the enemy to attack me

>Misclick and pocket an empty, rusty, tin can
>Tin can was 'owned' by an NPC
>NPC and entire town commit to killing you for this transgression and will stop and nothing until you are dead

>accidentally shoot a guy
>apologize to him
>some randos who dont even know him get pissed at me anyway, EVEN WHEN I APOLOGIZED, and teamkill me the entire game
fuck first person shooters

>ally runs into your grenade
>insta kick

Fucking Halo 2 online.

North Korea always promises to nuke Hawaii and Guam, not California.

>Run over teammate on accident
>Kicked on the very frame he dies
>Teammate kills you for sniper rifle
>Gets away with it 3x in a row without being kicked

>that random who'd cry if he didn't get a power wep
>follow him into battle and lower his shields
>enemies kill him easily
>random rages and kills me
>"Would you like to boot..."

WHEW, I miss Halo online.

Good times when a shitty map came up and it was Rockets my friends and I would just instantly suicide not letting the enemies even kill us and just watch Youtube vids.

>Playing Halo 3
>Start shooting an ally, meleeing him and intentionally missing
>He gets mad and kills you
>Proceed to kick him from the match

>Playing Zombies
>We're all crouched waiting for the zomboes
>Pull out pistol, shoot the guy infront of me twice, pull out shotgun
>He turns around, sees the shotgun in my hand, sees the pistol in the hand of the guy next to me
>Blasts the fucker

>Playing Griffball
>Go to smash that faggot griff on the the enemy team
>all my buds lunged with their swords at the same time
>fuck oops, but really I guess they'll learn not to do that when someones got a hammer near them
>The exact same fucking thing happens
>"Et tu, Brute?"

>North Korea has been promising for 20 years to blow us up
>Over those 20 years send food, money, medical aid
>Now they potentially have the possibility of doing so and people flip the fuck out
This world has a worse written story than any of the call of duties

Always kill a traitor before and enemy Jimbo.

californians can't stand anything not being about them

What did he mean by this?

If California got nuked and it didn't affect any other states I don't think anyone would care. They already ran out the tech industry so nothing will be lost.

>there is no friendly fire
>run around during round breaks and annoy your comrades
I miss Mass Effect 3 multiplayer

As a nevadan who will be fucked if cali got nuked I am willing to bite the bullet so those commiefornians are wiped from the face of the earth. All that would be left is to destroy florida and new york

I would wish for your shithole state's elimination, but since you live in a desert and got BTFO by an old guy in a hotel already I guess I'm getting my wish.

California, and it's people are self absorbed and narcissistic.

Seriously though, get your shit together Kimmy, I'm tired of California, and so is most of the rest of the country.
Even the people that disagree with them politically fucking hate their guts.

>Even the people that disagree with them politically fucking hate their guts.

So like Sup Forums?

California is the size of some fucking countries. People in the middle act nothing like people in the south, and the north might as well be fucking Idaho because it's nothing but hicks and meth.

Can you please just fucking do it already, north korea?

So fucking tired of the oligarchy.

>Anyone getting mad at me in multiplayer games.

Yes but more gay and more mental issues.

lets face it. anyone with any intelligence in the us is living in california anyway

like have you ever heard an east coaster talk, ridiculous, they are like animals

They've all moved to Austin.

But I am willing to die.


>fight dragon
>accidentaly hit the guard
>whole town+guards+jarl+dragon+dwemer creatures that dwell secretely underground+farm animals+trees+my companion turn their attention to me
>get hit by arrow up my knee
>i'm now a guard

>Diving headfirst into his point with open arms and a gleaming smile
Good gracious fuck.

>playing and try to shoot a drone
>guy walks in front of me
>i shoot him
>he turns around, shoots me
>report him and leave when I'm the last person alive next match
Fuck you Javi_81

haha great post Scott

That's funny.
With all the spics and niggers infesting your shithole state you guys are about as smart as Georgia.

how dare you reply to my post. go drink your water that literally catches on fire

>Norks will only ever threaten to nuke places with intelligent people
>tfw Norks will never blow shitholes like Alabama or Oklahoma to kingdom come like they deserve

California is a shithole full of morons and spics.
t. Massachusetts

