Launching a week before Mario Odyssey

>launching a week before Mario Odyssey
Why does Nintendo want to bury this game?

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It's shit.

wait, does that mean it's out today?

>why does Koei-Tecmo want to bury this game

Fixed for you.

Midnight tonight.

It’s a cash grab just like hyrule warrirs so who cares

They don't want to, they're just incompetent as fuck and have made bad decisions regarding this game since it's reveal

Dude, not every Switch owner is into platformers

because fire emblem is trash and dead

I dunno, Why did they bury Arms with Splatoon?

well I'm in australia so it's tomorrow here. just checked and it's already out

>74 on Metacritic

Top kek.

They couldn't release it November because they gave that month to Bethesda.

why should I get this when I could get Ys VIII instead?

Even they know it's shit

and that's just the shill websites like SWITCHGAMEREVIEWZ and NINTENDUDE64 and HEYGUYANDREHERE

>Three pre-launch DLC packs discussed
>They add even more Fateswakening ft. Akanea shit

>most negative review is complaining about the genre its in
I'm not a huge fan of Musou either but that's fucked up.

>they're just incompetent as fuck and have made bad decisions regarding this game since they've started development


>when the most memorable thing about this game is the dev team telling the director or whatever he doesn't know shit about FE

Fuck I hadn't heard that one yet. Source?

To be fair, with this much post-awakening cocksucking I want to burry it too.

Because Ys VIII is boring as fuck thanks to flash guard/flash move making every fight a joke.

With that garbage roster, it deserves to flop.
>Hayashi: Some staff even got into quarrels with us to the point that they were saying ‘I’m going to leave this project’. They said bizarre things like ‘Hayashi doesn’t know anything about Fire Emblem!’.

They also announced the Dlc characters today. At least i might pick it up for Owain when he comes out next year by then i can probaly pick it up off ebay for 20 bucks or so.

Can we make a list of problems with this game without naming specific characters...
>Having to pay extra for characters already on the cart, when in HW it was a free update
>DLC made exclusively as waifu bait, all the new warriors are female along with broken armor costumes.
>No playable villains, when HW had 6
>Warriors can't change weapons even if their class normally would allow it.
>No armored units
>Abundance of clone characters when HW managed to have none.
>Sub-par soundtrack
>DLC is an extension of the 3 games already represented. At least HW had the decency to add Majora's mask.
>Director already assumed they would be making a sequel and gimped the game because of it.
Anything I'm missing?

They were probably right. Hayashi didn't care about anything except getting Loli Tiki in. The stupid pedo.

Fuck, how did I forget that but remember the part after where he mentions how he was planning on holding a better roster hostage behind a sequel?

No removable spats, no buy.

Heros treats the series with more respect.

It's somewhat comforting to know that not everyone there were idiots. There were some who knew what a trainwreck the roster was and fought to try and save it.

So is it confirmed that it has dual audio through a patch like P5?
Because english dub sounded awful.

Day one DLC

>fateswakening featuring marth (and lyn who was thrown in at the last minute wearing fucking spats and shares her moveset with fucking navarre)
>or game that acknowledges the other games
it's gachashit but it shows more love to older games than the fucking musou game does.

Who the hell would buy a Nintendo console and not get a mainline Mario game on it?

You mentioned the dlc is waifu bait. I'll add that the base roster already had more female characters than male so adding even more of that mess was so fucking stupid. They could've had Merric and Camus instead of, or even in addition to, Linde and Minerva. They could've put Gaius in instead of Olivia. But, nope. Gotta have more waifu trash.

Yuropoor so I already have the game, it has a voice language option in the settings but it's grayed out. I expect there to be a free download soon though I dunno why not right away.

This is among the better Warriors games gameplay-wise imo. I don't play mainline FE so the roster is not a problem for me as I just want different cool characters a to play as, liked playing everyone so far.

Free DLC

Youre not allowed to like things, just keep complaining or get out

People who don't suck Mario's fat Italian cock

Me. Never cared about mario. Fire emblem and zelda are better

Honestly, as a big fan of Hyrule warriors, this looks pretty weak.

Needs more cuhrayzee.

No Tharja no buy

She's confirmed to be DLC.

Is this worth getting if i played both hyrule warriors and Fate/extella?

I'm kind of bored and dont want more of the same.

>Not getting both

Are you poor?

Hyrule Warriors came out a few days after Smash 3DS so it's a similar situation.

Splatoon 2 came out over a month after Arms. FEW and Mario are exactly one week apart.
The weird thing is that there's no major Switch game for November, so they could've slotted it in there.

ORAS and Smash for Wii U came out the same day and that did fine.

If you want to understand why FEW is so fucked and has so many bad choices, then all you need to know is that the producer is the man who directed this fucking turd that killed Ninja Gaiden. Thankfully, even if FEW fails miserably, mainline FE will still exist.

>mainline still exists
The console FE is honestly going to make or break FE for me. I hated Fates and if it is of a similar format, I'm done with the series. And FEW just gets a special kind of hatred from me. I'm a fan of both DW and FE and I've wanted an FE musou for years. People throw around the term monkey paw these days like candy but that defines how I feel about it.



The people buying this trash heap over Mario are legitimately braindead. Even Fates and Awakeningfags hate this shit game.

Mario games are trash. FEW looks much better and will provide more hours of gameplay. In before butthurt /feg/ shitters bawwwwwwwwww

not's a pretty stale/mindless genre


It's honestly expected that reviews of a musou will complain that it's a fucking musou. I enjoyed Hyrule Warriors, but I completely get why someone would be turned off from the core gameplay.

Doom is Nov 10th.

3rd party, I know, but it's somethin.

Even the Japanese hate this game and thankfully sold like shit. The only reason to play a musou spinoff is for the fan service, but it has trash fanservice so why bother unless you're a Awakeningcuck. Hell the good Awakening characters aren't even in the base roster. They even missed potential with Fates cast who have fucking unique weapon types and are just the royals. When a mobile gacha game respects the series more than a high budget console title, and even devs shit on it, you know you fucked up.

I know. And Skyrim is the week afterward, with LA Noire sandwiched in-between.
I was specifically talking about Nintendo published games.
The only game Nintendo themselves are putting out in November is Snipperclips Plus. And that's only a new game in the same way New Super Luigi U was a new game.

Doom is the 10th and Skyrim is the 17th. They gave it to Bethesda to maximize their sales.

You can't ever trust a review of a musou by someone who doesn't enjoy musous. They're niche, and always have only okay scores because of all the non-musou reviewers slamming them EVERY TIME. Now if a musou fan says a musou is shit, it's probably shit.

I just bought this game for her. The only other game I will have is Mario Odyssey.

The mobile gachashit game "respects" the series inasmuch as it costs fucking pennies to include a character in it. Of course it's going to have a much, much larger cast of characters, you dumbfuck.


I bought it so I had something to play until Mario comes out.

Warriors games are trash fuck off and be thankful you have a game you for some reason like faggot weebs

If the roster is any indication, they definitely want to cover this shit up with a possibly superior game.


Thank god I am not poor.
At least not anymore.

They're for different audiences, it's fine, this thread shouldn't exist

I'm just waiting for the us .cia to drop so I can scoop up the game. I wouldn't mind the roster so much if the characters played differently.

Careful user. Making sense on this site will drive them mad.

It should exist

No the gacta game has better gameplay and included characters from a larger ranger than just three games when it came out lmao. It also has far superior fanservice

So how is it?? Does anyone have it???

HW had one villain at launch, Ganondorf. But no villains in the DLC is ridic
Changing weapons is an unreasonable request, they could do it but then there'd be even more clone movesets than there are

The rest of those complaints are on point, but also remember that because they were lazy and wanted to reuse the Awakening/Fates CG models we got ALL 8 ROYALS AND NO ONE ELSE that look as weird as they do.

>nu/v/ complaining about spats
This place is fucking awful

Here we go again

Buying a new 3ds for this game

>mobile gacha shit
>better gameplay than anything

This has to be a troll

>literally FE but on smaller maps
>not better than generic musou
I don't even play it anymore but I'll take that over this piece of shit. At least even the music isn't trash remixes.

You shouldn't exist.

No one even has it and you wonder why odyssey is coming out a week later.


They should have instead done more games with fewer characters in each. This would have been a significantly better roster:


Loli Tiki


>Blazing Blade

>Sacred Stones


Robin - M

Corrin - F

Then they could have used the DLC to add in Roy and Lilina (or the superior Cecilia), Sigurd/Seliph and Diedre/Julia, and other characters from already represented games like Wrys, Minerva, Camilla, Tacomeat, Tharbage, Michiah, etc. They could also have done a "Heroes Pack" with Sharena, 'phonse and Reinhardt.

There is a very small minority who would buy this game and not Mario. Putting them together like this isn't a smart decision for sells.

I won't get it

Which game is better. FEW or Marvel Infinite?

Hot my copy early today, pretty much what I was expecting.

By rote garbage?

Pretty much like any other musou game.

How the fuck does this genre not die

because it's awesome and creates butthurt


Because people eat this shit up because of Muh crossover

Some people have outgrown Nintenkiddieshit and never give a fuck about Mario or Zelda after entering high school.

I bought a 3DS just for MH games and RF4. Was about to buy a Switch just for MHXX but decided not to after MHW's reveal.

That's what I'm thinking, too

Any PAL players here? I'm from Australia and we STILL don't have the Japanese DLC available.

People enjoy it? Works like anything else, all because you don't like it doesn't mean others won't also.